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Hi all members: I am posting this as my part in putting out the fire that got started the other day.I have not been asked to do this by CA3LE but since two topics I posted added fuel to the fire.I decided to request that they be deleted from the forum.

When it was flaming it did not help to add any more  fuel to it.I would like to see the forum return to normal at least as normal as it was before.So CA3LE I would like to for you or one of the moderator to delete these two topics from the forum.To the moderators if you think you should ask CA3LE before doing this then ask him.The two topics are"testmy.net your site CA3LE so be the boss." &"Would like other members opinions of Cholla". I could have done this by personal message but I did not want anyone to think the posts had just been removed without a request from me.  :D Cholla 

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Gald i dont know and that i am not involved in the fire

just read that cholla has 56k

Sorry to hear this man, every summer i fight this for 3 months when i go home and i have to live with it

i did that last summet knowing it was my last big summer home

keep ur head high

one day u will move or faster internet with get there

if you dont go to get it, it will come to get you

hang in there man

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