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Everything posted by rikkkki

  1. rikkkki


    your'e welcome. I was writing a modify when you signed off. MS does mention that this error is not bad but it just made me a little suspicious when I saw that it was 12 secs before my error. My error"object name not found" could mean alot of things I guess, huh? I guess I can't figure how to insert the screen shot of my event log to your PM. So for now, I'll post the MS info on the DHCP stuff
  2. rikkkki


    I'll reply before you go. As far I know you can put it on cdrom .It's only about 3.5 MB's. Take care for the night have a good one and now I'll finish reading you post
  3. rikkkki


    ALERT: keep an eye on the MS antispyware, and the littly "ditty" that comes with it. It redirects your original homepage to MSN. :!: AdWatch caught it last night. I do not like any redirectional stuff at all. ESPECIALLY i80Soutions!!!! They are nasty. They come with other stuff that you might download and you know nothing about it until you start having problems. Sometimes it shows up in your ad-remove, but when you go to remove, it won't let you until you go to thier site and read all their reasons why you should keep it
  4. rikkkki


    Ya Monday blues for sure. I was really burned out over the weekend. Ya know, Spyware Blaster stops soooo much stuff before it gets into the puter. It has really worked well, and it's free. Oh sorry, I now remember mentioning that before. Your hp seems to be prolific in it's ability to come up with new cooties constantly And I just have one that is just as stubborn. BTW I uninstalled my vid driver and reinstalled it/ no results. I also scanned the driver files with my arsenal of scanning utilities BEFORE I reinstalled it. BTWX2: I may have mentioned this before, but here goes. I noticed in the event log that 12 seconds BEFORE every lsass popup that DHCP has failed to "up the lease" on my ip address And that is mentioned as an error(red X) I have screen shots. I could send you the one via PM and the other( info from MS) I could post. BTWX3: After reinstalling vid drivers the wizard also popped up for the monitor so that got reinstalled. Even though I had "updated" it via device mgr. before uninsalling vid drivers. I uninstalled vid dr. through add remove.
  5. rikkkki


    Not a big problem!! I have on board sound(no card) plenty of vid drivers and the monitor is default. Now I don't have to worry bout dvd rom cause I had that program uninstalled for awhile earlier. I will update or reinstall all. The only problem last night with the disable thing was I didn't have the right keyboard hooked up to help navigate back to device mgr. Remember earlier when I disabled some stuff via MS? It seems that it all re-enabled after boot. Short memory to say the least. BTW How ya doing cak46 :lol: Back in a flash
  6. rikkkki


    Do NOT do this at home
  7. rikkkki


  8. rikkkki


  9. rikkkki


    Ya know, I wonder if when I "ended task" in task mgr and got the doom just once and THEN got the error that it may have corrupted something that we haven't worked with at all. :I have reinstalled many of my utilities and also added some new ones. But I'm sure there are a few that I have not touched. Not that there was anything wrong with them in the first place, just maybe they got screwed up after my "stupid". Food for thought
  10. rikkkki


    Ok, I swapped out the port (usb) and will reboot now and see what happens That didn't do it. :crybaby2:
  11. rikkkki


    Hey cak46. Jury is still out on the pillow. Had a headache when I got up today. :(
  12. rikkkki


    I just did some self teaching on my bootlog stuff and now it makes sense, I copied and pasted an example into notepad just for kicks. Tomorow I'll take out drivers, reboot with f8 and then put in other dirvers and reboot with f8 and compare. Headache is coming up fast so I'll sign off for now and post tomorrow. Hope that pillow works. Until then, Cheers
  13. rikkkki


  14. rikkkki


    Well, I ran the MS Spyware Thingy. Results below. but didn't help. Looks like a good program. I will probably keep it if it stays free. My Trend Micro program is only a 14 day trial.
  15. rikkkki


    Hey Dude! Glad to hear you're OK. New pillow tonight
  16. rikkkki


    Understood cak46. I guess I could use a break today myself. One long, boring post and I'll stop for the night.
  17. rikkkki


    Dude. Sorry bout that, my cable connection was lost for quite awhile
  18. rikkkki


    OK. I ran bootlog and it's a Burger King, I mean a whopper. BTW I do NOT have "Disable Status Messages" in my reg at all, so I guess that's OK If I did I would have to set that to 0. Well here goes,,,,,,,,,,
  19. rikkkki


  20. rikkkki


    Right now, but I did find yesterdays bootlog. Is that enough or do you want a fresh bootlog after rebooting now?
  21. rikkkki


  22. rikkkki


    Hey cak46. Before I do the reg thing I just want to show you my mail I sent to MS(on the bottom) and their reply(on the top) that I got at 6:00 AM this morning. I read it and replied with something like "how bout my boot.ini. Will that stay intact?" (paraphrase) BUT you will notice that NOW he's talking about being able to transfer my sutff over to the new install. Well, I don't remember getting that from the previous mail. Remember the "test"part he was talking about in that one? And there was never an indication from his previous mail that what he told me to do was only step 1. Hmmmmmmmm. Well, anyhow, see what you think about it.OK, off to the reg, back soon,,,,,,,,,,
  23. rikkkki


    Well, this is NOT good news. I can't run bootlog :? It takes me straight to Windows and the desktop The first time it took me to the DT so I clicked on my wheel button to bring up the window for shutdown/restart/sleep, etc, like I always do and all of a sudden the error went away and it re-booted So I did it again, selected "enable bootlogging", and hit enter and it took me to the DT again What the hey. I don't figure this at all, I mean, it's a boot thing, it's not supposed to be in windows,,,, BTW McAfart is gone so no need to run the Kill thing, but this other problem has ME :icon_shaking: BTWX2 My DVD Rom(old unit) and my combo drive(new unit) are both LiteOn brands. The DVD Rom drive is JVC LiteOn (mfg) and I'm assuming that the combo is too. But if I had to find out for sure, I would have to take it out of the machine to take a peek. Any ideas :?
  24. rikkkki


  25. rikkkki


    OH BOY. I thought we may have had something there for a minute
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