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you might want to look around on http://www.driverguide.com/

yea......, thanks d, I have use the site in the past, and forgot about it, I just visited there, and they are not using the old name and pass, (user , all), the site advises you to join $ 29.00 , , and you need to fill out as much shit , as when I buy a car. :haha: :haha: :haha:  Guess i'll need to take some time to look around. Thanks

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have you tried =

http://www.compal.com/index_En.htm,    customer suport ?

Thanks for the link,  Roco ,It seems as if I need to do a bit more searching, as the model ,as stated , I can only find batteries.........grrr

                                                        Everything isn't always as easy as it seems, so I find out again :smiley:

BTW, Driverguide.com doesn't seem to find  anything on this model    *surprising

I did find out that compal makes roughly 45 % of the worlds laptops, Dell , HP, and so on. :smile2:  They do however , sell in bulk , they are called  "whitebooks" or , Barebones systems .

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I have been working on a Compal, laptop, the system had crashed ...bad, I installed win 2k, and cannot locate the video, sound or other vital drivers. is anyone familiar?

Hi Mudmanc looks like the vid. is  S3 twister x4 agp



P3/1Ghz FSB133

256Mb PC133 Ram

14.1" TFT XGA (1024x768)


DVD/CDRW Combo drive

S3 Graphics Twister 4xAGP VGATrackpad


2xPC Card bus

PIO High speed bi-directional parallel port, 25 pins, ECP/EPP capability

RGB DDC2b compliant VGA port, 15 pins


Headphone-out jacks

RJ-45 jack

PS/2 x 1


TV-Out (S-Video)

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the Compal N30N3,

may have been sold as the Quantex microsystems N30N3 ,not 100% sure on that ,

quantex microsystems

http://www.soundcard-drivers.com/companies/875.htm       ?


Yeah, not a easy one to find , most of the info is from europe (Germany etc )

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Hi Mudmanc looks like the vid. is  S3 twister x4 agp



P3/1Ghz FSB133

256Mb PC133 Ram

14.1" TFT XGA (1024x768)


DVD/CDRW Combo drive

S3 Graphics Twister 4xAGP VGATrackpad


2xPC Card bus

PIO High speed bi-directional parallel port, 25 pins, ECP/EPP capability

RGB DDC2b compliant VGA port, 15 pins


Headphone-out jacks

RJ-45 jack

PS/2 x 1


TV-Out (S-Video)

  Hey Roco, where did you find the info on notebook, I need to find out what audio is in there, and the system cannot tell??/?
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Hi Mudmanc

http://forum.hwsw.hu/index.php?showtopic=118608    not sure it will help though , good luck

P.s.  :lol: on the big smooch , the only one around is my dog , just glad he cant read  :lol:

  NIX  the dog, probably been smoochin on its self,(if ya know what I mean) as most dogs do :2funny: :2funny:

Yea, hell, I cant find way to translate this page................

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lol you are right on that ,  :evil2:

matbe this may be worth a try , find some audio drivers from around that time  (2000-2001 ? ) gateway, dell etc, get as many as you can find, put them in a folder , then try updating sound card driver , in systems , then browse to that folder , and let it find it's own driver , note I have never run win.2000, only 9x-xp ,

something is ringing a bell in my head , S3 video and s/c driver , I will get back if I remember, 

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grrrrrr...............This is how many hour looking for this stinkin driver, I think I'll take yor advice Roco, I am getting dozens of drivers , compiling into one folder and see if one will work  :knuppel2:

Good luck Mudmanc , it worked for me with a modem driver way back ,

I still think it is a S3 driver , as I had a desktop in once that had S3 vid and the sound driver was Crystal/S3  , I noted on one site Compal/quantex made puters for gateway at one time

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Good luck Mudmanc , it worked for me with a modem driver way back ,

I still think it is a S3 driver , as I had a desktop in once that had S3 vid and the sound driver was Crystal/S3  , I noted on one site Compal/quantex made puters for gateway at one time

I tried several from crystal, now I have a lead to ESS meastro2e......we shall see. They were one of the first  !!!????  I hope    arggg  :haha: :haha:

  Late last night I dicovered the PCI SCC device was'nt working properly as well, so needs to be updated :lol:

  As far as the modem driver way back .good idea, but there were only so many then . True?

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OK , i have officially had it w/ this bad boy :cheesy:

Dear , Roco Sir, I have been scanning the globe for the crystal media driver..  :confused2: .............to no avail, I must be a  :tard:  I have resorted to dismantling the expletive, you were right in assuming the "twister", I can only assume you are correct in the audio. There is only 5.567 million drivers for this expletive, as to the # , that is the question.I have tried litterally hundreds. to no avail. Any ideas? which chip is the audio? As I have extensively searched each # on each chip :roll: The MB is  FOSA from what I have gathered.


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:twisted: the normal normal disclaimer applies from this end ,  :evil6:

but I share your grief, been there got the T shirt , and I appreciate handing it back with no sound is a bit embarrassing  too say the least ,

I have been studying your pic , using Magnifier , with no luck , ( please ignore my "Expert" title on TMN:evil6:, that was based on humour only  :idiot2:), laptops are a new thing for me ,I just got given 7 from the company I work for, to wipe the H/D's clean , and was told to keep them after,

nice ,the dell latitudes came with one Cd drive so that wasn't a problem, but 3 are dell note books without cd drives , or floppy drives , loaded with 2K and password protected,  :evil2:

enough of my problems , back to the Compal,

I have just found the S/C driver that went with the S3 vid card  at


guess that well maybe the wrong one, but worth a try

beyond this I cannot help ,


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:twisted: the normal normal disclaimer applies from this end ,  :evil6:

but I share your grief, been there got the T shirt , and I appreciate handing it back with no sound is a bit embarrassing  too say the least ,

I have been studying your pic , using Magnifier , with no luck , ( please ignore my "Expert" title on TMN:evil6:, that was based on humour only  :idiot2:), laptops are a new thing for me ,I just got given 7 from the company I work for, to wipe the H/D's clean , and was told to keep them after,

nice ,the dell latitudes came with one Cd drive so that wasn't a problem, but 3 are dell note books without cd drives , or floppy drives , loaded with 2K and password protected,  :evil2:

enough of my problems , back to the Compal,

I have just found the S/C driver that went with the S3 vid card  at


guess that well maybe the wrong one, but worth a try

beyond this I cannot help ,


Thank you Roco , as you have been a great help. This one I do believe has other issues, pci .host/bridge !!?? 

Good luck w/ the dells, there good machines, I to had a go around w/ a few, the worst thing in my experience, is the fact that the dells that I have worked w/ are proprietary to there hardware ( laptops), the optical drives you will find to be a bit pricey, as far as the passwords i'll pm you :)

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