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Sprint Wireless Data Connection - EVDO

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It looks like a marginal EVDO signal to me. Look on this website ---> http://booster-antenna.com/ and try an external antenna. Every ounce of signal counts when it comes to a wireless internet connection. Think of it like your wireless network. The lower the signal, the lower the data rate. Also you could try posting in this forum ---> http://www.evdoforums.com/ dedicated for EVDO in particular. The people there are usually very helpful. That booster-antenna.com is actually that forums website also.

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I'm still having problems getting speed of connection set


can someone please submit or recommend a cablenut or other setting that will help the speed issue


sprints tech support is very lacking - to be nice


having a ping loss at 2nd hop and cannot figure out how to fix it


I'm just wondering what you signal strength is here. The card your using is there a port for an external antenna connection? Personally I find that making the hardware perform at max first is better. Then I would tweak, make any sense? I think your connection is running much better now than the last posting here.

what is your signal strenght?

I hope your not referring to my misspell I just noticed. I don't know how one would check what signal strength an EVDO card is getting. I can only check what is here with my phone and outside shows near double (bars showing). I don't have a card but I'm doing my research.

Guest jeffwalker9999

Modem Card is:

Novatel S620 Pcmcia

Yes it does have plug for external antenna

Signal is taken from Sprint's Connection Manager

- 88 dB is what I get in most of the food courts and areas of the casinos

Also + + + + + +

Most of the Casino's have 802.11 b/g Wifi Service

and  "open & no encrypt" and over 75%

are 3 to 12 megs downloads and 512K uploads

so use it 

Cablenut was way over tweaked and is working quite better now

biggest setting was TOS of 190 making the difference in download speeds

and 65535

Again it is working quite better

and is 1xRTT and EVDO Rev A 

connecting in the casino's and food courts I visit - now

1xRTT is downloading at an adverage of 855 K baud

              upload at an adverage of 240 K baud

Rev A  is downloading at an adverage of 1000 to 1800 K

              upload at an adverage of 200 K baud

Rev 0  ( very few areas for this shown connection)

            downloading at 1800 K to 2050 K

            upload at 150 K

Connect speeds are posted at www.evdomaps.com  - Nevada

I had it screewed up with tweaking and other factors

still to todays date

I'm having a ping loss at 2nd hop and cannot figure out how to fix it

been doing it on/off July 2006 to Current

Sprint's Tech Support is very lacking - to be nice

However Level 2 is quite better than the 1st level of support

if can ever get off of hold (blicko/snore based music) and speak to a tech

Duh - Duh - Duh - If it works leave it alone - lol

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4:20 Am PST

-88 dB Signal and EVDO REV A << from my apartment - facing east and near window >>

PING >>>>>>>> PING >>>>>>>

C:Documents and SettingsJeff Walker>ping testmy.net

Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=54

Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=54

Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=54

Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=54

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 39ms, Maximum = 42ms, Average = 39ms

Tracert >>>>>>>>> Tracert >>>>>>>>

C:Documents and SettingsJeff Walker>tracert www.testmy.net

Tracing route to www.testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1  480 ms  280 ms  710 ms

  2    *        *        *    Request timed out. >>>>>>> does this all the time >>>

  3  299 ms  399 ms  359 ms

  4  298 ms  319 ms  338 ms

  5  317 ms  360 ms  358 ms

  6  312 ms  360 ms  321 ms  sl-gw26-stk-2-0.sprintlink.net []

  7  381 ms  317 ms  319 ms  sl-bb20-stk-8-0.sprintlink.net []

  8  338 ms  380 ms  339 ms  sl-bb20-sj-9-0.sprintlink.net []

  9  316 ms  319 ms  320 ms  0.so-5-3-0.BR1.SCL2.ALTER.NET []

10  379 ms  320 ms  317 ms  0.so-2-0-0.XL1.SCL2.ALTER.NET []

11  352 ms  499 ms  361 ms  0.so-7-0-0.XL3.DFW13.ALTER.NET []

12  398 ms  379 ms  560 ms  POS6-0.GW1.DFW13.ALTER.NET []

13  379 ms  361 ms  358 ms  theplanet-gw.customer.alter.net []

14  356 ms  359 ms  359 ms  vl32.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

15  356 ms  359 ms  358 ms  vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

16  356 ms  378 ms  359 ms  gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

17  378 ms  417 ms  421 ms  55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com []

Trace complete.

>>>>> IPV6 Protocol >>>>>>>> IPV6 >>>>>> IPV6 >>>>

( It always pings at quite higher times )

C:Documents and SettingsJeff Walker>tracert -6 www.sixxs.org

Tracing route to noc.sixxs.net [2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c]

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    *        *        *    Request timed out.

