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Everything posted by rikkkki

  1. rikkkki


    now for the main scan BTW I'm saving the HJT files to the actual HJT folder and it works:
  2. rikkkki


    I'll try it this time here goes;
  3. rikkkki


    No search results for rpcSs but the Ultimate Troubleshooter has it listed right here
  4. rikkkki


    OK here is the latest HJT file: Well some other time I guess. It won't take. Keeps telling me it has to be txt, etc but I can't save it as a txt. When I go to save the only choice I get is .log or all files and that won't work. I've posted HJT before. Is my memory that short? :haha:
  5. rikkkki


    Well I got this window before I even had a chance to re-boot. I'll post it now and then reboot AHH Duh, I meant after disabling rpcSs in the services
  6. rikkkki


    Hey Dude. I did have my services trimmed down alot until this started and I've been starting some of them up to see if that makes any difference. Let me know which ones that I can "disable" and I will I have not run CWS Shredder.I'll stop the rpcSs Then I'll do another HJT and post. BTW, on my second hard drive I have a perfect match lsass file :!: Same exact file version-sp2 and all. See, the drive is, or was, a complete OS before I transferred all important stuff over to my 80GB disk and then pulled this one out if that makes any sense. I'll do the services thing and the HJT right now and post, stay tuned
  7. rikkkki


    Here's the link, go down aways to "bhavesh" and read. I guess it's not the exact problem I had ie, mine doesn't shut down unless I delete the error right away, anyhow here goes. http://forum.theispguide.com/isp-ftopic2693.html BTW It looks like "cjs fixes" posted this one first,,,,,,,,,
  8. rikkkki


    I think the shrapnel from this thing is getting a little too much. It's seems to be permeating throughout my system.. Now look at what I get when I try to get into system info! And then the network thing. And the mouse thing which also seems to affecting the way windows media 10 works, ie, I can't close it out the way I always did. And the windows scripting thing when I open the ultimate troubleshooter. Too many cooties I have reinstalled the mouse, maybe 4 times, windows media 10 at least once. I can't just click on a video to watch it, I have to refresh the screen several times before it will "take" whew. Do you think that all this is coming from one cootie? Or maybe a couple cooties. BTW, just in case, this morning I put in a second hard drive(slave) in my unit, and that could be my backup file storage for transfering all files and folders if it comes to that. Now that's something that I have done before, also done some cloning, etc. The really neat thing about xp is that you can go to "disk manager" and click on "disk mangement" and actually see all your drives in graph form right in windows! From there you can format, create a partition, create logical drive, name, letter, etc. It's so cool. Almost eliminates the need for the F/disk stuff. Oh, BTW I read last night about a fix that I almost tried and the sad thing is that it probably would have except for the version difference. :cry:Some guy on a forum suggested copying
  9. rikkkki


  10. rikkkki


    Well how do I start. Everything is still the same :cry: BTW this must be an xp thing, but when you right click on user and click properties ie: start/user, I get"task bar and start menu properties" and I couldn't find network places, it's looks like it's network connections for xp only?) anyhow I use my desktop icon or go thru the control panel to get to the network connections. Safe Mode with networking didn't work either Your next thought, and I'm sure your right, is that something is trying to load but NOT the error. The error is coming up after whatever can't load. Makes perfect sense. Also, the 3 items ran successfully but with no results Just for kicks, earlier I went in and read all backup entries from PC Rescue and couln't find anything that looked at all suspicous, mostly McAfee stuff. PC Rescue does not, however, like my Logitech start-up entry at all. But it has to stay there or the mouse won't start right, just goes to default drivers. Looks like I'd better pick up a couple more cases
  11. rikkkki


    One more thing before I go. When I boot up I can't open anything via icons from my desktop UNTIL the error has come up . It's almost like it's "loading in the background" and nothing can be done until it comes up on the screen, maybe 3 or 4 minutes
  12. rikkkki


