water Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 Where has honor, integrity and decency gone? Is this a generational thing? Is the byproduct of our advances in technology? Do you feel that freedom of religion has contributed to this? Let Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 Where are the parents today? Where are the friendships today? Can anyone tell me? [/end water rant] I cant tell you were they have gone, cuz id like to know my self were they have went too. Maby there is come club or something we dont know about. The world is just a completely different place from even 20 years ago. People only care about them selves these days no one cares about anyone else anymore. Hell people don't even care about there kids anymore they let them do what ever they want and couldn't care what they do. People just need to go back slow things down and get some values and start caring especially about your kids. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163177 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gotmilk Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 The world is just a completely different place from even 20 years ago. People only care about them selves these days no one cares about anyone else anymore. I don't know much about "20 years ago". I wasn't around back then, but I see your second statement becoming more true every day. People only worry about their own needs (or in this case, wants) more than the needs of others. Not many people are willing to give a helping hand. I'm not sure I want to see how it will be when I can say "20 years ago". Kids are online looking at porn' date=' young adults are knowingly buying stolen goods, parents are so wrapped up in their own issues that they don Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163182 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 I hate to give the short answer on this but I have to go soon. People in our industrial civilization have been forced to become too busy.They could slow down have less materially but most won't. So unless you want to become Amish you probably aren't going to see many barn raisings. For a pat on my own back I did help a friend several years ago put up one of those log houses Took about 3 of my weekends.What I got paid was food & drink.For a lot of hours lifting logs & hammering 18 inch spikes.It is a little more laid back here but not like it used to be. To get into my religion the Bible says that this is a sign of the end times.The Armegedon .But time to God is not the same as to us mortals.So it might get worse than now for a couple of more centuries & not be just around the corner like a lot of preachers say or it could be tommorrow. If the population continues to grow as it has in the last century then in another one there will be 36 billion people on Earth.Try to feed that many & keep pollution down. Bet your glad I kept it short. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163187 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted August 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 The price of Yahoo IM. THIS is an instant message that was waiting for me when I got home. Here is the entire conversation. I do not know this person, and they do not know me. I responded, hoping it was a new listener joking with me. BUT this is someone's idea of fun: stateofmind71: You smell of male waterrtbh: I do? Who? stateofmind71: You stateofmind71: Do waterrtbh: what male? stateofmind71: Yes stateofmind71: Male waterrtbh: no - what male do I smell like stateofmind71: An overweight hairy one waterrtbh: really waterrtbh: I smell like an overweight hairy male? stateofmind71: Oh yes for sure waterrtbh: how did you determine this? stateofmind71: The way your profile has been worded,and the dodgy profile photo waterrtbh: well, you are incorrect. I am female, my picture is really me, and the profile is a joke waterrtbh: I'm 37 years old, I am 5 foot 10 inches tall and I weigh 147 pounds. I am certainly not hairy stateofmind71: Now your trying to create a paradox of my mind stateofmind71: Well,it wont work waterrtbh: I am not trying to do anything. I am merely stating the fact that I am not a male, not overweight and not hairy. I have a hilarious sense of humor (I am told by my friends), and I bath often so I do not smell. stateofmind71: Prove it stateofmind71: Show yourself stateofmind71: Or ill tag you as smelling of fish waterrtbh: I don't need to, and you cannot force me, so therefore the answer is no, I will not prove it. You can take your rude self somewhere else and leave me and my happy little ass right here, blissfully happy and surrounded by people whom I like. stateofmind71: Ok stateofmind71: You do that Oh, anyone who feels the need to educate stateofmind71 on Yahoo Instant Messenger, I don't know this person, therefore have all the fun you want to have. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163254 Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 Oh, anyone who feels the need to educate stateofmind71 on Yahoo Instant Messenger, I don't know this person, therefore have all the fun you want to have. