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Hey everyone, this is my first post here (friend referred me), I am owner of a Direcway Installation/Repair company in Michigan. I have installers pretty much covering the whole state. My company is Via Satellite Solutions and our email address is [email protected] our hrs. M-Sat 8am-7pm EST. We pride ourselves on honesty and Integrity, when I first came to TestMy I went through and read ALOT of posts about Direcway, it appears that there are quite a few Installers in my industry giving my chosen profession a bad name. I would like to be given the chance to right some of those wrongs, so if you live in Michigan and you feel that you have been "Jerked Around" by other company's do us both a favor and give me a call, if your not satisfied with the service you were provided you have my promise you wont pay a dime for it!

Answers to common problems I saw posted.

As far as commissioning goes the NOC sets the Sat. and Freq. that you will be on. If your having a problem they will try to switch you to a different Freq on the same bird BUT they will switch the polarity from V to H or vice versa, No matter how many times or how hard you try you CANNOT do this yourself, you CAN go in and change freq. on the reg/setup page (dropdown menu or manual) and commission but after restart these changes you have made WILL NOT be in effect ONLY the NOC can change sat. or freq. (permanently)

The reason why people experience slowdown periods the same time every day is because of usage. more people are home using your freq at 6:00pm than 10:00pm, each freq (transponder) has a certain amount of bandwith it can utilize and thats it. So the more people that share your particular freq the better chance there is that you will experience slow downs at 5-6:00.

Direcway does not at this time have the Dw7000 fully compatable with all Birds yet to my knowledge the only Sat's that DO NOT have trouble with 7000 right now are SM5 HR1 AMC9 and G4R. They are making progress daily on this problem and like I stated "to my knowledge" these are the only Sat's with out all the 7000 connectivity problems. If you have a 7000 and are on a different bird my advice would be to wait it out until your specific bird is configured correctly, they try to even out the user per freq ratio so if you switch it may put you on an overloaded freq, so my advice would be to ride it out for a little while. Just as far back as Jan the ONLY sat that would work properly with the 7000 was Amc9, so their working fairly quickly on this problem.

I will try to check these MSG boards whenever possible, I hope I can help somebody somewhere with what I have posted, and remember if you live in Michigan I would love the opportunity to earn your business.

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Welcome to the forum viasatellite!  :)

Answers to common problems I saw posted.

As far as commissioning goes the NOC sets the Sat. and Freq. that you will be on. If your having a problem they will try to switch you to a different Freq on the same bird BUT they will switch the polarity from V to H or vice versa, No matter how many times or how hard you try you CANNOT do this yourself, you CAN go in and change freq. on the reg/setup page (dropdown menu or manual) and commission but after restart these changes you have made WILL NOT be in effect ONLY the NOC can change sat. or freq. (permanently)

Most of us already knew this. Some the noobs probably don't, however.

The reason why people experience slowdown periods the same time every day is because of usage. more people are home using your freq at 6:00pm than 10:00pm, each freq (transponder) has a certain amount of bandwith it can utilize and thats it. So the more people that share your particular freq the better chance there is that you will experience slow downs at 5-6:00.

Yep, knew that.

Direcway does not at this time have the Dw7000 fully compatable with all Birds yet to my knowledge the only Sat's that DO NOT have trouble with 7000 right now are SM5 HR1 AMC9 and G4R. They are making progress daily on this problem and like I stated "to my knowledge" these are the only Sat's with out all the 7000 connectivity problems. If you have a 7000 and are on a different bird my advice would be to wait it out until your specific bird is configured correctly, they try to even out the user per freq ratio so if you switch it may put you on an overloaded freq, so my advice would be to ride it out for a little while. Just as far back as Jan the ONLY sat that would work properly with the 7000 was Amc9, so their working fairly quickly on this problem.

AMC 3 is also working pretty good...

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  • 2 months later...

I took the time to register here just to defend viasat.......

I am also a direcway installer that takes much pride in what I do. This forum is FULL of bad information and I deal with repairs all the time where the customer has gone onto one of these forums and then decides to be a tech himself....

Some of us are here to help......

If there is anyone in northern Va that needs help please email me. like viasat....if you arnt satisfied, dont pay me a dime!

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Welcome to the forum skynetamit   :wave:

Most problems seem to be past posts. Meaning we don't seem to get many porblems, like we did a couple of months or so ago.

By the way, now that I think of it. Does satelite ever give out upgrades, like the other ISP's?  :laughing7:

Probably just a joke. 

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Welcome to the forum skynetamit   :wave:

Most problems seem to be past posts. Meaning we don't seem to get many porblems, like we did a couple of months or so ago.

By the way, now that I think of it. Does satelite ever give out upgrades, like the other ISP's?  :laughing7:

Probably just a joke. 

i think that in the past sat has been iffy. people could get online long enough to complain at times. now it's so bad that people can't even post here...

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Actually resopalrabotnick, Direcway changed it's name. I think part of it is the fact that the forum has not changed the ISP list to go with it. I did take a vote from the Dway users here, and they voted unanimously to have Hughes added to the Direcway part. And then I put in a request for it in ISP's need added. But so far no response.

Something like "Hughes-Direcway"

That's been like a month. And I also reposted to bring it up to the top again too. Oh well, CA3LE must like it the way it is.

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