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I have noticed that out of all the new ISP forums I created here that DirecWay's forum by far has the most posts, I have also noticed in my stats and in my database that a large majority of the tests performed here are user host 'direcpc.com' -- and I have heard ALOT of people tell me that a tech over the phone at DirecWay told them about my site.  I don't know who I need to thank over there... but thank you whoever you all are at DirecWay :)

Please post here and let me know if a tech support person referred you to TestMy.net... direcway user or not :-P

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I was talking with tech support about 3 days ago. I was having issues with my speed. They asked me to do some speed test using the direcway site. After those results they asked me to go to your site to test.. He sounded like he was very aware of your site for speed test.  This was Advanced Level Support

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Great site! Tech support does indeed know you are here, this is the only place they send us to test, or at least it's the only place they have sent me! Even the techs in India know about this place, so I would gather the big wigs are telling them to refer here. Keep up the GREAT work Ca3le! And thanks for the helpful site.

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the tech that hooked up my cable modem used this site.

i then used it to tweak my 98se.

now if only CA3LE can figure out where these spurious dips in speed that some people are reporting come fom before the rest of he world  logs on...

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:) Of course a good tech wants to find the truth so he would send  a user to TESTMY.NET for speed results,


8) Microwave

Which is exactly why we need to get to the bottom of these speed drops for some users. ( me in fl, van in swe , and my friends v21k ,  tim, and morbid ; NJ , OH, and MI )

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Yes I was refered to your site by a Direcway (Supposedly) Advanced Technical Support Person. We ran multible speed test. I had upgraded from DW4000 (where I had consistent connection speeds in the 800 to 1000 range) to the DW6000 so that I could easily share my Internet access on my home network.

Day 1,

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Hey there cawski, and welcome to TestMy.net!

I am very sorry to hear that you had to ensure the "routine" that is "all too common" for DirecWay users.  You see, the folks in Level One have no idea what is taking place "system wide" ...and they little to no access to anything other than a basic "modem rebooter" that even you can download and use from an earlier post (just placed it somewhere! lol...). 

You got caught in the middle of what affected about 11,000 users over the past four days.  A new server for three of the satellites was put into service before it was anywhere near being ready to handle the load ...and so everything went nuts.  Right now most of the birds are stable once again, but there is some weather over NOC messing some things up.  I didn't know about the Server issue until a few hours ago ...and your post confirms it.

Hey ..that's a splendid speed!  I have a Commercial Account (their best!) and the fastest I can run is 1150 so far ....so you are amoung the fastest using the DW6000's.  Consider yourself blessed!  lol...

Everybody MIGHT ( ...and I do mean MIGHT), see a global boost in speed as they are now tossing alot of the load to Horizon 1 (latest and greatest satellite that was built for Wild Blue) ...so as the bandwidth slowly opens up the speeds should slowly come up with it.  Slow going though ...they are doing it one account at a time which is time consuming, but over the long run we'll all fair betterr for it.  (But don't be expecting anything earth-shattering)!  I am only speaking of a "possible" 100-150Kbps in addition to what exists for everyone right now.  (This will not apply to Sat-Mex5 users though).  G4R, G11 and AMC3 or 1110, 1202, 1150, 1290 and 1350 users ...for the next (estimated) two weeks.  This info just came in on my fax a few moments ago ....so time will tell.  TIME:7:11PM EST Jan13,2005

Cheers!  And I graciously thank you for the info!

*Don't be expecting Level III to ever call you.  They usually don't because they are not paid to.

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for repointing the dish and tweaking to account for ornital wobble and wandering sattelites, you should be able to adjust a telescope pointing system, no? that way you wouldn't have to crawl up to the platform every time. or, if you prefer manual, maybe adapting something like a 20 mm AAA stationary handcranked mount. probably need a bigger tower then...

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simplest thing prolly 3 sets of worm gears for 3 axis. and a good way to arrest them in desired position.

add 3 windshield wiper motors to the cranks, some cabling... wouldn't need much travel, it would just be to fine tune within what, tenths of degrees max to min? thats why worm gears prolly best, with a fixed rack on the dish. best fine tuning.

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I like the windshield wipers idea the best ...will have to consider the rest.  (That was worth one Applause for your Karma). TOOOOO FUNNY!

I've been thinking on the same plane as you.  No doubt I need a three axis mechanism, and making it electric (12v) would be the easiest.  Actually am looking at using geared down automatic window motors as "servos" to control each axis.  I just need to get up there and make some measurements now then put it down on paper! 

The Reverend

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Hard part is tweaking the transponder.  That's on the front and no way around it but climbing to adjust ....just thought of that so it may mean a redesign of the dish to put a servo on the Transducer too (from underneath (radio controlled, high quality bearings or nylon 'slips') ....you are thinking the same things I am....  Lot's of wind here so I had to make extra mounts to stop the dish from chattering all the time.  She doesn't move now!  lol ...wow ...this is WAY off topic from where CA3BLE first started the matter.  Guess I need to move it all over to another place.  bbiaf...

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well, to give credit where credit is due, the electric motor idea isn't mine. a buddy of mine, this was when i still lived in germany, wanted to use his 80cm dish to get both the astra and eutelsat birds, actually it's whole constellations on the same bearing, astra must be up to 8 birds in one box or so, since he got himself the soft and hardware to decode dvb using his comp. he ended up pulling a total of 600 or so channels off the birds, 15 percent of them porn. hehe. anyhow, all he needed to adjust was bearing, so he staked his dish outside his window, taped, ducttaped, of course, a cheapo cordless drill to it, and inserted a threaded bar into the chuck. this he threaded into the dishes base with an extension from the original mount. by watching the signal strength on his comp and controlling motor speed / direction with a transformer for an electric train set that was hooked up to the drill via cables out his window, he could actually reposition to the two constellations. granted, once a day he'd have to go out anways to stand the rig up again or fix something else, but it worked.


and for the lnb/transducer tweaking, servos for controlling the sails on rc sailboats have quite a bit of torque, so they might be able to hold up against a windload. don't know how /fixed/ they stay when powered down though. plus probably too much throw  for the finagling you would need there.

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Funny you mentioned sailboats.  We have a very nice 66 Hans Christian sitting at our dock that we love ...bought her new four years ago.  It was precisely my intention to use 12volt shipboard motors like she has and adapt them (professionally) to "servo" the entire dish.  I just need to sit down with autocad after I get my measurement and work it all out.  I've got a metal lathe, raw steel, ....everything I need to do the job ...I just need to make the time to get it done as I am sure I can make it work.  (You have a genious for a friend there.....LOL).  On this side of the world, the porn is on certain galaxy 'birds' and so there are all kinds of rigs across North America with 'beefed up' receivers to haul in those stations.  It is almost amazing what some will pay to have their brand new receiver totally reworked at the risk of imprisonment!

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