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163256 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 Just my thoughts on this. The media, soap opera's, and talk shows. Which is derived from us wanting excitement at any cost. The media, they will lie and twist a story just to make it exciting to watch. Who cares about the truth. Next time you watch the NEWS try and see if you can see the lies. We want to believe everything they say. It is our source of info. Maybe we put too much stock in what they put on out TV's. Soap opera's. Take any woman or lessor man and put up all these stories about romance, love stories, cheating, deciept, all the gory crap that women usually crave. I have been married twice, and in both of them it is not uncommon for the wife to think I am up to something wrong, just because she saw it on TV. I would rather watch an old Bonanza, Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle, etc... Daytime TV sucks. And movies, I like a little action type of adventure. When was the last time you made your kids sit down and watch a Good old Walt Disney film? ? ? Now talk shows. Almost self explanatory. Oprah, and the rest will just stretch your imagination some times. If you will notice alot of them just redo the same one over and over and over and over. Who is the father of this little child. Women and men seem to love this TRASH. Why should that be topic in the first place, come on maybe a couple of times, but the concern goes out of the door after maybe 5 times of the same thing. Just ratings. I almost left out the psychiatrists. DR. PHIL. What a BOOB. Who does he think he really is? Yes he has credintials. A shrink. How can he diagnose everybodies problems without even knowing them and talking to them. And then he leaves the rest for us to try and figure out if this might be what is wrong with people we know ourselves. And just because my kid acts like this today, does not mean my child will act the same way next time. Grrrr. It bites me the stock people put in some other people. Would you go see a psyco for your kids? Hell no, then why would even listen to him on TV in the first place? And as mother says, don't ask your neighbors for advice on important matters in your household and expect it work more than 1/2 of the time. What works for their husband will probably not work on yours. They are two entirely differet people. The same goes for our children. Just start finding entertainment in your own children, and the world will be a much better place. Children are entertaining, funny, imaginative, creative, make you very proud, and very loyal, and will give you more love than your spouse could ever possibly give you. They will again reproduce this in Grandchildren if you do it right. Now if you was to ask me what is the biggest investment return you could possibly ever have, it is your children. And they will not need or deminish in any way like your electronics will! They will give you the best return you will ever get. I live, work,breathe, and invest for my children! If you can also say this, then we are already on the road to a recovering Nation. U S A We are free to change anything we want to. Now maybe that is why I got the "Sophist" award. But don't listen to me, I am just a friendly neighbor! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163257 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 One more little quick one. The main thing I enjoy about the Bible "IS" what did Jesus enjoy and put the most stock in? Think about it! Bring me the little children! Let them come before me. You can not get to heaven til you think like a child. Why you say? Because they are innocent, fresh, and clean. Like a new computer. They only start with the info you put into them. So wake up parents. It is up to you how this DAMNED world turns out. I just hope I put in a couple of GREAT ONES myself. And you will never hear that one from the Taliban! I don't think they actaully believe in children, except as killing machines. Again, just my thought. Tommie. Christianity rules, when used properly. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163262 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 water;I'm not on any IM if there is any other way you want me to tar & feather his ass like e-mail or something I will give it a shot.Iwish I had him here in front of me.I think I could teach him a few manners. Probably just some Muslim terrorist who didn't like your idea of how to root them out. I would like to see some of them killing themselves on the street. I saw a show the other day with a former Muslim terrorist who had converted to Christianity. He was a member of one of the jihad groups started at 13 & had around 450 kills of non -Muslims mostly with a dagger that's what he was trained to do. He said he regreted what he had done & would never have done it if he had been a Christain before.Now he has to watch his back so his own family doesn't kill him. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163264 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted August 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 Wow, some great responses here. Tommie, I agree with what you have said, and my kids and their dad and I don't watch the shit, but the news thing... can't keep them away rom it, however we use that to have intelligent discussions with them, so that's a good thing. When the whole thing was going down about Terri Shiavo and then the pope died, I spoke with my kids and answered their questions ... they wanted to know why people could let the pope die, but fight for someone no-one knew. GREAT topic about the hypocracy of our country and why not to be that way.... But the kids aren't the problem, the parents are. So many parents of all ages will refuse to acknowledge their kids, and frankly I do believe that has been our downfall since the 60's. