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today i was thinking of selling all of my game things. here is the list. (remember i am selling it all at gamestop)

black gamecube

2 wavebirds controllers

2 nintendo 251 memory cards

1 8mb memory card

1 64mb memory card

gamecube broadband adapter

6 translucent gamecases

1 6 foot controller extenstion

gamecube to gba link cable

madden 2004

animal crossing with memeory card

madden 2002


ufc throwdown

phantasy star online episode 1and 2

007 nightfire

allstarbaseball 2002

splinter cell

soul caliber 2

turok evoultion

backyard baseball

starwars rogue leader

madden 2003

nhl hits 2002

timespliiters 2

nfl 2k3


ssx tricky

davemirra freestyle bmx 2

nfl street

moh:rising sun

starwars rebel strike rogue squadron 3

f-zero gx

nhl 2004

vietiful joe


ncaa footbal 2004

mariokart double dash

1080 avalanch

prince of persia sands of time

true crime streets of l.a

mario golf toadstool tour

gamecase that holds 12 games

1 extra a/c power thing for gamecube

gameboy advance system

madden 2002 for gba

thps 2 for gba

car adapter+a/c adapter for gba

powerpuff game for gbc

pokemon silver

game gallery 2 for gbc

rugrats the movie game

link cable

that all lot of shit. how much money would i get (remember i am selling it at gamestop).

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:( Yep unfortunately the resale value isn't very high, go buy a brand new car and drive it around the block and try and resell it to the people you just bought it from, you would be very surprised at what they would be willing to buy it back for:(:(

8) Microwave

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Back when I lived in the states I drove a Buick Roadmaster (nice!) that I picked up for $13,000US. I put 15,000 miles on it then went to trade it in, at the same dealership, on a brand new Jeep Cherokee (better suited for where I'm living). They offered me $1,000 for the Buick. :shock: (I gave it to my sister).

Buy low, sell high. Why does that only work for merchants? I tell ya, if I bought a Turkey Farm they'd outlaw Thanksgiving! :o


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