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Sorry VyraX man a thief is a thief. If you take internet that is not yours your a thief. No other way to cut it. If it is a public hotspot that is one thing, a private wireless router is another. I have kids and I will discourage mine from breaking the law all around. No drugs, no stealing and no hacking (messing with crap that is not yours). But hey thats just me. A wrongs a wrong. (period)

Actually no...this man was arrested and proscuted to the fullest extent of the law.  I live in St Petersburg, FL.  and am very familiar with the case.  This man was parked in a neighborhood, in front of a house...just a surfin away.....it had nothing to do with a business whatsoever....

Because of this case and a few recent others prosecutors in other states now have case law to fall back on in proscuting these cases in other states where specific laws do not exist but existing losely worderd computer crime laws do exist.

This makes me happy to hear. I hope they fully prosecute all thieves (criminals) of any nature.
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Times are changing if you like it or not - that is the progression of life.. Without change, nothing good can happen..

You are right about one thing, times are a changin....people are tired of exactly the attitude above and they are taking back their streets, neighborhoods, schools and children and teaching morals again and insisting that others follow along or move out of the way.

The me me me generation is done, overwith,caput and good riddence to it.  It was responsible for bringing into this world 3 complete generations of lazy, greedy and self obsessed people and to hell with everyone elses feelings or rights.  Now I don't like personal flames or attacks but your last post really has me hot under the collar and I'm glad to say I am not your neighbor or we would most definately have issues.

Freedom of speech, gotta love it..

Freedom to believe in open-source..  :D

Freedom to believe in free-spaces..

And now FREE INTERNET what is next FREE WATER?  :haha:

That is a horrible concept, wonder who thought up all this crazy witchcraft..

Guess I come from the generation of "entitlement" - I see things in a different light..

:shock:  :shock:  :shock:

If someone leaves a car running with the keys in it, and you decide to take it because it is not "secured", it is still considered theft.(the people leaving the keys in the ignition are morons as well, but still...it's theft)

I see no difference with wireless.  Just because it is easy to steal, does not make it legal.  ;)

Freedom of speech, gotta love it..

Freedom to believe in open-source..  :D

Freedom to believe in free-spaces..

And now FREE INTERNET what is next FREE AIR?  :haha:

That is a horrible concept, wonder who thought up all this crazy witchcraft..

Guess I come from the generation of "entitlement" - I see things in a different light..

:shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Free only applies when the OWNER or SUBSCRIBER of the service willingly and knowingly gives others the right to share their services, regardless of what they may be.  Otherwise it's stealing...no if's and's or but's.  Exploiting someones lack of knowledge or a security flaw is not license to do you as you see fit.

Guess I come from the generation of "entitlement" - I see things in a different light..

You are a flaming example of what I posted about earlier....very sad indeed.  No wonder you are so pro union....they feel the same way.....always gimme gimme gimme, no matter what the cost to the business or how many other jobs it may have an effect on just so long as it doesn't affect YOU.  There is a world out there beyond your little world sir and it would be nice if you ack. the needs, feelings and rights of others beyond your own.

Well you know what, I'll go on running my Open WiFi for my neighbors to willingly use. While you guys go about doing what ever you do with your wireless. Continue to expand wireless links that span miles, not feet. I'll log into and out of my neighbors wireless connection, and I'm sorry fellas no one is going to say or do a thing. Wrong or Right. That is the truth.

How the hell can you compare society's problems to this. "That is why people are taking back their neighborhoods??" I'm speaking about wireless connectivity not securing your open front door from theives entering your house. This isn't about stealing material goods. Really, come off it. Please stay on the subject.

Yea if someone steals your bank info from a wireless broadcast, that is another thing.

I'm not responding to personal attacks, flaming, etc. have better things to do.. Sorry.

Alright now this is not gonna turn into a flame thread, no personal attacks, everyone can state their opinion without attacks. Bottom line if someone is paying for something and someone else takes it,that is stealing. Same thing applies to satelite tv, you can buy a box to get all the channels for free it doesnt make it "free tv" you go to jail. Someone else pays for it then you take it without their permission and you got yerself  the definition of theft.  Yup I said yerself, im from texas.  :evil6:

Well you know what, I'll go on running my Open WiFi for my neighbors to willingly use. While you guys go about doing what ever you do with your wireless. Continue to expand wireless links that span miles, not feet. I'll log into and out of my neighbors wireless connection, and I'm sorry fellas no one is going to say or do a thing. Wrong or Right. That is the truth.

How the hell can you compare society's problems to this. "That is why people are taking back their neighborhoods??" I'm speaking about wireless connectivity not securing your open front door from theives entering your house. This isn't about stealing material goods. Really, come off it. Please stay on the subject.

Yea if someone steals your bank info from a wireless broadcast, that is another thing.

I'm not responding to personal attacks, flaming, etc. have better things to do.. Sorry.

It very much is on topic.  You are advocating the stealing of somebody elses network access, something they pay a tidy sum of money every month for and without their knowledge or permission.  You are stealing a tangeable and measurable asset.  You are also infringing on their right to have a safe and secure network and depending on your activities while on THEIR property you may endanger their economic or legal wellbeing.  I think that is very much on topic and point.

Alright now this is not gonna turn into a flame thread, no personal attacks, everyone can state their opinion without attacks. Bottom line if someone is paying for something and someone else takes it,that is stealing. Same thing applies to satelite tv, you can buy a box to get all the channels for free it doesnt make it "free tv" you go to jail. Someone else pays for it then you take it without their permission and you got yerself  the definition of theft.  Yup I said yerself, im from texas.  :evil6:

Yer correct <grin>...I should not let personal feelings about this guy's morals or lack thereof get to me like that....I'm sorry.  Oh....yer aint a word....d^mnit!  All this time I have been talkin like trash and didn't know it.....