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163266 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted August 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 water;I'm not on any IM if there is any other way you want me to tar & feather his ass like e-mail or something I will give it a shot.Iwish I had him here in front of me.I think I could teach him a few manners. Probably just some Muslim terrorist who didn't like your idea of how to root them out. I would like to see some of them killing themselves on the street. I saw a show the other day with a former Muslim terrorist who had converted to Christianity. He was a member of one of the jihad groups started at 13 & had around 450 kills of non -Muslims mostly with a dagger that's what he was trained to do. He said he regreted what he had done & would never have done it if he had been a Christain before.Now he has to watch his back so his own family doesn't kill him. You know that I believe every religion has good and bad in it. It is not what the religion speaks of, but how the religion is taught. Everyone has the exact same thing in it, good bad or indifferent, many Muslims are peace-loving and generous, just as many atheists are. Religion is neutral people are not. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163268 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 I stand corrected. But I was not trying to point at Islam, just the terrorists and their mindless followers! But the real meaning is the children are the answer. Sorry if I came off wrong. It just boils up inside sometimes. And you remember how the old steam pot mom used to use was, how you had to let the temp come down before you open up the lid? I blew a damned good stew all over the kitchen walls and ceiling one time. I thought she was going to kill me. She just laughed. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163276 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted August 2, 2006 CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 I bet that was a pressure cooker.Mine has a safety lid so you can't do that. I don't mind pointing to Muslim terrorists.But if the rest of the Muslims in those countries aren't really behind the terrorists like this man was .How did he manage to kill 450 people without going to prison.The only explanation I can give is because non-Muslims were killed there wasn't much investigation. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163281 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted August 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted August 2, 2006 The price of Yahoo IM. THIS is an instant message that was waiting for me when I got home. Here is the entire conversation. I do not know this person, and they do not know me. I responded, hoping it was a new listener joking with me. BUT this is someone's idea of fun: Oh, anyone who feels the need to educate stateofmind71 on Yahoo Instant Messenger, I don't know this person, therefore have all the fun you want to have. this little bastard got on my nerves, prolly because I am hot with a heat index of 110, howver, the good news is manyfold I have thousands of friends and two were online tonight and ready to take on the devil. So they did. after they heard of my sad tale of woe: They took it upon themselves to speak to this troll after I was done (above). The following conversation took place with he and I: waterrtbh: : sings: We've only just begun..... stateofmind71: If this is what you like waterrtbh: *smiles prettily* stateofmind71: Then feel free waterrtbh: no, I don't LIKE it, however your rude, crass bs is something I really don't like when you could be talking to a minor that MAY have serious weight issues, and unfortunately for you - you did not do enough research nor explore that what I do is protect people, especially kids. stateofmind71: I see stateofmind71: Well your profile is well suited for minors for sure waterrtbh: yes, it is, on purpose stateofmind71: But of course it is waterrtbh: I draw in lost children who seek out freaky shit and need help waterrtbh: THEN I help them stateofmind71: You're a saint waterrtbh: no - I'm responsible for every kid who's parents are more interested in Jerry Springer than in the fact that their kid is going to shoot up a school stateofmind71: You deserve more out of life what? smoking crack like you? stateofmind71: Maybe you should go into polotics nice spelling huh? waterrtbh: funny enough, I get to choose what I want out of life. So I have. stateofmind71: You have? stateofmind71: Do tell waterrtbh: I have a personally gratifying life with my kids, my job, my husband and my online radio station that has done a ton of good for teenagers that needed it. waterrtbh: what have you done stateofmind71: I have made myself happy how exactly are you happy if you're IM'ing me with insults? stateofmind71: It says you're single? stateofmind71: On your profile waterrtbh: good for you. Thats the most selfish response I have ever heard out of anyone, you win the idiot prize waterrtbh: of course it says I'm single, it also doesn't say my age because I tell people later in private when I feel they really want to know and aren't just IM'ing me out of the blue to call me afat hairy old man who smells like fish waterrtbh: I should design my yahoo profile after YOUR wants? stateofmind71: How many idiots