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i Believe.........................I Hate D-Way.........WildBlue But StarBand Is The Best Tho NO FAP OR LIMIT

Starband used to not have an FAP, now they do, and I think it's worse than Direcway's. They also have a lot worse speeds than Direcway, but still, satellite is all the same.

I dont have this so called FAP that you have. What is a FAP.

An FAP is a "Fair Access Policy". Basically it's a limit of how much you can download before your provider throttles your internet speed. For Direcway it's 169mb per 4 hours (for consumer package users) and for Wilblue it's 22gb / 5gb per month.

You won't see the FAP unless you have satellite internet.

I have read about other IP's having restrictions of some type....maybe not as low as Dways or enforced if it all?

Neither of the company's would have any service speeds at all to speak of without the FAP, too many hogs. Dway cant seem to provide service with a very low enforced FAP in place. Wild blue has at least acknowledged they are full on certain beams....no more installs in certain areas. Dway would just keep em coming. WB is on the right path, they will soon dominate the sat business...first with the home users then soon to follow cooperate accounts. Dway has now picked them up on radar, no mistake about that....  :icon_thumright:

I have a different satellite system - FAP.

I don't have to worry about using it too much. I been up for 11 months and my speeds are as good today as the day I started. I get around 230kbps up and consistant 1.4mbps down. I downloaded a 220 meg file today during business hours - no big deal.

The thing hear is dway, starband & WB all subsidize the price of the equipment lock you into a contract and than load up the streams so the make some money. Oh.. I forgot to mention I didn't sign a contract either.

The installation was just perfect, I have five machines in my home/ home office and I couln't be more pleased!

We all got 100 meg IMAP accounts - no ads with virus and spam protection.

The difference here is spent a few bucks but it was worth it. I need the internet and dway sucks - starband is worse and I could see WB being another dway all over again.

You get what you pay for in this world in most cases.

You can call these guys @ 866.220.7676

I have a different satellite system - FAP.

I don't have to worry about using it too much. I been up for 11 months and my speeds are as good today as the day I started. I get around 230kbps up and consistant 1.4mbps down. I downloaded a 220 meg file today during business hours - no big deal.

The thing hear is dway, starband & WB all subsidize the price of the equipment lock you into a contract and than load up the streams so the make some money. Oh.. I forgot to mention I didn't sign a contract either.

The installation was just perfect, I have five machines in my home/ home office and I couln't be more pleased!

We all got 100 meg IMAP accounts - no ads with virus and spam protection.

The difference here is spent a few bucks but it was worth it. I need the internet and dway sucks - starband is worse and I could see WB being another dway all over again.

You get what you pay for in this world in most cases.

You can call these guys @ 866.220.7676

Do they have a website?

  • 4 weeks later...

The FAP limit reduction isn't so bad, but their accounting of how much bandwidth you use is.

According to them I used 3.2 gigs down last month.

According to DU Meter I used 1.4 gigs.

And I can shut down my computer and leave it off for a few hours and then boot up and log in to their FAP meter and see it has pegged me for using 30 or 40 megs of bandwidth while the system was shut down.

WB will not admit that their metering software has a major problem.

A typical day for me is reading e-mail, a couple of hours playing yahoo games, reading and posting to a few message boards, and surfing a couple of news sites.

DU Meter shows me using about 20 to 30 megs per day.

Their fap meter shows me using more than 100 megs per day.

Installing a new mobo, new memory, and a new hard drive when I upgraded my cpu last month did not change the discreptency between what they say I use and what I actually do use, so that shoots down tech supports theory of a virus causing it.

One day last month I unplugged the modem for 17 hours and when I reconnected and checked their fap meter, it showed I had used bandwidth even with no power to the modem.

I just got wild blue about 2 month ago, with the value package.I checked the speed on testmy.net. It showed connection speed at 487/dnwld at 59Kbs.I am paying for 512Kbps.Is this O.K?  I am also having reset and connection problems too.They said it was from my linksys router.I unhooked it and  it still happens . It sucks but its all I can get besides dial-up.                                                                                                   

I just got wild blue about 2 month ago, with the value package.I checked the speed on testmy.net. It showed connection speed at 487/dnwld at 59Kbs.I am paying for 512Kbps.Is this O.K?  I am also having reset and connection problems too.They said it was from my linksys router.I unhooked it and  it still happens . It sucks but its all I can get besides dial-up.                                                                                                   

Heh, sounds like something Direcway Tech Support would say. Are you sure you called the right number?

The FAP limit reduction isn't so bad, but their accounting of how much bandwidth you use is.

According to them I used 3.2 gigs down last month.

According to DU Meter I used 1.4 gigs.

And I can shut down my computer and leave it off for a few hours and then boot up and log in to their FAP meter and see it has pegged me for using 30 or 40 megs of bandwidth while the system was shut down.

WB will not admit that their metering software has a major problem.

A typical day for me is reading e-mail, a couple of hours playing yahoo games, reading and posting to a few message boards, and surfing a couple of news sites.

DU Meter shows me using about 20 to 30 megs per day.

Their fap meter shows me using more than 100 megs per day.

Installing a new mobo, new memory, and a new hard drive when I upgraded my cpu last month did not change the discreptency between what they say I use and what I actually do use, so that shoots down tech supports theory of a virus causing it.

One day last month I unplugged the modem for 17 hours and when I reconnected and checked their fap meter, it showed I had used bandwidth even with no power to the modem.

This sounds like a friend of mine who has the same issue with a cell phone provider.....one phone on the plan, the phone can be left at my house for three days with the battery removed and still accumulate peak minute usage! This has cost hundreds of dollars in fees....company engineers allow system is working fine.  :?:  just another joke people pay to play.

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