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how to skip welcome/logon screen????????

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hello friends

              i am using XP Sp2 OS and only one username exists i.e., administrator in my PC.

                while booting up the welcome screen is showing me the logon screen too!!!

                if there are more than one usernames in a PC then its OK but in my case its only one i.e., the admin then why is it asking me to logon screen its very time consuming guys!!!!!!!!!!

                i just want to know if there any ways to skip the logon screen(only one username)??????????

screenshot provided!!!

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If you go to

start -> control panel -> switch to classic view (If you aren't already in it)-> users -> click on change the way users log on and off -> uncheck the box for welcome screen

I would still have a login screen..  There is just something that is freaking about not being able to lock your computer..

You can still lock your computer without the XP login screen. It works and looks just like Windows 2000. Ctrl+Alt+Del or (Windows Key)+L will do it. I prefer it  that way.

hey guys

        my prob is yet not solved

        i did the way water told but the new way of logging on is much more sicker than the previous one, ohhhhh it asks me the username and pass to be typed in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          it goes like that of win '98,2000.

        i become sick on seeing that old antiquated login screens!

        so i just shifted back to my previous method of logging on

again i 'm repeating the same question in a slightly different way::

        have u seen welcome screens in Xp SP1 OS??? if there is only one user i.e., the admin, after the welcome screen it just goes to the desktop!!!!!!!!

        i want it that way. i dint want the login screen to be displayed and wait 4 me to click on the admin icon in the login screen!!!!!!!!

          do all of you get my point????????

You can download a program for Windows XP that is made by Microsoft, called TweakUI from: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx which will allow you to set it up to automatically log you in.

Once you install the program, go to start - power toys - TweakUI, then in the program, go to Logon - Auto Logon and you'll see the option

How about a door lock, it will open up faster than you can boot up.  :laughing7:

Have thought about doing that myself.  ;)

Have actually purchased the lock, just waiting to be perturbed again.  :haha:

yes tommie

        you are actually thinking the same way as i do :)

        i want everything in my system to be faster from booting up to shutdown and i will be vexed up if i see my pc to be slow

        a simple quote from Brian Tracy s "Create Your Own Future

How to Master the 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success"

"Every innovation in business and industry today is aimed at reducing

the amount of time it takes to get a particular result. They are aimed

at increasing the speed at which you satisfy customers with what they


"Every technological advance is aimed at accelerating the process

and getting the job done faster."

an eg from the same book

Tom Monaghan started Domino

and finally my friends

          the problem got solved

    now my bootup time is greatly reduced i think earlier it was some 54 seconds

    i think now it has reduced much......

    thanks water for the link it a very gr8 tool to be used !!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

On the door lock I was quite serious. I do have one waiting. I would be locking the wife out, the kids know better. The kids have their own comp, the wife would just have one wrecked in a week or less. Mine is always locked and shut down. Even had to take the mouse and hide it a few times, ( I know most people will not be slowed down by this) and it worked.

Simply life is starting to look better, I am overcoming some of lifes challenges, and starting to not give a damn so much I guess.  :shrug:

Simply life is starting to look better, I am overcoming some of life's challenges, and starting to not give a damn so much I guess.  *shrug*

i took the lines below from my fathers dictionary i don't know from where he took it

16 nods = 1 smile

16 smiles = 1 word

30 words = 1 kiss

20 kisses = 1 proposal

2 proposals = 1 engagement

1 engagement = 3 times cried

3 times cried=1 marriage

1 marriage = 40 years misery

40 years misery = 1 funeral

1 funeral = the HAPPIEST DAY


so learning is life and happy learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

@ water

          the problem resurfaced again

          after applying the settings the first time i am booting up, it is done in the way i desire i.e., Autologon

            but after that, the next time i reboot it, the pc slips back to normal or previous method of booting i.e., i have to click on the admin icon to be let into the desktop!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              that is the settings i applied are retained only once until the next bootup. once the bootup is complete those autologon settings are lost i hope

                what should i do?????????????

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