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So are you saying these Missouri Street Legal cars would not go well in the UK Roco ? ?

By the way, my brother had a VW buggy just like those and it passed the inspection. As long as they have lights, etc...

Hi Tommie & Cholla , been away for a while at my grandsons 12 birthday party,

and then sorting out a family disagreement  :angry2:, happy families time again, me and grandson James disappeared down to his log cabin and kept our heads down ,

and let the wimmin get on with it ,

Right, back on topic

that monster engine weighs more than a 2CV  :shock: so I guess some suspension mods would be called for,  :lol: 

the 2CV uses a  suspension arm like the rear suspension on a BMW motorcycle single arm rear suspension, but  back and front , it is very hard to design a system for a light car (450 Kg ) when the passenger weight is more than 1/2 the vehicle weight ,

and the vehicle is built for cart tracks ,

Tommie none of the vehicles in your pics. would get more than 1/2 mile in UK  :whaa:

Dangerous projections would be the  first charge , followed be about a thousand more , depending how much you groveled to the law enforcement officer ,

Hi Cholla, I doubt you would like a drive in a 2CV  :shock:

as a  motorcyclist tinted glass is a nightmare , you cannot gain eye conntact with the driver,

so it just leaves you guessing his next move , probably talking on his mobile phone ,

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Roco;I bet I would like a drive in a 2CV.I have driven what we call a go-cart & I enjoyed that.

If it has a motor I will usually give a vehicle at least one try.Unless it looks too dangerous.Some of the motorcycles tommie posted come close to too dangerous.

Although I haven't ridden a street bike for many years I know what you mean with not having eye contact with the driver.BTW my street bike was a 1970 BSA 650.Now I only bike off-road

less dangerous.Cars just don't watch for motorcycles close enough.

Roco;Here's the pic I couldn't do by PM.

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Roco;I bet I would like a drive in a 2CV.I have driven what we call a go-cart & I enjoyed that.

If it has a motor I will usually give a vehicle at least one try.Unless it looks too dangerous.Some of the motorcycles tommie posted come close to too dangerous.

Although I haven't ridden a street bike for many years I know what you mean with not having eye contact with the driver.BTW my street bike was a 1970 BSA 650.Now I only bike off-road

less dangerous.Cars just don't watch for motorcycles close enough.

Roco;Here's the pic I couldn't do by PM.

Hi Cholla , most people find the 2cv has a floating feel about it, as they have very soft suspension, and they do lean some on corners, the art to fast cornering is to dab the brake just before the corner , then acelerate at max , if you lift off the nose tucks in and the car leans untill the door handles nearly scrape the ground  :lol:

nice bike the T 650 , haven't seen one for years over here, |I don't own a bike anymore ,

but still get to ride one from time to time , I would like a BMW GS Dakar  but I don't think it is going to happen now  :(

Thanks for the paint tutorial ,  :lol: it was that easy !

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As to the bikes, I would only want one ride. That would be plenty. But I have never had that much power in such a little vehicle before. It would be fun just once on a nice long track, like the salt flats. I do love raw power!

I guess I do understand with living on such a small crowded island as you do Roco. I do love my space. Guess that is what brought the forefathers here in the first place. We have roads with literally no traffic. Out in the country.

I remember one time drinking with some buds and driving backroads just driving around on a Saturday morning. Right in the middle of the road was a drag race. Middle of nowhere, streets just redone by the county highway dept. Well they were lining up and racing.1/4 mile, Even saw a few pulled off of a trailer! They said this goes on everysaturday. Nice racing. Cou0ple of fairly pros were their also. Just some fella's  having some fun on a weekend. Doubt that would go either Roco.

What a "Square" island you live on then Roco.  :rolleyes:

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No offense intended, and you are so funny sometimes.  :mrgreen:

Not you on the square part.

"Slang. A person who is regarded as dull, rigidly conventional, and out of touch with current trends."

Sounds like they need to have a little more let their hair down fun.  :lol:

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No offense intended, and you are so funny sometimes.  :mrgreen:

Tommie no offence taken, maybe just a bit about "sometimes " :lol: :lol:

only kidding,  :icon_jokercolor:

wow my ISP has ramped up my 256Kbps connection to 2Mbps , before the swap to 8mbps next week,  :lol: it  just means I can get into trouble that much faster  :shock:  p.s. my money is on I will see no better than 2Mbps , time will tell on that

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Over seas, who knows.  :rolleyes:

I hope for at least 4megs for you. That would be nice.

What is the U/L supposed to be?

256K, although I got around 160 K before this upgrade

Strange thing is I get faster speeds in tests to the states than i do to UK and europe, ping to Dallas around 113m/s,  on my 256/128 I get within 5% to testmy.net

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tommie the car reminds me of a newer version of the Sterling kit car.