Sharing ideas, concepts and keeping things out in the open is what Society should be like. This closed door policy to everything has a hint of paranoia. I'm speaking from the perspective of person, in an area, where this takes place and isn't looked down upon.

Sorry maybe where you are, they have town meetings for securing your wireless, or should for that matter. Here people share internet, this concept doesn't work for you, sorry. Seattle Washington has the same vision, NYC has this vision also. To be honest, the sky isn't falling over here. It helps people function. Oh I need directions, let me pull over and use MapQuest, Google Maps, etc.. Employees out in the field are recommended to do this if they need directions, corporations recommend this..

It is strongly suggested most people do not do banking, ordering via credit card, and entering personal info over wireless. This is common sense. You are transmitting this data, and anyone can be listening.

Employees out in the field are recommended to do this if they need directions, corporations recommend this..

I think they are recommending PUBLIC wifi, not private networks.  I doubt companies are going around saying "If you need to get online, just park in front of someones house, and log onto their network"

Sharing ideas, concepts and keeping things out in the open is what Society should be like. This closed door policy to everything has a hint of paranoia. I'm speaking from the perspective of person, in an area, where this takes place and isn't looked down upon.

Sorry maybe where you are, they have town meetings for securing your wireless, or should for that matter. Here people share internet, this concept doesn't work for you, sorry. Seattle Washington has the same vision, NYC has this vision also. To be honest, the sky isn't falling over here. It helps people function. Oh I need directions, let me pull over and use MapQuest, Google Maps, etc.. Employees out in the field are recommended to do this if they need directions, corporations recommend this..

It is strongly suggested most people do not do banking, ordering via credit card, and entering personal info over wireless. This is common sense. You are transmitting this data, and anyone can be listening.

Sir...you are confusing things here.  I don't think anyone here has a problem with sharing wifi networks where the owner of the services has willingly and knowingly agreed to participate.  In fact...we're all for it....thats a great concept or idea and in some areas including my town of Saint Petersburg, FL that is a reality.  BUT...those who have not given their permission should be protected from infringements on their rights as well.  Just because the network is open (out of error or otherwise) is not license to hop on have your will with it.

Sir...you are confusing things here.  I don't think anyone here has a problem with sharing wifi networks where the owner of the services has willingly and knowingly agreed to participate.  In fact...we're all for it....thats a great concept or idea and in some areas including my town of Saint Petersburg, FL that is a reality.  BUT...those who have not given their permission should be protected from infringements on their rights as well.  Just because the network is open (out of error or otherwise) is not license to hop on have your will with it.


Well you know my point of view and now we know yours. Open wifi is there for use, sorry. There is no disclaimer when someone logs in. If there is no theft of personal data, no crime has been committed in my book.

Sorry, I'm not the only one on here that feels that way.  :cool:

My wireless is Open and I see people logging in now what?

Sir...you are confusing things here.  I don't think anyone here has a problem with sharing wifi networks where the owner of the services has willingly and knowingly agreed to participate.  In fact...we're all for it....thats a great concept or idea and in some areas including my town of Saint Petersburg, FL that is a reality.  BUT...those who have not given their permission should be protected from infringements on their rights as well.  Just because the network is open (out of error or otherwise) is not license to hop on have your will with it.

Now if that is the case absolutely. If you got permission go for it. If its like a neighborhood policy that is VERY cool too, but if someone opts out of it they should not be included.

Well you know my point of view and now we know yours. Open wifi is there for use, sorry. There is no disclaimer when someone logs in. If there is no theft of personal data, no crime has been committed in my book.

Sorry, I'm not the only one on here that feels that way.  :cool:

My wireless is Open and I see people logging in now what?

I guess ethically people should know better than to log onto others networks without permission but at the same time if you have no protection turned on you would be daft to think nobody would log on. So you say potatoe I say breakfast burrito. If you dont want people on just lock it up easy as that. Now we all know what each other thinks lets move onto something IMPORTANT. Come on people like who has the best hamburger (fuddruckers) or who has the best chineese food (Napolies in Nome Alaska).  :haha:

Shug, did you go to the Dan Quayle school of spelling?  :haha:

:evil6: :evil6: You know what sucks ass. I was at home when I did that and my wife was talking to me. I said I think I just spelled potato wrong.... eh fuck it nobody will call me on it.  :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

Sorry....I swore of cold weather two years ago......nothing below 70 please....so Alaska is out of the question.

If you have never been you should. Its beautiful. Plus its so cold you get frost bite in 3.2 seconds and cant feel shit from the hair down.  :cool:

Moved On, Have Security System's to Design for a Ford Dealership..  :)

Very cool job. Wish mine was that interesting.

He knows I'm just busting his nads  ;)

Uhhh...  :shock: I just had a vasectomy. So your to late I just paid someone to do that for me.  ;)

Well my company is in start-up stages, I look for places that have guards on duty that watch a yard or a facility. Find ways to eliminate the guards and initiate a monthly contract for a security system that suits their needs. Watched remotely, control lighting, etc.

This account I am shooting for will make or break me this year.  :!:

Well my company is in start-up stages, I look for places that have guards on duty that watch a yard or a facility. Find ways to eliminate the guards and initiate a monthly contract for a security system that suits their needs. Watched remotely, control lighting, etc.

This account I am shooting for will make or break me this year.  :!:

Awesome man, good luck that sounds cool. Feel sorry for the poor bastards you see standing guard.  :lol:

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