    Hi guys. OK, I had all the trouble installing SHIII up to and including the 11th. Later in the afternoon on the 11th is when the error started, BUT AFTER I clicked to "end process" on lsass.exe, I got the 60 second doom, then later I got the error. On Sunday, the 12th, I installed XP Pro and then the game installed cleanly. But of course I still had the error :cry:Days later I uninstalled SHIII just to get it out of the way. I ran a complete search and deleted all things SHIII and then ran PC Rescue to remove any "shrapnel" from the registry or any other files: links, shortcuts etc,
  13. rikkkki


    If it did, it wasn't obvious right away. I started trying to install SHIII a few days before the error happend on that Sat.( six times, I think) But Sat I was doing what their support guys said to do "end processes on everything but system tray and explorer.exe." But with XP you can't do that(I should know better) there are many items that won't "end". So as I'm doing this(ending processes) a few did end but several would not via a warning but when I came to lsass.exe and clicked "end process" I didn't get any warning BUT I did get the dreaded 60 second shutdown notice and my system shut down :cry: But only once. And then I went through the whole thing about running my anti-virus and any other program I could think of and came up clean. I started studying lsass.exe on the net(forums, sites, etc.) to no avail. And then later in the afternoon on Sat. the error popped up out of the blue :cry: That's when I got on the forum with you guys.
  14. rikkkki


    AHHHHHHHHHH Another learning curve, For ME :haha: I had almost forgotten how my dial-up was when I had it(5 1/2 years) I don't think I understood processes at all back then, just like lsass.exe now. : :evil1: :haha:
  15. rikkkki


    Hey cholla Thanks for the tip. I noticed that your using 78% of your cpu usage? Whew.Last time I had that was when I was running a Creative Sound Card and it has a little ditty running in the processes called CTTask.exe.and it slowed my puter down alot.Again thanks for the tip. Cheers-Dave
  16. rikkkki


    Hold on cak46 I had everyhting all written out and then went to load the shot and it's a bmp. so I lost my entire text that I wrote to you, I'm working on it. OK. I changed it to Jpeg. The only thing I was doing wrong was I didn't click paste first, that's why it wasn't taking in the first place. Now, The VIA makes sense?
  17. rikkkki


    Hi cak46. Well, first of all I don't have a nic, literally, just the default network drivers that come with my mobo: Abit An7/ with the Nvidia
  18. rikkkki


    Hey dudes :!:
  19. rikkkki


  20. rikkkki


    Well, my product key is right on. I have a little ditty that came with a cd that I bought last year, so I checked the guys web site and he's come out with an updated version. It's from jd webworks/power solutions. Some stuff s pretty handy like the utility that works like an "encription converter" that pulls ALL of your personal stuff/passwords/info,etc., out of your registry and let's you read it in English :!: It's kinda scary that all that info is in our puter. Back soon,,,,,,,,, http://www.jdwebworks.com/SuperCD/supercd.htm BTW; I did put in an administrator password the other day.
  21. rikkkki


    Thank you all for the BD wishes :)
  22. rikkkki


    Hey Cholla Well your right. So far, everything that I disabled and re-enabled came right back and worked. I guess what I'll do is just do some more and "take a brake" and then do some more, etc, etc.
  23. rikkkki


    Update: Well so far I have disabled and re-enabled these items with no change :( My dvd-rom/burner combo; video card;Printer Port; Secondary IDE channel. Now, I'm afraid to do the monitor and the network adaptor(which is onboard) and also the Sound,Video and Game ControllersX7,and the USB ControllersX7. That would be 16 more goodies to disable and re-enable :!: Oops; something's going on with this posting interface. If you go back to add a letter, etc. and hit the space bar, it starts "Pac Manning" all other letters to the right until you stop. Just like the delete key YIKES :!: I hope that's temporary,, Anyhow, do you think I should do the whole MaryAnn or maybe just pick and choose certain items : BTW; I did a clean uninstall/re-install of my mouse. It has not been working the way it normally does ie; when it works right it will close out any window I might be on but otherwise it only works with certain windows( like now) That's why I did the uninstall/re-install -no change :(
  24. rikkkki


    Ok, now I can start. Aggr3 wished me a happey b-day so I replied to him. Now I can start with the device mgr.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I keep you informed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  25. rikkkki


    OK, will do. No, the device Mgr. has been "clean" all through this. What the hey, Mite as well give it a shot
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