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Ok as a few of you know I am a nurse and I am the patient care coordinator at a large nursing home. So this week we have our state inspection which is a pain in the ass. To make it worse we drew the Federal Inspectors as well. I have been working 14-20 hour days and am exhausted.  So today they exited the building and I did EXCELLENT. BIG BONUS MONEY TIME. So I just wanted to come here and say .... SSSSHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.... Ah I feel better. :D

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if you work in a field where you have direct contact with customers, or direct contact with people for that matter, this helps.

scout the location. find a room that is fairly soundproof, yet easily accessible to you and mostly void of other people. if necessary take a boombox along for the quest, place it in the room, then exit the room, and check how loud a noise will not be heard outside the room.

remember this room well.

when you get stressed out, seek out this room, and just have a good yell. repeat as necessary.

this will help you deal calmly with the next person instead of taking their head off just because the person you just dealt with was a moron/jackass/bastard or whatever.

i know this has saved a few customers of mine from some rather rude treatment.


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Unfortunantly I dont have the option of a rude response I work with sick elderly people. So I just come home and smack the hell outta my wife. :haha: :haha: Thats a joke. I deal very well, but a Federal Inspetion is hard on the ol cahones.

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wow, i had the day off from school after for days of exams ;) yea, im lucky like that. couple hours of marking some circles in and doing some math and im off for the rest of the day! i dont know y everybody hates exams i really dont :haha:

i didnt know u were a murse. wow. i have nothing against murses tho. murse pride! :D

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Ok as a few of you know I am a nurse and I am the patient care coordinator at a large nursing home. So this week we have our state inspection which is a pain in the ass. To make it worse we drew the Federal Inspectors as well. I have been working 14-20 hour days and am exhausted.

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:haha: I have a friend that is a nurse and she is one of the funniest and most charming people I have ever known....what a heart she has, I guess to make a carrer outta helping others you must......but one of the funniest things she ever said to me was .....ya know you cant trust women (she is a women) How can you trust some that bleeds for a week every FU@#$%G month and they dont die.......LOL maybe its just funny 2me but she said that a long time ago and I never forgot it.........BTW Im not women bashing....

8) Microwave

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:haha: I have a friend that is a nurse and she is one of the funniest and most charming people I have ever known....what a heart she has, I guess to make a carrer outta helping others you must......but one of the funniest things she ever said to me was .....ya know you cant trust women (she is a women) How can you trust some that bleeds for a week every FU@#$%G month and they dont die.......LOL maybe its just funny 2me but she said that a long time ago and I never forgot it.........BTW Im not women bashing....

8) Microwave

:haha: :haha: :haha: Yea Ive heard the bleed for a week every month and doesnt die. Funny stuff. Oh and Cobra I see now, that is kinda cool. Im gonna put that on my name tag. ;)

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