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Anyone know some good proxy sites or somewhere where i can get a list of proxy sites?

it is a constand strougle with my school to look for ways to get in to myspace.com and launch.com along with linuxiso.org cause u can bypass some stuff with open source software and the fact that to many kids hacked into the network using linux software and were able to change kids grades.

anyway if u know a good proxy site sent it this way

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I would suggest, in addition to using a proxy for filtered web access, that your school implement a router with some thick rules.  Block all ports that aren't necessary, disable NetBIOS, FTP, etc. and set up a Client/Server OS where you can administrate system access.  If nobody there knows how to do this, then you should hire somebody who does; for the expense, it would be well worth it.  You don't want kids grades getting messed with, that's pretty serious stuff, isn't it?!

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I would suggest, in addition to using a proxy for filtered web access, that your school implement a router with some thick rules.  Block all ports that aren't necessary, disable NetBIOS, FTP, etc. and set up a Client/Server OS where you can administrate system access.  If nobody there knows how to do this, then you should hire somebody who does; for the expense, it would be well worth it.  You don't want kids grades getting messed with, that's pretty serious stuff, isn't it?!

the way the education system is in the shitter nowadays a few edited report cards don't make a difference i think.

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Thanks Every1 i will try these on monday

the way the education system is in the sh*tter nowadays a few edited report cards don't make a difference i think.

i wish every1 thought like that but true be spoken they dont teach us anything

im a juniur and am amaze to know that many of my colleges dont know what d-day is or who hitler was

also the funniest thing happen last year when i took a pinneaple to school for a project involving stuff from a diffrent country (I can't remember the country right now), one of my teachers thought it was a bomb and called securaty i think it is a very sad thing when the person who is hired to teach you doesn't know what a pinneaple looks like beacause she has always ate them proccess

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Thanks Every1 i will try these on monday

i wish every1 thought like that but true be spoken they dont teach us anything

im a juniur and am amaze to know that many of my colleges dont know what d-day is or who hitler was

also the funniest thing happen last year when i took a pinneaple to school for a project involving stuff from a diffrent country (I can't remember the country right now), one of my teachers thought it was a bomb and called securaty i think it is a very sad thing when the person who is hired to teach you doesn't know what a pinneaple looks like beacause she has always ate them proccess

a bomb :lol:

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a pineapple  :lol:

use either:

www.netsack.net ( <-memorize that, i did, my school blocks netsack.net, but not their ip  ;)


www.projectbypass.com ( <- i don't have that one memorized, because netsack is better, but netsack still passes through that site.

anyway, i really haven't had any luck getting to myspace through either, i just do it at home, but there are entire site listing of anonymose proxys, like this one:


and from that site i found:

www.perfectproxy.com (


phproxy.info (

Enjoy!  :)

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If you're looking for web proxies, here is a good list: http://www.kbcafe.com/iBLOGthere4iM/?guid=20060104123727

However, if you're using them as a defilter, then I would certainly be careful that you're not violating any policy that would get you into trouble.  Especially with school....you could probably wait till you get home. 

But for educational purposes (since you say they don't teach you nothin'):

You can also use Google:


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haven't you ever heard the term pineapple grenade? :haha: :haha: :haha:

this happened in germany, another case of stupid teacher.

the textbook had a picture of a swamp captioned with "the california everglades". i point out to the teacher that i am fairly sure i was in florida when i toured the everglades. not several thousand miles away in california. "well, maybe they have everglades in california too.". yes. this was the geography teacher. :shock:

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here in pr there is current;y a big tiff going on over some teachers. a previous administration allowed 950 or so teachers to teach without proper accreditation. the current administration is deciding that they are going to kick them out. now the teachers union wants legislation passed in the local senate to not fire those teachers. the ones WITHOUT accreditation to teach, can't think of a single reason to not fire em...

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