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New (Additional) Server For TestMy.net goes online tomorrow morning!!!!!!

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For all TestMy.net members.

Over the past two days I have been discussing things briefly with CA3LE (The Site Owner for you Newbies) about how to best improve the website, which is a discussion that resulted over ideas postulated by several of the long-term members of this wonderful website.

RTB:  She's located in Houston, part of the ev1 network of servers.  It has two other T1's backing it up (redunancy).  And as far as "what the change will be" ....well, it is just a surprise that I am giving CA3LE the pleasure of setting up and then announcing.  (I just work here).  Give him a few days to get the feel of the new wheels then he'll tell everyone what is coming down the road.  Expect some major changes to his already awesome services and some additions to the website (and mirror) that will blow off the competition once and for all.  :)


The Reverend

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