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Everything posted by rikkkki

  1. rikkkki


  2. rikkkki


    I have pinged the ip from two different places( TUT and command prompt) and all attempts timed out. And unfortunatley I cannot block it with the ZoneAlarm freebie that I have, if that would make any difference in the first place.
  3. rikkkki


  4. rikkkki


    Hey php I just checked my update status and I had the middle choice "notify me before installing update" so I just now turned it off. I'll check later and see if that made a diff.
  5. rikkkki


    No. And I just ran same netstat after being off my browser and mail. One entry remained and it is the same 207,,,,, address as above listing. I don't get it at all. Could it be an MS cootie I also ran PC rescue and had a hell of a time getting rid of the last two McAfart reg entries. Both start-up items. AdWatch popped up with both of them, too. Seems to be gone now, though.
  6. rikkkki


    Hi guys. cak46. I will try what you said. Avast! so far has been updating defs everyday :D They seem to be on top of it, for sure. Also I will post my netstat now for the running part and then post the "non-running" part later. I also have to write to MS and skate on that deal for the time being,,, :roll:
  7. rikkkki


  8. rikkkki


    Yes I saw hidden stuff and I think I posted some of them, but I don't remember what. Wait I think it had something to do with my network connections, remember that( Via vs Nvidia) that's all I remember at this time. I just ran Ewido and came up with one reg cooty. Atomica was all I got out of it and I cleaned it. I'm getting "Anti" poor. Everything you said is true(above post) but lets not forget the "stupid" I did when I tried to end process on lsass on the day that the error popped up.That still puzzles me a great deal. The 60 sec doom only happened once which still makes no sense at all. Will look at mail now EDIT Nothing in the MS mail, just wants me to update them on my :"progress" :roll:
  9. rikkkki


  10. rikkkki


    Hi guys :!: No, cak46, I did not re-flash my trenchcoat, I mean bios :shock: :haha: I get nervous everytime I go to do so and and a window pops and warns me that, basically, I could ruin the whole maryann. It's almost like a disclaimer. I would be rewriting the version I have since there is no newer one as of yet. Oh well, no pain, no gain right : BTW I registered with Avast. First reg will last about 14 months and then you re-register each year after that for free. That's cool So it just might be the end to McAfart
  11. rikkkki


    Hey Dude: Hey so far, I really like Avast! It has a goodly amount of tweaks and yet it is quite simple, so far. And it already updated with new "defs"
  12. rikkkki


  13. rikkkki


  14. rikkkki


    NEWS FLASH :!: I don't how this happened, but I just got an a email from Kaspersky. They said just get rid of all my "deleted" mail from that folder and that should take care of it. How did they know that when the mail didn't go through : BTW They are in MOSCOW RUSSIA :!: BTWx2 I don't know why, I mean, there's only about 310 "deleted items" in there :haha:
  15. rikkkki


  16. rikkkki


    Weren't we on Avast a while ago, for something else? I can't remember. Is that scan an online thing only or do you download it and then run it EDIT I'm running McAfee AV
  17. rikkkki


  18. rikkkki


    I didn't see if you can buy this version. but I did know it was online only.It seemed quite thorough, I just wish the mail had taken, maybe they do have a fix after they get the info,,,,,,,,,,,
  19. rikkkki


  20. rikkkki


    I guess that's one way of covering up the real thing huh? Guess what? All that work and THEN I find out Kaspersky does NOT remove anything. I had 107 cooties and then your'e supposed to send the results to them for analizing :!:. Of course that froze up
  21. rikkkki


  22. rikkkki


    Ohhhhhhhhhh I don't like that. I would like to see the cooty gone myself. Kaspersky(proper spelling) is at 65% and has about 80 infected objects. I will watch for that ext you mentioned
  23. rikkkki


    Abit has updates for their chipset drivers. Remember the one that I tried to update with that wouldn't install? That was for the Audio Pack. It just wouldn't work. I think I have the latest bios drivers but I guess it wouldn't hurt to re-flash it anyhow. Still running Kaspersky, one section at a time News Flash
  24. rikkkki


    Hi guys! I'm on my kitchen puter while Kasperskey is running. My mobo is an Abit. I can flash my bios on the fly in windows with their "Abit Guru" utility. Best thing to ever come down the pike. I'll do the flash.Chip set is all Nvidia. Spyware blaster just stops cooties from coming in and that's about it, over 3000 of them so it doesn't really need to scan. It Check for updates once a week and your cool. It's totally free from JavaCool. My clone utility copies bit for bit the exact info from drive to another. When I get done I have two indentical drives.Great if you have a drive that's going bad and want to transfer everything to a new one, back soon, still doing Kaspersky
  25. rikkkki


    When I cloned, I used HDClone. Transfers bit by bit to another drive. but that was last year. As far as I know, all hardware devices are updated, although I use a slightly older one for my video card (Nvidia) cause it seems to work better that the newest ones. The new ones are configured mostly for the new 64 bit stuff that I don't need. The fabulous thing about Nvidia is that you can use just about any dirver they have. I think they call it UDA "Unified Driver Architechture". Anyhow as far as my software goes, I have just about taken everything out at this time. I would have to go back to make sure. BTW I just ran Look2Me and CWS/ came up clean(I had CoolWeb Search at one time, but not now) and then Trend Micro's AnitSpyware program (another 30 day deal) and got rid of a bunch of stuff. It updated right after I got done with the scan so I had to scan again, but it pulled up alot of cooties. Their ditties look really good to me and I'm considering going with Trend Micro for all my major anti-stuff. Maximum PC gives Trend Micro a much higher score with their stuff than McAfee. MUCH higher. The new issue that just come out has "23 utilities reviewed". McAfee didn't do too well in any catagory. SpyBot Search & Destroy got a "KickAss" award for being the best freebie in it's class.SpywareBlaster is the best thing I ever had. It stops thousands of cooties from even getting into your puter in the first place :!: It links right from SBot SD. Getting wordy here. Will stop before I run out of ink :haha: BTW do you think that the BIOS could have anything to do with this? What if I re-flashed it, just for kicks
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