prizes are there?right now, just you'rs you bastage waterrtbh: I think not stateofmind71: Just be honest stateofmind71: It isnt hard waterrtbh: oh you know nothing about how honest I am when I am talking to someone, and not having some troll IM me out of nowhere about something he knows nothing about stateofmind71: Like you did to me also stateofmind71: Contradiction stateofmind71: Its everywhere waterrtbh: I didnt IM you out of nowhere waterrtbh: you came after me stateofmind71: Came after you? waterrtbh: stateofmind71: You smell of male stateofmind71: I see stateofmind71: You told me you didnt want to talk stateofmind71: That you had friends stateofmind71: I said fine waterrtbh: excuse me, I TRIED to talk to you - you purposefully tried to make ME do what YOU wanted, which was obviously to send you "female pics of myself" ... tell me - are you a pedophile, and this is how you force teenagers to give you porn? you HAVE to love my twist on this, c'mon throw me a bone! stateofmind71: That is slander stateofmind71: Also waterrtbh: no, it's merely a question stateofmind71: No it is slander waterrtbh: dont quote law to me, I've been tested by many stateofmind71: Unfortuanatly new laws online promote the fact that this can now be used in law courts spelling agin! are you drinking you lifeless jerk? stateofmind71: Becareful what you say waterrtbh: oh, and q***** would like me to tell you that you are now officially adopted as our pet troll, and that he hopes you survive, because she never had a tamagotchi that lived. stateofmind71: Because i will not be attacked by a low life like yourself stateofmind71: Now stateofmind71: Go away stateofmind71: You have been warned waterrtbh: you can go away now, and don't worry - I know that nothing I said was slander AND that nothing I said is illegal. waterrtbh: YOU messaged me, that is public, and proven by my back up server and I have already worked with law enforcement prior to you coming along asking for me to prove that I am female.this is a true pig, and beware any pedophiles out here, if I catch you - i will make sure that you suffer stateofmind71: Our conversations have ended waterrtbh: you are still messaging me, and I asked you to stop stateofmind71: Good luck with your life and views,but leave me alone from now on waterrtbh: and you asked me to stop waterrtbh: stop messaging me So actually - I have to legally stop messaging him, or he can claim harrassment.... but no one else is under those same restictions. I love being smart. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163284 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted August 3, 2006 Author CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 his profile: http://profiles.yahoo.com/stateofmind71 Basics Yahoo! ID: stateofmind71 Real Name: Chris Nickname: Location: far away Age: 31 Marital Status: Single Sex: Male Occupation: Freelance ADVERTISEMENT More About Me Hobbies: The mind and its many ways of thinking,dreams and meanings,fantasy the escape route,keeping fit. Latest News: Favorite Quote: Links Home Page: No home page specified Cool Links: No cool link specified Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163290 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest philp Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 That guy is a world class *********! But you conducted yourself with class and dignity. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163292 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 That is a shame. But thanks to the media, it will do nothing but get worse. Until the media starts to be under some type of control. Probably never! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163294 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 Hell Ill message him he can sue me for slander all day long. Watch me "harrass" this lil punk. Wish me luck. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163295 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest philp Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 **** Ill message him he can sue me for slander all day long. Watch me "harrass" this lil punk. Wish me luck. Kick his ***, Shug!! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163297 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 Kick his ass, Shug!! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163298 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 Where has honor, integrity and decency gone? Is this a generational thing? Is the byproduct of our advances in technology? Do you feel that freedom of religion has contributed to this? Let’s look back to the late 1800’s/ early 1900’s (And yes, I am talking generally, not EVERY circumstance that happened, so do not get anal about one occurrence that goes against my rant here or I will have to ~school~ you the “water way”). Back then, people stopped what they were doing to help out a neighbor who lost 4 cows. Now: We don’t even bother to help a neighbor look for 1 stray dog. Back then, people would go help their neighbors raise a barn, today we don’t even invite them over for dinner. Back then, we watched out for other people’s kids. Today? We have pedophiles on every street corner. Kids are on line looking at porn, young adults are knowingly buying stolen goods, parents are so wrapped up in their own issues that they don’t recognize that their kid is going to shoot up a school or that they cut themselves. We have rampant ADHD, depressive