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Everything posted by rikkkki

  1. rikkkki


    Hi guys Well I just opened my mail and got mail from MS. I'll post it here. Instructions on how to do a parallel install. Sounds kinda dicey to me. Notice where he says it's for "testing purposes" I mean, if I did install this and it worked, wouln't I want to transfer everything over to the "clean" copy And then he says to NOT acitvate That sounds like there's only, like 30 days to deal with this before I would have to un-install.
  2. rikkkki


    HI guys. I'm taking a break tonight, don't wan't that headache again. Nothing to report for the day. Will post tomorrow
  3. rikkkki


    Hey Cholla. I was just cleaning out my email and noticed your post. You remember the commercial? Cool. I remember it when I was very young maybe in the fifties. I think Hamms was bought out by Miller? Anyhow, it says on the can Milwaukee, but I think they also bought Olympia Beer right here in Olympia, WA, 50 miles away.I would love to have a t-shirt like that. I also have had MGD and it's very good, had some in Dallas TX, in '95 when we were on a flight to Huston to work on a Tollycraft yacht, actually in Seabrook, TX. Gotta go for now-cheers
  4. rikkkki


    Hamms maybe a mid to west beer. It has been around for a long time. The diity was (to music) "From the land of sky blue waters, Hamms, the beers refreshing, Hamms, the beer refreshing" They don't advertise anymore, that was from years ago. Never heard of Red White and Blue. Must be an Eastern thing. I know it's not here, though. At one time I had two drives in my puter and transferred all that stuff from one to the other. Both had Xp on them. One had a problem that couldn't be fixed (I forgot what, and I didn't know about this forum!!) So by putting the stuff from one to the other it created the duplicates, all I remember is that I had cloned two different drives at two different times, which left me with three OS. Whew, I'd better quit while I'm behind, I mean ahead
  5. rikkkki


  6. rikkkki


    Maybe in the long run, it might be just as easy to do a clean install.
  7. rikkkki


  8. rikkkki


  9. rikkkki


    Well, now that I have had a clean shave
  10. rikkkki


    cak46. Interesting point. It does not pop up while working, only when booting,. EXCEPT the very first time :!: And today in Safe Mode it did not pop up at all
  11. rikkkki


  12. rikkkki


    cak46 . Hi! I've been reading up on this Trend Micro and I have downloaded it and now I will shut down and run it in safe mode. Also, unplugging the power to my combo didn't make any diff. Sounds like you have or had quite a challenge on your hands.!! Couple of months ago I had same problem with a friends puter. She had Zone Alarm ONLY!! And the puter she had was from a friend who did on-line gaming every day for months without any virus protection of ANY kind. Well I put in McAfee for her and sat there and ran it over and over for over two hours and it was still full of hundreds and hundreds of Cooties. When I left it still wasn't totally clean. She said she ran it several more times and got it down to a "dull roar" She has since gone to a new OS (a legal copy) of XP. Anyhow, here I go, I'll be back.
  13. rikkkki


    Well I ran Trojan Hunter it didn't help
  14. rikkkki


  15. rikkkki


  16. rikkkki


  17. rikkkki


  18. rikkkki


  19. rikkkki


    Sorry it took so long. Well Power DVD and Nero are not the culprits
  20. rikkkki


    Hey Dude. Well the fdisk controller wasn't it Nor was disconnecting the combo :cry: That one I can't beleive. I almost thought that might be it cause of the "redbook" error that was coming right after the popup error. Now today the popup came up but the redbook did not. One thing I can't understand is, since when does MS have an error popup that restarts your puter if you click on it too soon I've never heard of any "default" error that would do that....... Anyhow, I'll redo the drivers for both programs now, stay tuned,,,
  21. rikkkki


  22. rikkkki


    Sorry I got goofed up there for a minute. No I have not ripped out ( I mean gently romoved) the ide cable as of yet. I forgot about that :oops:
  23. rikkkki


  24. rikkkki


  25. rikkkki


    Got your PM, I'll try here first. I had digital encoding and digital output enabled in my Soundstorm properties ie: the default nvidia 5.1 sound system that comes with the mobo. It did not help I had my hopes up there for a minute or two, well here goes, this goes on and on and on, Oh sorry
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