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All RDP is just remote desktop. If you are running XP, Start => Programs => Accessories => Communications => Remote Desktop Connection

You would have to enable it at home by right clicking on My Computer => Properties => Remote Tab => Checkmarking the box.

Make sure you know yuour IP at home because that is what you will use to RDP.

okay me and my friend are messing around at school and we tried this remote thing and we have come as far as im able to connect to his computer but it prompts me for a user name and password...what the heck do i do there, ive tried alot... cant figure it out

okay me and my friend are messing around at school and we tried this remote thing and we have come as far as im able to connect to his computer but it prompts me for a user name and password...what the heck do i do there, ive tried alot... cant figure it out

Adam...I get passed all websites on here...Instead of logging under your name type in rm94 and password is printer..then go on www.proxify.com and type in any password lol! Reason I say login on the rm94 thing is because so they don't trace it to you. Try it though it works.

mark, im trying with different plaecs and i get this ----Access to the webpage you requested is available only to paid Proxify subscribers. Subscribe to Proxify now and get special access to this and much more. Subscribers enjoy faster, ad-free access to all of Proxify's features. Please click here for more information. ---

are you getting that?

mark, im trying with different plaecs and i get this ----Access to the webpage you requested is available only to paid Proxify subscribers. Subscribe to Proxify now and get special access to this and much more. Subscribers enjoy faster, ad-free access to all of Proxify's features. Please click here for more information. ---

are you getting that?

Yeah it does that when it is being over used. To many kids at school like us using it lol.

proxify is not saying that to many people at your school are using it. they want you to pay for it so you can go to everysite proxyed

good site


and this is a specific one that works


proxify is not saying that to many people at your school are using it. they want you to pay for it so you can go to everysite proxyed

good site


and this is a specific one that works


I don't think anyone said to many people at my school are using it. I said it just says it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it says you need to pay. It's dumb I think.



try another leser know web serch engine such as ask.com those usually work

some of these sites might get block rather fast to make them last longer serch on google tntproxy then click on it don't type out tntproxy on the address bar u make it easaier for them to find it and block it

ya good idea dark, make then work for it to block it, dont let them block it easy

at our school (indiana) they started finding out that people would go to myspace (what a joke) and like every kid in school (2000) used proxy7 so they blocked it, and found out everyone who used it by tracking every comp. i a proxy site one time(not proxy7) at the begingging of the year( of course not to see myspace) since no one knew about it then i didnt get caught, but i got called down but they messed up and called the wrong person down

you got all your internet privilges taken away if you got caught, you could log onto your computer, but trying to open IE, you coudnt get nothing

the funny thing was all the teachers would tell the students, ok guys we all know you guys are going to these sites so your gonna get in trouble, then after kids got in trouble, the teachers had no idea what a "proxy" was so it was funny to hear them try to talk about something they had no idea about (kinda like when they "try" to teach) they would say it all wrong, they would be like alright dont go to proxy, proxys bad

haha sfuff like that

good luck with what ya do :P

Im trying to set up a network right now god i hate cencorship but it's to expensive and i dont even know if i will be able to get everything by the end of the school year (may here in austin) but if i do and i am not flodded by request i will put a link here just keep it as secreat as posible

they remove the desktop connectivity thing off the xp computers after they found us out. now we are using slax to try to get back home so we can dsurf the internet but it is hard.

one more thing if you find a good proxy site that aint block but u cant log in to myspace instead of typing myspace on the proxysite type another proxysite in that you know u can get into



i think this one wont let u log in to sites

but if you put in tntproxy.com on the url bar

you can log in using tntproxy

it will be slow cause u got to acces 3 servers

the one that ain't block,tntproxy then finnally myspsace plus all the servers myspace gets images and all that cool stuff from.

Check out this link


the way i used to get around school security was typing https://"URL" and it would load any page i wanted.. and i used proxify.. never needed a Remote connect

and be careful cause alot of schools networks have tech people that watch your actions. After alot of people started using the admin login names that i gave out they started catching people more often.. so if u find the site u want to go to or go to a bunch of sites at once and then unplug from the network

the way i used to get around school security was typing https://"URL" and it would load any page i wanted.. and i used proxify.. never needed a Remote connect

and be careful cause alot of schools networks have tech people that watch your actions. After alot of people started using the admin login names that i gave out they started catching people more often.. so if u find the site u want to go to or go to a bunch of sites at once and then unplug from the network

Yeah they do have people monitor our computer usage. There is a guy who sits on his @$$ and checks for "illegal" activities lol.

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