  2  866 ms  935 ms  1377 ms  sl-bb1v6-rly-t-1002.sprintv6.net [2001:440:1239:1003::2]

  3  3126 ms  3315 ms  3257 ms  sl-bb1v6-bru-t-1000.sprintv6.net [2001:440:1239:1002::2]

  4  3238 ms  2039 ms  687 ms  2001:440:eeee:ffe4::2

  5  1904 ms  959 ms  1539 ms  so-1-1-2.dus11.ip6.tiscali.net [2001:668:0:2::100]

  6  2117 ms  2540 ms  2739 ms  so-0-0-0.ams22.ip6.tiscali.net [2001:668:0:2::1:122]

  7  2399 ms  1837 ms  2163 ms  pos-7-5-0.ams11.ip6.tiscali.net [2001:668:0:2::630]

  8  1647 ms  3250 ms  840 ms  ge6-2-0.br0.ams3.nl.gbxs.net [2001:7f8:1::a500:9009:1]

  9  1457 ms  707 ms  941 ms  ams-ix.ipv6.concepts.nl [2001:7f8:1::a501:2871:1]

10  818 ms  787 ms  700 ms  se1.breda.ipv6.concepts-ict.net [2001:838:0:10::2]

11  658 ms  621 ms  637 ms  noc.sixxs.net [2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c]

Trace complete.

**** Yes signal does make a difference in the speed you connect at ***

and the protocol you use to connect ----

It likes to switch to 1xRTT if signal is low

Again ------

I have been on Sprint's EVDO ----June 2006 to Current

1 (one) novatel s620 pcmcia card and $62.57 monthly fee unlimited data plan

:arrow:  :arrow:

If I can help you out more PM Me

Guest jeffwalker9999

EDIT >>>> I don't know how one would check what signal strength an EVDO card is getting. I can only check what is here with my phone and outside shows near double (bars showing). I don't have a card but I'm doing my research.

http://www.evdoforums.com/thread2001.html  - some very interesting info

and I'm sure on the fourms or a quick post and how to see signal can and will be answered

Modem Card is:

Novatel S620 Pcmcia

Yes it does have plug for external antenna

Signal is taken from Sprint's Connection Manager

- 88 dB is what I get in most of the food courts and areas of the casinos

Also + + + + + +

Most of the Casino's have 802.11 b/g Wifi Service

and  "open & no encrypt" and over 75%

are 3 to 12 megs downloads and 512K uploads

so use it 

Sprint's Tech Support is very lacking - to be nice

However Level 2 is quite better than the 1st level of support

if can ever get off of hold (blicko/snore based music) and speak to a tech

Duh - Duh - Duh - If it works leave it alone - lol

I guess using it at the casino would be a small gamble  :grin: but what a luxury. We only have one close by and I'm not sure about the wireless, I'll ask my wife, she works there.

Just thinking  :icon_scratch: after seeing those antennas maybe mount one on a hat and wear it around. it might give you a 3-4 decibel gain and has mobility.  :rolleyes:

I got some information from Sprint after extending my contract for some perks. I was advanced on to others when I questioned the EVDO. The 4th person I talked to was an engineer at tech support and he answered the questions I had last week.

I just thought, if I use one line I already have for the card and the router (WRTG3G-ST) could I set up VOIP for my home phone? Hmm... :icon_scratch:

Guest jeffwalker9999

I guess using it at the casino would be a small gamble  :grin: but what a luxury. We only have one close by and I'm not sure about the wireless, I'll ask my wife, she works there.

Just thinking  :icon_scratch: after seeing those antennas maybe mount one on a hat and wear it around. it might give you a 3-4 decibel gain and has mobility.   :rolleyes:

I got some information from Sprint after extending my contract for some perks. I was advanced on to others when I questioned the EVDO. The 4th person I talked to was an engineer at tech support and he answered the questions I had last week.

I just thought, if I use one line I already have for the card and the router (WRTG3G-ST) could I set up VOIP for my home phone? Hmm... :icon_scratch:

I have only used VOIP via a Cable Modem

So you have asked a good question  ^?^

1st  I would tracert or ping the VOIP Provider and see what times you get back

2nd  Do a test at https://www.gizmocall.com/ 

3rd    This VOIP says that they will work over dial up  http://www.fusiontel.com/

I think that it depends on the travel of the IP Packets

Very good question - Please keep me advised on your R&D


Hey Jeff,

I opened this card and inserted it into a linksys wrt54g3g-st router. It is working fine 

but was thinking of a booster antenna and maybe an amp.

My question is: would plugging the booster antenna into the routers antenna connector, via long rj 6 cable up to my roof, have impact on upload and downloads?

Guest jeffwalker9999

Hey Jeff,

I opened this card and inserted it into a linksys wrt54g3g-st router. It is working fine 

but was thinking of a booster antenna and maybe an amp.

My question is: would plugging the booster antenna into the routers antenna connector, via long rj 6 cable up to my roof, have impact on upload and downloads?

Plug into the EVDO Mmdem - not the 802.11 wifi / router

Guest jeffwalker9999

Unfortunatly the Merlin S720 doesn't have an external antenna. The only external antenna is the one on the router.

Unfortuanatly I'm not the one to ask router based questions to

So ask and I'm sure someone will reply

I would say it would help as the better the signal the better the speed

but the EVDO modem is the main factor as it is the master connection

Good Luck - Please keep me posted - Jeff Walker Ph.D

Unfortunatly the Merlin S720 doesn't have an external antenna. The only external antenna is the one on the router.