Roco;I thought you would find the print/screen & paint an easy combination to use.Just too a couple of pics to show you the how too.Don't forget the Alt key & the print screen key at the same time will let you capture just the front window.Handy for things like a shot of a error message if you need to post one.

I sold the BSA around 1980 so its been a while since I've seen one too.Me & my brother had one his was a 1972.Not as good a bike though.It had the oil tank in the frame which was not a good design .Mine had the regular oil tank That wasn't part of the frame.I've never been on a BMW bike but the Honda Goldwing is a nice bike for a highway dresser.I've riden a couple of friends Harleys.The one that let me ride his Sporster just said go ahead I'll see you afterwhile .The one that let me ride his Electroglide said only with him on back.

Interesting on the leanig on corners on the 2CV.I drove a Peterbuilt Semi with air ride cab these had a simular effect & some drivers turned them over .With the the cab stayed nice & level but the frame & trailer leaned like any truck.This gave some a false since of security & they would corner too fast.The trick was you had to watch what the truck frame & trailer were doing with the mirrors.Especially important with swinging beef.

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tommie the car reminds me of a newer version of the Sterling kit car.

Roco;I thought you would find the print/screen & paint an easy combination to use.Just too a couple of pics to show you the how too.Don't forget the Alt key & the print screen key at the same time will let you capture just the front window.Handy for things like a shot of a error message if you need to post one.

I sold the BSA around 1980 so its been a while since I've seen one too.Me & my brother had one his was a 1972.Not as good a bike though.It had the oil tank in the frame which was not a good design .Mine had the regular oil tank That wasn't part of the frame.I've never been on a BMW bike but the Honda Goldwing is a nice bike for a highway dresser.I've riden a couple of friends Harleys.The one that let me ride his Sporster just said go ahead I'll see you afterwhile .The one that let me ride his Electroglide said only with him on back.

Interesting on the leanig on corners on the 2CV.I drove a Peterbuilt Semi with air ride cab these had a simular effect & some drivers turned them over .With the the cab stayed nice & level but the frame & trailer leaned like any truck.This gave some a false since of security & they would corner too fast.The trick was you had to watch what the truck frame & trailer were doing with the mirrors.Especially important with swinging beef.

Hi Cholla , thanks for the added info on screen print ,Just been practicing,

as you can tell I have had no instruction/schooling whatever, or friends to help, and at times it shows , this was the main reason for joining Testmy net , after lurking for a year or so ,  thanks again,

Yeah kinda miss bikes big time, I allways wanted to do a tour of the states on a bike,

but doubt if I will now, just been told by my Doc that my knee will stay the same from now on , (result of a motor X incident 40 years back , the other guy broke his neck, so I ain't complaining ,  so I limp a little , thats life ,

( I might change my name to Chester  :lol: )

my order of favorite things






and if I had my life again , well yeah,

I would do it all again,

enough whinging, us Brits are good at that  :lol:

Harleys and  Gold wings , we don't have the road conditions for them ,

but a good motor X m/c made road legal is bliss, light and with good handling,


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Hi Roco;Testmy is where I learned to do a screen shot.I don't remember all who helped me but more than one member.

Too bad about the knee .Oddly enough I have one knee that is a little bad from a car wreck.It was in a 1961 Chevrolet Bel Air in 1969.The accelerator pedal on this car was held to the floorboard with two steel balls.It kind of just popped on them.In the wreck it came off & as luck would have it I hit it with the center of my knee cap.Took about 8 stitches.For some years after that I would be walking along & it would suddenly pop.Causing a good deal of pain.Then it would swell to about twice its normal size it usually took about 4 or 5 days to get it back to normal.I got into yoga & some karate for a while the yoga stretches almost cured it .I haven't had it pop out for several years but if I get cold enough in the winter it stiffens a bit.

The right one btw.

Even a street legal BSA like mine was is fairly light for it's motor size I think around 270.My Yamaha 500 2-stroke off road bike seems heavier even without thelights,etc.

So you don't have many Harleys or Goldwings in England.That kind of suprises me.I always though the shaft drive on the Honda GW was a good idea.I road the small version of the GW called a Shadow it was only 550 CC but still shaft drive.

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Hi Roco;Testmy is where I learned to do a screen shot.I don't remember all who helped me but more than one member.

