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This is all really very sad! But the saddest part is, in the meantime, NO ONE is helping ALL the people with problems with their questions on DirecWay. Hope this all can be fixed, as people are asking for help and no one here is helping. :cry:

This is all really very sad! But the saddest part is, in the meantime, NO ONE is helping ALL the people with problems with their questions on DirecWay. Hope this all can be fixed, as people are asking for help and no one here is helping. :cry:

I'd help but I don't have sattelite(sp?) . But I am browsing the other topics to help people. Ex. I just helped someone back up ther reg in the general discussion area  :)

Also, at least we now are having more people posting on the forums, although sadly most of the posts are on this topic.


Too bad I have to wait 3 more hours to smite .s1 again. :cussing:

P.P.S I posted the above message out of anger. I'll delete it.

GOD DAMN.. gimme some time to read all this shit. I we and got lunch, I get back and all hell has broken loose...

whew, I got alot of reading to do.

actualy no , you dont. All of my posts as well as im guessing  "netmasta"s is gone, cept for the one where he wants to be a jackass and smite like it realy matters.

actualy no , you dont. All of my posts as well as im guessing  "netmasta"s is gone, cept for the one where he wants to be a jackass and smite like it realy matters.

I'm still here. You don't scare me .s1. Or anyone else here for that matter.

Just looked at my  karma thanks .s1. Can we get rid of this stupid "karma" now/

Personally I'm amazed that the Karma ratings haven't been spammed to outlandish proportions..

If this was my old forum, 3 hour limit or not, people would have had stats like +1893284/-90472 and such by now, from people with nothing better to do than 'pop over' for a few minutes to Smite/Approve (Or whatever the other action is called)

To all the mods , while I only joined yesterday, the rev was right there to help me. I hope in light of his leaving ,that someone else will pick up the ball ,and continue to help D way users like myself.I was directed here by Dway support, and was glad to finally find a forum, with more than 3 sat users on the board. Already, by reading a few of the other posts here, I have been able to improve Sat performance. I hope that someone knowledgeable continues the Dway section. BIGDADDY51

  Hey s1 I think that you suck kind of now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not saying I hate you I just think look at what you said to cable post no you don't have much reading to do because why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because you deleted all the evidence of you being a ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the reverned alot and in no way are you going to take over this site and you can smite me all you want I don't give a dam you ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I am sorry to cable for this post and my bad words but I could not keep it in! Also if you don't like it fell free to deleted it cable not you you ass s1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suppose this will be deleted to wont it you ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I try not to take sides at all but I think you s1 deleting post taking stuff out of the archives and making people mad is very foolish and I know the others see what you are doing and are reporting to cable so go ahead and delete all you want cable will here about what you are doing even If I don't tell him anything I am sure others have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ass!!!!!!!

Fuckoff, moron.

This is done.


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