Your ISP connection is sent to the card alone and not the router. The best signal here means the most for your speed. The card plugs into the router and distributes the data to your network (each PC involved). Now if a PC is connecting through the wireless part of the router than a better antenna here shouldn't be needed unless your having problems connecting to the router or the same but because of a distance between router and PC.

If your card is not equipped with an external jack your probably out of luck in improving internet speed unless you change for a card that has one. :sad:  Remember the best signal here means the most speed out of your connection.  :thumbsup:

  • 2 months later...

-88dBm should see much better speeds. Around 800kbit. I get about 1.2mbit with -84dBm and the settings here: http://ping.inexistent.us/sprintsettings

:hello:  Welcome to the forum cmore2004

:?:  Can you tell us more about your setup, what EVDO modem, external antenna being used and are you using a router for networking. I have read that some are getting slighter higher downloads than 1.2mbit and some claim .35mbit uploads.

I was expecting to make the jump to Sprint about 4 weeks ago but a local store manager was making delivery a problem with the Linksys WRT54G3G-ST router.  :tickedoff:

Now I'm again looking into it but will probably order from the 3G store. I have to admit though I didn't do this much research making the jump to the DW4000 from my PCI modem one-way when it came out. I thought about it for a couple of weeks and signed up. And I'm still using my dish labeled DirecPC.  :smile2:

So I would like to know the Pro's  :icon_thumright: and Con's  :nono: if you have anything to tell.

:hello:  Welcome to the forum cmore2004

:?:  Can you tell us more about your setup, what EVDO modem, external antenna being used and are you using a router for networking. I have read that some are getting slighter higher downloads than 1.2mbit and some claim .35mbit uploads.

I was expecting to make the jump to Sprint about 4 weeks ago but a local store manager was making delivery a problem with the Linksys WRT54G3G-ST router.  :tickedoff:

Now I'm again looking into it but will probably order from the 3G store. I have to admit though I didn't do this much research making the jump to the DW4000 from my PCI modem one-way when it came out. I thought about it for a couple of weeks and signed up. And I'm still using my dish labeled DirecPC.   :smile2:

So I would like to know the Pro's   :icon_thumright: and Con's  :nono: if you have anything to tell.

Sprint is the best way to go.


Good Speed Maybee A little less than what you get with your dw4000 but browsing speed is waaaaay better

Cons- there arent any really accept maybee that thr router if youll use one cost 200.00-249.99

Here are my speeds with Sprint and a signal of -83 to -86 :evil6: altho i dont know if the upload one is correct because when i test my du meter shows upload of abot 40.0kB/sec and burst up to 63.0kB/sec

:::::::::::::::::.. Download Stats ..:::::::::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 1444 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Download Speed is:: 176 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/05/10 - 7:26am

Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 5.82 sec

Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 8.488 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 17.3 % faster than the average for host (spcsdns.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LZ4AGBN2S

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506)

:::::::::::::::::.. Upload Stats ..:::::::::::::::::

Upload Connection is:: 210 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 26 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/05/10 - 7:28am

Bottom Line:: 4X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 39.38 sec

Tested from a 579 kB file and took 22.597 seconds to complete

Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 20.69 % faster than the average for host (spcsdns.net)

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HCM7BG6X0

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506)

heres an upload before i upgraded to Vista (which i also would like to say i downloaded it 2gigs ) :smile2: (no fap)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. Upload Stats ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Upload Connection is:: 487 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 59 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/05/05 - 4:35am

Bottom Line:: 8X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 17.36 sec

Tested from a 1013 kB file and took 17.062 seconds to complete

Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 183.14 % faster than the average for host (spcsdns.net)

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0PQ1HAKFR

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Windows-Media-Player/


I'm using a PX-500 with a -84dBm average signal strength. I don't use a router, I use Windows XP Internet Connection Sharing.

A quick overview of my network:

2x WRT54G routers in a WDS configuration.

Host ICS computer connected wirelessly

2x Wireless Laptops

1x Wired Desktop connected directly to a WRT54G

1x DW6000 directly connected to WRT54G


With my Windows machines, I typically see speeds around 800kbit-1.2mbit download. Upload usually at least 400kbit, sometimes as high as 800kbit. Upload seems to use some sort of compression, but by doing a timed upload I can verify speeds of at least 400kbit.

Right now my laptop is running Windows Vista Ultimate and I've removed Fedora Core 6 (which produced the best results with the link I provided--those were the default settings and I used BBR's tweak test to see what they were).

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Upload Connection is:: 611 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 75 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/05/10 - 4:13pm

Bottom Line:: 11X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 13.65 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 40.106 seconds to complete

Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 251.15 % faster than the average for host (spcsdns.net)

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WT6EAR23H

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) [!]

-91 to -95 most times in the basement. Thought about hooking it to the kids comp to see if upstairs sies better, but it has the old 1.0 USB or what ever. It might go slow anyway. SOme reason it still does not work here for me.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 18217 Kbps about 18.2 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 2224 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/05/10 - 4:41pm

Bottom Line:: 318X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.46 sec

Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 5.468 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 1376.26 % faster than the average for host (spcsdns.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-L8V02UTSB

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30) [!]

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