Too bad about the knee .Oddly enough I have one knee that is a little bad from a car wreck.It was in a 1961 Chevrolet Bel Air in 1969.The accelerator pedal on this car was held to the floorboard with two steel balls.It kind of just popped on them.In the wreck it came off & as luck would have it I hit it with the center of my knee cap.Took about 8 stitches.For some years after that I would be walking along & it would suddenly pop.Causing a good deal of pain.Then it would swell to about twice its normal size it usually took about 4 or 5 days to get it back to normal.I got into yoga & some karate for a while the yoga stretches almost cured it .I haven't had it pop out for several years but if I get cold enough in the winter it stiffens a bit.

The right one btw.

Even a street legal BSA like mine was is fairly light for it's motor size I think around 270.My Yamaha 500 2-stroke off road bike seems heavier even without thelights,etc.

So you don't have many Harleys or Goldwings in England.That kind of suprises me.I always though the shaft drive on the Honda GW was a good idea.I road the small version of the GW called a Shadow it was only 550 CC but still shaft drive.

Shaft drive , nah, nothing beats a chain as it fly's past your ear  :lol: P.s. shame about the knee , same as mine , so we can't swap  :roll:

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Here you go Roco.













There are a few. I saw the dragons also. Something about a video game I believe. I did see more, but I think that will work.  ;)

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Hi Tommie , thanks, very interesting company, started by making Jaguar replica's , Why, nobody wants them in the UK, a friend just sold his for $180

in nice condition, it was eating him out of house and home !

Mitsuoka comp. , has a quaint way with words ,

" It delivers the feeling of being stoked to you as the Santa Claus does." :whaa:

Santa Claus better not try stoking me,  I have enough problems with my Government trying to do that ,  :lol:

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I thought the was the middle name for all gov't, stoked.  :booty:

"Well just stoke it to them again. They are so used to it, they will never notice."

Try this vehicle on for size! One of Roco's favorite motors is used to power it.

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Rickman ranger ,or Africar ? , or one of 2000 derivatives, :lol: Citroen alone made more than 20 versions of the A series cars , 2cv, dyane , ami , mehari , bijou, lm, pony, grape picker. snow plough , Sahara, the list goes on and on,  :lol:

the whole chassis, steering ,brakes  and transmision are  self contained, the body is not load bearing , so any bolt on body is  OK , and many kit builders took full advantage of that, also advertizing companies , just bolt on any oversize beer , wine bottle  or cheeseburger and you are in bizz.

P.S . what have Mr.T and  Schumacher in common, they both own a 2cv ,

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Some reason I figured Roco might know that little devil.  :read:

Guess I did not know how well though.  :-P

The Africar, the car for the native African,the project, fell flat on it's face after the natives discovered TOYOTA, and who can blame  them   

been around the little Citroen's since 1969 , far to many years for anyone, 

I used to deliver cars for MG, (moonlighting ) and got asked to collect a 2CV from Brussels,  it was a van with a top speed of 55 mph , I hated the thing, but got paid well,

some years later I had a wife, mortgage and  child , the usual starting family life crap,

and a car that did 18mpg , I got offered a 2cv  real cheap, ($180 ) that  had a problem,

(1 spark plug  ) and at 55mpg , I kinda got reluctantly got hooked from then on,

last year I had a drive of a Ferrari testarosa, and was glad to get back into the 2CV    Yeah I lead a sad life , and must get out more  :lol:

My motto, if you can pull a bird in a 2CV, she must be keen  ;)

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Today I drove a Honda cr-v  auto , just wish I hadn't, lol , what a load of uninspiring over weight piece of crap, from the plastic trim to it's lousy performance, ( got beat off the lights by just about every  comercial  :angry2:) now I know how the captain of the Titanic felt.  :lol:, marks out of 10 ,  from me a 2 , and that, just  for making the trip problem free, 

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hey roco, what engine did it have? my guess is something around a 2 liter 4-banger?

the problem with the suv's that make it into europe is that because of the more expensive fuel they get sold with smaller engines (if available)

take these three as an example:

vw touareg      available in the us as a six or 8 cylinder petrol or 10 cylinder diesel

only the 8 cylinder and the diesel really give it any kind of grunt. the 6 cylinder is sluggish while the european 6 cylinder diesel will probably be adequate

better yet the bmw x3 and x5. x5 in us has the two big petrol engines and the x3 only the 3 liter petrol. both have around 6 or 8 available engines, both petrol and diesel, in europe. the smaller ones of which will probably make them feel sluggish to anemic.

let's face it. suv's with a dry weight of close to 2 tons need a little grunt under the hood. the only way to get that without outrageous fuel consumption is with a diesel. my ford explorer weighs 2 tons (metric) at the curb and gets 15 to 16 mpg. in europe that would be unpayable. and yet the 4 liter v6 with its 210 horses is only adequate. the 4.6 liter v8 is probably a little better but has even worse mileage.

imagining that with a 2.4 or so i4 is ridiculous. (and unavailable)

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