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I have had WildBlue as my ISP for over a year and a half now. I have had nothing but praise for the service. That is, until December 5, 2006 when suddenly I could no longer access, from my Wild Blue connection, one of my web sites, wellsguitars.com. As it turns out, I can no longer access ANY web site which is hosted by Go Daddy. First I complained to Wild Blue and they said it is GoDaddy's problem. Then I complained to GoDaddy and, after extensive testing, tell me that it is Wild Blue's problem. I then called Wild Blue yesterday and not only talked to a representative but sent him e-mails with traceroutes and GoDaddy's analysis of the traceroutes. Wild Blue's technician finally admitted that it is a Wild Blue problem but they will not fix it unless they have far more than my official complaint. This is in spite of the fact that there are over 96 complaints at another forum web site over this exact same issue and which I made Wild Blue aware. At this point it appears that Wild Blue will not fix whatever the problem is so, any site (and there are literally thousands) hosted by GoDaddy.com cannot be accessed by the Wild Blue Service. This is just not an acceptable solution. For you who have not committed to a satellite service be warned about this problem!

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Here is a traceroute sent to GoDaddy and Wild Blue:

[iMac-24:~] sylvan% traceroute wellsguitars.com

traceroute to wellsguitars.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte


1 ( 1.026 ms 0.732 ms 0.673 ms

2 ( 1144.720 ms 2418.200 ms 1130.612 ms

3 ( 1083.087 ms 1123.097 ms 1113.021 ms

4 ( 1147.814 ms 1102.776 ms 1100.424 ms

5 ( 1137.923 ms 1099.623 ms 1092.340 ms

6 ( 1109.222 ms 1118.898 ms 1115.464 ms

7 ( 3657.528 ms 1121.433 ms 1148.703 ms

8 ( 1112.754 ms 1138.454 ms 1151.162 ms

9 gbr1-p70.auttx.ip.att.net ( 1140.250 ms 2757.338

ms 1122.040 ms

10 tbr2-p013901.dlstx.ip.att.net ( 1214.934 ms

2437.399 ms 1710.643 ms

11 tbr2-cl1592.phmaz.ip.att.net ( 1217.097 ms

3650.373 ms 1164.071 ms

12 ( 1176.881 ms 1178.351 ms 1122.685 ms

13 ( 1135.878 ms 1137.530 ms

1175.140 ms

14 mdf001c7613r0004-gig-12-1.phx1.attens.net (

3915.706 ms 1154.236 ms 2470.852 ms

15 * ( 1730.833 ms 1124.397 ms

16 * * *

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28 * ( 2378.944 ms !X *

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40 ( 1845.168 ms !X * *

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58 * * ( 2716.575 ms !X

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63 * * *

I also noticed that you have recieved the infamous Nov. 17th firmware update that completely F*cked up everything.  Before then your pings should have been between 550 -- 800ms.

Yep looks like a broken route.

Here's Mine:

Tracing route to www.wellsguitars.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms

  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  3  1432 ms   889 ms   839 ms  dpc67142142002.direcpc.com []

  4   892 ms   649 ms   709 ms  dpc67142131174.direcpc.com []

  5   994 ms  1188 ms   959 ms  dpc67142131149.direcpc.com []

  6   880 ms   769 ms   699 ms  dpc67142128138.direcpc.com []

  7   633 ms   719 ms   639 ms

  8   796 ms   819 ms   679 ms  p1-2-0.c0.hywr.broadwing.net []

  9   702 ms   839 ms   848 ms  s3-0-0.a1.hywr.broadwing.net []

10   735 ms   650 ms   799 ms  G2-5.rp0.snjs.broadwing.net []

11   770 ms   669 ms   759 ms

12   701 ms   847 ms   689 ms

13   746 ms   719 ms   849 ms  tbr1-p013004.sffca.ip.att.net []

14  1088 ms   889 ms   689 ms  tbr1-cl3.la2ca.ip.att.net []

15   742 ms   759 ms   919 ms  tbr1-cl3214.phmaz.ip.att.net []

16   838 ms   949 ms   979 ms

17   927 ms   759 ms   749 ms

18   781 ms   809 ms   820 ms  mdf001c7613r0003-gig-10-1.phx1.attens.net [63.24


19     *        *        *     Request timed out.