disorders, murders over x-boxes, murders over weed, and we generally treat each other like S#!t. People forget that others on line are real people and get nasty with them, when they wouldn’t talk that way to a stranger that just hit their car. We are multitasking so much that we don’t acknowledge that the little kid next door is being beaten by his dad, and his mom is a crack addict. When did we become so internalized and why? What has caused us to go from a world of caring people, to a world of materialistic bastards? Is the next DVD player or big screen TV so important that we will sacrifice our own children’s future in order to watch a larger rendition of the racing vehicles at NASCAR? Does the need to see the Detroit Lion’s 2 feet tall lessen our ability to read to our kids, or let them read to us? Where are the parents today? Where are the friendships today? Can anyone tell me? [/end water rant] I think there have always been and always will be good and bad parents. Although the parenting structure has degredated with womens lib. I'm not pro woman staying home and being the maid. I am pro ONE PARENT ANY PARENT staying home. Either you want kids and you do it right or you shouldn't do it. As far as violence and pedophiles it has and always will be a 49%-51% battle. Good and Evil. Back in the 1800's they had cattle rustlers and "fights" consisted of two men in the street with guns with no regards for others. Prostitutes ran rampant and alcohol was a main stay. If you believe in the Bible go back to Cain and Able. The violence started there and has never stopped. Kings ruled kingdoms hundreds or thousands of years ago and used slaves to build monuments (killing MANY). Early 1900's saw gangsters and organized crime boom in the US. People killed each other over claims to gold and people married 14 year old girls. In the Eskimo culture having sex with your 12 y/o daughter has long been a tradition and LONG ago if a Eskimo man was traveling and he stayed with another native the host would offer his wife to the traveler with the understanding if he was ever traveling the same would be done for him. Still to this day the age of consent for sex is 16 in Alaska. So it is legal for a 50 year old man to bang a 16 year old girl all day long. Rome was a dirt pile of corruption, sex and greed. Where men were slaughtered as gladiators but they were little more than slaves. All for the amusement of the people. This world has always been corrupt but every generation seems to think that when they were young food was cheap, there was little to no crime and people respected their elders. Of course this was never true. There was always a majority of people who where dirt poor serving the rich. Crime was always out of control and youths often acted horribly. Africans where taken as slaves, worked, beaten, used as sex toys and killed. All as if nothing was wrong. It will get worse because now days you cant tell anyone anything they do is wrong. If a man wants to marry a man, hey its cool. You want to kill that baby inside your belly, go right ahead. You want to illegally enter the US and stay we wont say a word. Don't want your kid to pray in school, well hell we wont allow anyone to pray in school. Whats that you want to rape a 10 year old, we'll give you 10 years in prison, which amounts to about the same amount of time you can do for carrying pot. Drown you children to death, nah your not guilty your insane. Don't want to work we will give you money, then at tax time we will give you even more, plus we will give you as an added bonus food stamps that you can go out and sell for 50 cents on the dollar so you can buy smokes. The USA is just a small blip on the radar of history. It will become so corrupt and vile that one day it will fall, just like every powerful group before it since the beginning of time. All due to the fact we cant tell anyone they are wrong and if you aren't PC you are the worst person on earth. If you are still reading at this point you made it farther than I thought you would. Have a nice day. edit: fixed a name for you.. lol and yes, I read the whole thing Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163302 Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 Hell Ill message him he can sue me for slander all day long. Watch me "harrass" this lil punk. Wish me luck. show him who is boss Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163303 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 Yeah I read it shug. My wife's grandfather's saying is "right is right, and wrong is wrong". Too simple! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163311 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 Im impressed anyone read it all the way through. And your post is correct. Problem is nobody will tell anyone else they are "wrong" anymore. If you want to do it, there is some group that will argue you should be able too. Im with grandpa. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163316 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest philp Posted August 3, 2006 CID Share Posted August 3, 2006 I read it all, too. I don't mind long posts when they are informative and insightful. Shows a side of you we don't see all the time. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/14805-the-cost-of-advancement-and-is-it-worth-it/#findComment-163318 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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