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Finally Vista Requirements anounced for hardware providors..

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from what I have heard.. the versions that ship are going to include all the version on 1 dvd?  I guess it is going to be product key enabled.. so if you want to upgrade you get a new product key and reinstall..  I will have to find the source.. I dont know if you could go from 32 to 64..

from what I have heard.. the versions that ship are going to include all the version on 1 dvd?  I guess it is going to be product key enabled.. so if you want to upgrade you get a new product key and reinstall..  I will have to find the source.. I dont know if you could go from 32 to 64..

i think they are going to have seperate 32bit and 64bit versions, but all of the main versions will be on 1 dvd, and you pay for the version you want, like if you buy the starter edition, and then want to upgrade to ultimate later, you just pay the difference, in the 2 products, and you get a new cd-key and your vista is then upgraded to the new version.

My computer is chomping at the bit for vista ultimate  :D. Overclocked opteron, 1.5 gigs of ram, 6600gt, and 2 320 sataII hardrives, sad thing is I'll prolly upgrade before vista comes out even though my current setup should handle all the bells and whistles microsoft can throw at it.

LOL This whole thing will blow up in Microsofts face when they notice over half the people or more who own PC's don't rush out, and buy this piece of crap (I mean great OS). I think this will probably usher in the day alot of people have been waiting for the day of Unix's, and Linux based operating systems. The requirments to run this thing are more than ridiculous, and i don't think i'm the only one saying that. Most of my computers will run Vista, but that's not the point the point is there is no way in he*l that an OS anywhere ever should require such high system specifications.

It is like running a game.. I have a feeling that until the manufactures of the PCs start to lower the prices on the equipment that is recommended for full product use, Vista is just going to sit there..  I know for sure I will not be installing Vista any time soon!

I'm with ya i won't run Vista for a long time if ever this may just push me to run linux full time. I really think M$ should rethink this OS, and really ask themselves wtf are we doing. The truth is they know what they are doing pushing an OS with such high requirments just means more money all around for them, and the makers of computer parts around the world.

To add to my last post i would like to say this basiclly what M$ has said with this OS is hey guess what the majority of computers out there today are DEAD OVER DONE, and if you want to run our GREAT OS, you better get ready to buy a new PC, or atleast dish out some ca$h for computer parts to make it run our great OS.

My computer completely Vista ready, though latest vista build on Microsoft Connect don't support my geforce 7600 GT even though video card is stated to be windows vista ready.

PC specs:

Pentium 4 3.2ghz EM64T

2.5 GB ram

Linux rules over Vista

hmm.. that is odd..  Have you tried the latest April 7th drivers from Nvidia?  The support list on that set of drivers include the 7600 GT..

http://www.nvidia.com/object/winvista_x86_87.45.html <- x86 version.. there is a x64 if you need it

Release Highlights:

    * These drivers are tested for use only with Microsoft Windows Vista February CTP build only.

    * Adds support for GeForce 7900 GTX, 7900 GT, 7600 GT, and 7600 GS.

    * The NVIDIA graphics control panel is not included in this driver release.

BTW welcome to the forum!

haha yeah.. there wasnt much news about this release.. since the Feb release was quite a while ago.. we should be seeing the April/May release shortly.. There were rumors that it would be the first public beta..  Of course then all of the latest drivers would be included..  Since these were just released today.. make me think that we are maybe a week or two out of the next beta release.

Well for all who want to gey into Windows Vista beta officially here your chance if lucky http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/beta/preregister.mspx  you could be invited in like I got in :)

It does take a week or more usually before any sort of response.

Hope everyone enjoys this :D

Well for all who want to gey into Windows Vista beta officially here your chance if lucky http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/beta/preregister.mspx  you could be invited in like I got in :)

It does take a week or more usually before any sort of response.

Hope everyone enjoys this :D

So after submitting that they just contacted you and told you how to get vista and test it?

Now, if it takes that much just to run Vista, what happens when you want to play a demanding game? :lol:

ahh, how much easier on the hardware Linux is...

hahahahah.. good point... that is where dual core comes in.. one core to run the os.. one core to run the game :roll:

I think that Microsoft is marketing vista way to soon.  Way exactly is the reason that they need to release a new os,  im fine with xp and personally vista just sounds like a waste of money on parts and the software.  I mean geez,  do we need 5 different versions of vista?  That just sounds like it would really confuse the computer illiterate ppl,  but microsoft loves the computer illiterate ppl because they can convince them that vista is the only way to go and they need to go out and spend a 1000 dollars to get a new computer.  Xp still has alot of problem and that have not been fixed.  With my machine  i can barely run xp(amd athlon xp 1800, 384mb of ram, 6600gt)

Microsoft should listen to what the people want. Let's face it's the people that either make or break the success of their products. If they were listening to the people they would have already scrapped Vista, or toned it down alot so the system requirments were not near as high as they currently are. HEY MICROSOFT READ THE FORUMS ACCROSS THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just one of the many forums where you will see this.

first of all, noone is forcing anyone to run vista.

secondly, the os hardware requirements are probably not that high. it's all the 3-d, transparent and godknowswhatelse effects, thingies, widgets and sprockets that make the thing so powerhungry.

look at xp. with all the animation effects etc on, an older graphics card just dies on you, menus rolling up and down are stop motion animations etc. no need to turn on all the fluff, it will probably work just fine without the eye candy.

as for new pcs coming with vista instead of xp, why not. noone needs a 3ghz pc to run a word cpu anyhow, so might as well do something to make the cpu sweat.

Man, microsoft is really going to screw themselves over on this one..

This is going to be on isohunt before you can say "Microsoft Blows!!" haha

In fact, it already is!

if someone wants it they can find it on their own...

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