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Question about xbox 360

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Well, ive read alot about how people's 360's were dying withing 6 months of purchasing.. i got one for christmas and my mom got the 2 year warranty... But my question is. If i bring it back what will they do? All of my game saves are on the hard drive and i refuse to lose all of it. Will they allow me to keep my hard drive or what?

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Well, ive read alot about how people's 360's were dying withing 6 months of purchasing.. i got one for christmas and my mom got the 2 year warranty... But my question is. If i bring it back what will they do? All of my game saves are on the hard drive and i refuse to lose all of it. Will they allow me to keep my hard drive or what?

Good question, I would like to know as well. I have downloaded a bunch of market place stuff on mine that costed money...

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Good question, I would like to know as well. I have downloaded a bunch of market place stuff on mine that costed money...

Exactly, the xbox live arcade games, themes, gamer pics, etc.

I dont understand what they would do..

Edit: Im asking thsi because i went to bestbuy today to pick up a game, and my mom returned a vacuum and there were 5 PEOPLE in front of me returning xbox 360 premium. And i saw 4 more sitting behind the counter, i asked like 3 of them what happened and they said it just died about 7 months in

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I would guess like any computer that is returned for repair the HDD would be wiped clean.  The first thing they will sya is what is on the HDD is the cause of the problem.  When swapped they just give you a new console with a new HDD.  At EB games I saw a device that allows the X-Box 360 to connect to you PC HDD.  Not familiar with it nor do I recall the name but it may allow you to back-up the X-Box 360 drive before sending it off.

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Well i wont be sending it off, i have a 2 year warranty at bestbuy.. even though microsoft just came out with the 1 year warranty  :angry:

so ill refuse to give them my hard drive and have them swap it or something. They dont like confrontation at my bestbuy so they might just say here take the hard drive.

I'm not one to put up arguments but i think thats wrong that you lose all your game saves and downloaded material etc.

Im not going to spend money on the removable memory card either.. thats what the hard drives for in the first place!

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check on the forums and on yahoo and stuff. there might well be software or cheap hardware ways to get an xbox hd to talk to a pc since i doubt they use anything but a standard drive in there. that way you could make regular backups.

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check on the forums and on yahoo and stuff. there might well be software or cheap hardware ways to get an xbox hd to talk to a pc since i doubt they use anything but a standard drive in there. that way you could make regular backups.

you can get your pc to talk to the xbox. but you can not pull the information off the drive with out hacking it.

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Rmemeber it is the consumer's/your responsbilibty to backup your PC HDD so you do not lose info needed after it is repaired.  Same goes for a HDD in a game console unless you pay extra for it.  On that not I did finde the Xbox 360 attachement that I mentioned in my earlier post.  When I saw it at Gamestop it was $40 US.  Found a site that wants $49.99 US.  Still not a bad price to pay to not lose all of your hard earned game saves.

http://us.codejunkies.com/shop/product.asp?c=US&cr=USD&cs=$&r=0&l=1&ProdID=403  (Purchase)

http://www.msxbox-world.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4165  (Quick Run down)

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I dont think its right that i should have to dish out another 50 bucks after paying extra money for the premium version JUST so i could have a hard drive and save it all to it.

I refuse to pay for a removable storage device, and will keep my hard drive if this breaks.

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Well on the xbox theres two versions, the core and the premium. The core of course is less expensive and comes with less features. The premium comes with a headset, hard drive, wireless controller, and i think something else. The main reason i wante dthe premium was for the hard drive and so i could save my games, media, and other things on it. If they know the systems are known the break in 6 months they should let you keep the hard drive. ESPECIALLY because you can buy full games which can cost 60 bucks and download them to the hard drive.


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It's like any other PC.  If it crashes and you do not have a backup or another PC to through the drive into then you are just SOL.  These things are not made to fail in 6 months.  Again like any PC it's enemy is heat.  I have read plenty of forums of people haveing these systems fail because they do not allow sufficient cooling around the vents.  It is called takeing care of your equipment.  I have seen plenty of PC's give all kinds of problems from the blue screen of death to just shutting down for no reason.  Remove the case blow the pound of accumulated dust, clean the fans off and no more problems.  You other solution could be to purchase a second 360, when and if yours fails, swap HDD's then return the new for not working.  Expensive to do but you'll have your HDD.  Again unless where ever it is sent to they are willing to swap the drive or allow you to keep your drive and you send them the console and they use an off the shelf drive to fix yours.  Other then that take some responibility and purchase a backup of some kind, plus if you can afford to shell out $400 dollars for the premium console and $60 bucks at a time for games I'm sure you can afford a $50 solution to back up the HDD before it fails.

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I TOTALLY FORGOT BOUT THE USB SLOT IN THE 360!!  im gonna plug my flash drive in tomorrow that would be amazing i f i could save games on there, tho it doesnt help downloaded material from xbl in some other cases, personally i dont download themes and games etc.

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