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Do computers need specific fans to work (like with their voltage) or can you just get any fan that is the right size?

I have a Sony Vaio VGC-RC110 and i wanna replace it's fan with this http://www.frozencpu.com/fan-22.html

I'm an amateur so I don't want to order it only to find out I didn't know something beforehand so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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so 125 mm is way too much? Is it common for people to use it? I think the noise level is important to me too; exactly how loud would a 125 mm fan be like? would it be as loud as a vacuum cleaner?

thaqt fan you picked out is 50db thats not quite as loud as a vacume cleaner but close, personaly i would go with the one disturbed posted.

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from http://www.jimprice.com/prosound/db.htm

[b]Sounds[/b] [b]dB SPL[/b]
Rocket Launching 180
Jet Engine 140
Thunderclap, Air Raid Siren 1 Meter 130
Jet takeoff (200 ft) 120
Rock Concert, Discotheque 110
Firecrackers, Subway Train 100
Heavy Truck (15 Meter), City Traffic 90
Alarm Clock (1 Meter), Hair Dryer 80
Noisy Restaurant, Business Office 70
Air Conditioning Unit, Conversational Speech 60
Light Traffic (50 Meter), Average Home 50
Living Room, Quiet Office 40
Library, Soft Whisper (5 Meter) 30
Broadcasting Studio, Rustling Leaves 20
Hearing Threshold 0

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An example:"This Aspire Multi Fan Speed Controller helps keeping noise level down while maximum your cooling capability and give you the ability to take control of your case fans"

I am hoping this is a good explanation.


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it is basically a voltage regulator that allows you to control the fan speed.

You can build you own..  I built one of my case about 4 or 5 years ago.. I will dig up the pics..  It was just a simple on/off switch but you would be amazed how much it helped..

One other thing..  If you already have a case fan in the computer make sure that you are not creating a vacume inside the case.. otherwise that will not help the cooling system.

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if noise is a prblem add static proof paper inside make it think and the noise is muffled a bit

sometimes it makes it echo depending on the paper and position

or make a cabinet for it out of air vents i seen ppl do that and use air filters to keep it more quite and clean 2 make sure u use vents on both sides of the cabinet better if its made out of rubber or plastic vents so theres less static make it big so u can give about 3 inches away from the pc case to the air vents to prevent static discharge

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From what I have seen.. the sounds dampining materials, the stuff you stick on the inside of your case, acts like insulation..  So if you have a heat problem or are running a little bit warm.. it is just going to be amplified by that stuff..

However,  I do think that the rubber gaskets work... I was rather impressed by the difference that it made on one of my cases.

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