20   754 ms   787 ms   690 ms  ip-68-178-232-95.ip.secureserver.net [68.178.232


21   694 ms   892 ms   899 ms  ip-68-178-232-95.ip.secureserver.net [68.178.232


Trace complete.

For a test, try tracing my Godaddy site at http://www.heresthething.org. 

I would sugguest that you go to http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat, click on the Wildblue tab, and ask others to trace the route.  If you can get enough people there to complain about it, you might be able to get WB to do something about it.

GhostMaster :

Your site is not reachable by my Wild Blue connection as you suspected. I also have gone to the other forum and posted my message regarding the problem. Wild Blue's tech (the last one) admitted it is their problem but said they would not fix it unless they had more than just my official complaint. He said more subscribers' need to call tech support and have a ticket written on the problem. Then they will fix it! We will see but I am not holding my breath!

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, yesterday I spent a good two hours on the phone with a high level Wild Blue technician. The upshot of it all is that it was a complete waste of time. She confirmed that the requests time out at the AT&T portal, which is part of the Wild Blue experience. She basically told me that they will not fix it after trying to convince me that there was a problem with something on my end. Even in spite of the fact that all this started after WB updated the modems at the end of November. So, since I am a lawyer, I just sent a letter to Wild Blue giving them 30 days to fix the problem or I may pursue it legally, potentially as a class action. If anyone is interested e-mail me at sylvan@sylvanwells.com for details.


Well, yesterday I spent a good two hours on the phone with a high level Wild Blue technician. The upshot of it all is that it was a complete waste of time. She confirmed that the requests time out at the AT&T portal, which is part of the Wild Blue experience. She basically told me that they will not fix it after trying to convince me that there was a problem with something on my end. Even in spite of the fact that all this started after WB updated the modems at the end of November. So, since I am a lawyer, I just sent a letter to Wild Blue giving them 30 days to fix the problem or I may pursue it legally, potentially as a class action. If anyone is interested e-mail me at sylvan@sylvanwells.com for details.

Geesh....sounds like the greed factor has kicked in now for WB just like Hughes  :!:

I think several on here (no not me ) said it was just temporary for better perforance from WB. And now dway has improved from the competition. Sorry to hear that sylvan. I hope several join you in your suit against them. I hope you the best in your venture.  :icon_thumright:

Wild Blue is one Hughes newest competitors.  And at this point, the only advantage is US based support.  Wild Blue also has worse pings since they started traffic shaping ICMP traffic, or whatever they did.  Some users are seeing 3000ms+ on some pings....


Wild Blue is one Hughes newest competitors.  And at this point, the only advantage is US based support.  Wild Blue also has worse pings since they started traffic shaping ICMP traffic, or whatever they did.  Some users are seeing 3000ms+ on some pings....

Yeah they implemented something in the new firmware that filters ICMP traffic as a low priority packet in order to make the actual "web browsing" a better experience..but the ping times have started suffering from that.  I've had some customers wanting to revert back to the old firmware and I can't do that for them because the modems d/l the firmware automatically.  WB tech support is here in northern colorado so that is an advantage  :haha:

i have had wildblue since june and have had nothing but problems with from extremely slow speeds to not being able to connect for hours at a time and continuous disconnects. and since i got my service through a 3 rd party wildblue will not help at all they tell me to contact the people i purchased it from and all i get from them is excuses  after excuses and refusal to help.  sadly enough at this point i would prefer to have my dial up back for the price difference versus being able to use it . it just isn't worth it. does anyone know where i can get help

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