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What do u think of the video?  

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  1. 1. What do u think of the video?

    • Sucks...if you pick this it means either two things: you have no taste for comedy, or you did not see the video

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eh...everyone quit bitch cuz reverend is apparently gone and quit with all the flaming towards s1...its annoying to see those as the 'top' topics...


i just saw the funniest thing in my entire life i havent laughed so hard for such a long time

its EXTREMELY funny, especially if ur asian, even funnier if ur a brown guy like me (eh...im paki not indian tho)

watch it, its a little bit racial but man...its HILARIOUS


if u prefer a higher quality version, im sure theres probably some on p2p or bittorrent just search for 'Russell Peters'

russell peters is an indian comedian and he's fuking hilaroius...crude at times, but hell he makes fun of brown ppl too and i find it extremely funny


EDIT:SIGH...26 views, and not 1 post

hmm...maybe my topic title is misleading

EDIT A FEW SECS LATER: woohooo a reply!

;) Yeah I needed realplayer ...thats all,, and wingzero2309 ur right this guy is really funny Im listening right now.....I didnt even know I had a disease .....one jina.....LMAO...thanks I needed that......      :)

:cool: Microwave

lol yea hehe cant wait till his next one comes out :)

XOBILE!  Please do not yell in the casino

Somebodys gonna get a hurt real bad heh gotta love indian accents funny as hell and im part indian!(nah...i dont got the accent...parents kinda do tho lol :-P)

:D  OMG  ROFLMAO his white Canadian impression is one of the funniest I have ever seen..... this guy is good....LOL he has his impressions of people down pat.....  thanks again

:) Microwave

  Hey don't talk about canadians LOL I am canadian I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I think Iam but people say I am american but my mom and her hole family came form cananda see she was 8 when she moved here and my dad was american thou but anyway I don't care if you talk about canadians I am just playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So keep it up it is funny even to me!!!!!

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