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My friend bought a pc for me to build, he cant get broadband *to far out* and he has dial-up. Is ther anyway to share a dial-up connection? his dialup is basically always on cause they usetheir cell phones... but i need to know a way to setup a dial-up network without buying an extra line...thanks, Tim

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I dont think u can share a  dial up connection

its easy to share dial up. you will have to go through the pc that has the modem. and use a crossover cable from that pc to the next pc. when you right click on the dialup connection in the network connections page. click properties and go to the advance tab, there will be a option in there for sharing the internet connection.

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its easy to share dial up. you will have to go through the pc that has the modem. and use a crossover cable from that pc to the next pc. when you right click on the dialup connection in the network connections page. click properties and go to the advance tab, there will be a option in there for sharing the internet connection.

man i wish i had known when i had dial up

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Yeah i shared dialup for a while.. what I did was have a host computer that would stay online all the time.. I rigged AOL with a program that would generate traffic so that you wouldnt get signed off.. then set up the browersers.. and i was good..


TimPawlak if you wanted you could get a cheap second line installed in your house, then put 2 modems in your computer, and do modem bonding, and double your speed.

I am pretty sure that your ISP has to support dual modem connections.. otherwise it will not work.  Most of the ISPs dont support this anymore... they would rather  sell you broadband than have you make your own.

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Yeah i shared dialup for a while.. what I did was have a host computer that would stay online all the time.. I rigged AOL with a program that would generate traffic so that you wouldnt get signed off.. then set up the browersers.. and i was good..

I am pretty sure that your ISP has to support dual modem connections.. otherwise it will not work.  Most of the ISPs dont support this anymore... they would rather  sell you broadband than have you make your own.

most wount support it but there are a few, bellsouth does support it, and i know netzero/juno supports it. i did it with 4 modems on netzero, and did the same thing you did swimmer had a host computer that would stay on all the time. i was getting about 190-210kbps on 4 modems.

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Maybe that is how ROM-DOS achieves his speeds. That is very interestng!!!!

So instead of just splitting 56k into twin 28k's, you can actually double or triple 56k onto one computer, for $9.98 per month? Requires 2 computers or modems? Really interesting stuff, and cheap to experiment with. A little more details please???

Sounds like that would beat the hel_ out of partial T-1 for price. MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!! Sort of like sticking 4 carburetors on a 4 cylinder engine and getting it to run right. Bad  as_ 4 banger. Hmm. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock::arrow:

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So would that be a multiple dial up provider, or what. Maybe dual provider. I would seriously try it if someone could simple-user map it out for me! Seriously! Would be able to use on kids computer, instead of having to share my slow Dway speeds for their use. If it worked well I might be interested in doing it for myself!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :haha:

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Maybe that is how ROM-DOS achieves his speeds. That is very interestng!!!!

Hmm. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock::arrow:

lol ~ I think my speeds had alot to do with me being only two blocks away from the switching station.

I'm not sure if Modem bonding or Modem teaming still works?

. . .you'll have to investigate that.  I might have toyed with the thought, but I think you would have to have another dial-up line installed.

I just got on board with Qwest's DSL a couple of weeks back ~ and now I'm experiencing some strange DNS server problems ~ I think?  or they're doing some downtime updates? ~ lol

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5713 Kbps about 5.7 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 697 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2)

Test Time:: Sun Feb 5 10:31:00 PST 2006

Bottom Line:: 102X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.47 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 152.23 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NLGYFC8KX

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So what kind of exceleration could you probably have gotten if you had maxxed it out in this way, or do you still have the setup to try this? 300 connection speed,or will the world never know?  Not really trying to rib you, it is just that you are so good at it that you have our undivided attention. Kind of like watching an auto race we're the ones crashing, and you are the one winning. "The dial-up terminator". Stay tuned for further events, and now for a commercial.

:shock:  :roll::shock::roll::shock::roll::shock::roll::shock::roll:  :haha::arrow:

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. . . it is just that you are so good at it that you have our undivided attention. Kind of like watching an auto race we're the ones crashing, and you are the one winning. "The dial-up terminator".

  [move]      :ar15:[/move]

lol ~ I crashed once ~ un-installing AOHell from my system a few years back ~ but when I re-installed I decided to partition my drive 3 ways and install Windows XP twice and dual-boot ~ no problems since.

. . .and now that I got my DSL settings set and running right ~ it's time to up-grade my system.

tommie man ~ have you tried any of the XP tweaks in  * Performance Tuning and Services * ?

[if you feel a little hesitant ~ just PM me and I'll help you with a few that might help speed up your system and maybe your surfing speed, too]. . . .you'll be a tweak freak, yet :icon_thumright: ~ lol

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trogers: The link article was very interesting I haven't looked into the  Apple Geoport telecom adapter but it would definatly work better than a modem if it is usable over the internet.Meaning if ISP's & phone companies would support it.It would really improve dial-up speed especially for gaming & small data transfers.

I need to read it again but I think 2 modems would share the same 100ms so speed would increase as well as capacty but you would get the 100ms no matter what .

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