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Check out themedoctor.com.  PC World recom. one on

there, it looks like it is loaded.  I really didn't check it out

very well, so check it out before using.

thanks paladin , some nice wallpaper on there, not sure about the themes with music though , just not my cup of tea, but some good senic pics.

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Thanks Ryan,

but between you and me , I dread Christmas , my busy time of the year , and what with the Elves forming a union and constantly bitching about a shorter working week, + the cost of feed for the reindeer going up and up , also the vets. bill for treating Rudolf's nose again , I guess I will be glad when it's spring  :lol:

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I actually prefer winter over summer as horrible as that sounds. /LOVESNOW /LOVECHRISTMAS


It's OK for you youngsters Ryan , but me arthur rightus sets in , and I get chilled to the bone ,  :lol: Christmas !,Bah Humbug

P.s. yeah,  I love Christmas , it's special , a time to reflect on the year gone , new friends made ,and a time for old friendships renewed  ,

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