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Well... I am building a new PC for myself and need more money for it. I was wondering how much money my pc would be worth to people who would be looking for a very decent computer. I will only be selling the Tower a mouse a keyboard and a CRT 17 inch because I got ripped off on my 19 inch LCD for 310 bucks and I know no one will buy it for close to that amount.. well here are my specs.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ and overclockable. (never overclocked)

Gigabyte nForce3 250 ATX with 5 PCI and 1 AGP 4x/8x motherboard

D-Link Wireless 54mbps

60 gigabyte Hard Drive

17inch CRT Moniter

regular keyboard and mouse

Audigy Sound Blaster

All In Wonder X800XT AGP Video Card

Please post what you all think it would be worth selling.

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Well... I am building a new PC for myself and need more money for it. I was wondering how much money my pc would be worth to people who would be looking for a very decent computer. I will only be selling the Tower a mouse a keyboard and a CRT 17 inch because I got ripped off on my 19 inch LCD for 310 bucks and I know no one will buy it for close to that amount.. well here are my specs.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ and overclockable. (never overclocked)

Gigabyte nForce3 250 ATX with 5 PCI and 1 AGP 4x/8x motherboard

D-Link Wireless 54mbps

60 gigabyte Hard Drive

17inch CRT Moniter

regular keyboard and mouse

Audigy Sound Blaster

All In Wonder X800XT AGP Video Card

Please post what you all think it would be worth selling.

Just wanted to drop in and let you know you cannot sell anything on the forums here. I understand you are asking for advice on what to sell it for, just be careful. If this turns into a for sale thread it will be gone. Welcome to the forum.  :grin2:
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Just wanted to drop in and let you know you cannot sell anything on the forums here. I understand you are asking for advice on what to sell it for, just be careful. If this turns into a for sale thread it will be gone. Welcome to the forum.  :grin2:

Yes I am just asking for advice in how muchI should sell it so don't worry I won't sell it on forums lol.

and for the person who said for 350ish... I really don't know how it should be that cheap... I just bought the graphics card from newegg for 270... I don't get it.

OH YEAH.. also it has 1.5 gigs of ram running at 400mhz

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sorry, thats how much I think its worth......i take everything in consideration...upgradeability as well....agp is getting phased out, if it was a pcix system, i would pay more for it..........nf3, agp, to me its not worth more than 350 and id feel anyone is getting ripped off by paying more than that

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Well.... I really don't know whats wrong with the 8800GTS but I know for a fact that the 8800GTS gets more FPS then 250 even on a higher res then 1024 by 1080 or w/e because one of my friends have and AMD x2 I think its the 4800 and he gets around 700 FPS for an average mark with BF2 CSS HALO and OBLIVION is around 580 evrg, and plays many other games. I donno if its ur Intel or what... theres no way u should have only 250 (LIES!) :P

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.....seriously.....700fps......thats honestly, i thought this through many times without any regret, the dumbest thing i have heard in a longest time

8800gtx will hit, with luck, 160fps in bf2 @ 1280x1024 - and you are talking about a gts rendering 700+ fps !?.....you should seriously re-think what you say and re-think again whether you can back it up

(....I dont mean anything against you, but you should really think twice or maybe even 3 times before posting something like that lol)

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The mere fact that

1)You don't know how much money your comp is worth, and


Well.... I really don't know whats wrong with the 8800GTS but I know for a fact that the 8800GTS gets more FPS then 250 even on a higher res then 1024 by 1080 or w/e because one of my friends have and AMD x2 I think its the 4800 and he gets around 700 FPS for an average mark with BF2 CSS HALO and OBLIVION is around 580 evrg, and plays many other games. I donno if its ur Intel or what... theres no way u should have only 250 (LIES!) :P

leads me to believe that you aint got a clue.....

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Everyone needs to chill out here. The guy is asking for advice and does not need to be insulted. If he does not agree with your advice fine, but there is no need to make derogotory comments. I know for a fact there are things each of us has no clue about. If you asked me for my opinion on something medical and you werent sure if I was right I would not make fun of you or your knowledge level. Cmon guys. You guys know we are family here and family supports each other, even the new additions to the family. If we cant play nice here and must all try to show that we know more than the next I will lock it.

Everyone in this thread is a well respected member of testmy, now imagine how you are making this guy think of Testmy. A couple of people need to issue an apology in my opinion.

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Sorry for being a jerk.  I guess I don't have a clue about tact.

First, I planned all week on installing a Terabyte's worth of space on a data frame this morning, only to find out that the screws I used to mount the drives on the caddy's were rubbing against the tracks on the data frame, and wouldnt go in.  So I had to scramble to find screws in a tub of screws.  Then I just had to deal with a presenter who instead of putting his power point on a disk, or flash drive, hauled his entire desktop computer (the whole damn thing) to our building and wanted me to set it up for him to present on. 

Sorry, needed to vent....

I hate friday the 13th......

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Guest kamil234

Well.... I really don't know whats wrong with the 8800GTS but I know for a fact that the 8800GTS gets more FPS then 250 even on a higher res then 1024 by 1080 or w/e because one of my friends have and AMD x2 I think its the 4800 and he gets around 700 FPS for an average mark with BF2 CSS HALO and OBLIVION is around 580 evrg, and plays many other games. I donno if its ur Intel or what... theres no way u should have only 250 (LIES!) :P

oblivion 580 FPS OMG he must have a computer from the future!

if you go online and accually check it out you can see no card can render over 100fps in oblivion.

please know what you're talking about next time

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oblivion 580 FPS OMG he must have a computer from the future!

if you go online and accually check it out you can see no card can render over 100fps in oblivion.

please know what you're talking about next time

Apparently you didnt read my earlier post so here it is one more time. I dont think anyone has ever corrected you here in such a rude manner, please extend that courtesy to all of our members.

Everyone needs to chill out here. The guy is asking for advice and does not need to be insulted. If he does not agree with your advice fine, but there is no need to make derogotory comments. I know for a fact there are things each of us has no clue about. If you asked me for my opinion on something medical and you werent sure if I was right I would not make fun of you or your knowledge level. Cmon guys. You guys know we are family here and family supports each other, even the new additions to the family. If we cant play nice here and must all try to show that we know more than the next I will lock it.

Everyone in this thread is a well respected member of testmy, now imagine how you are making this guy think of Testmy. A couple of people need to issue an apology in my opinion.

The next person that feels the need to be rude WILL get this thread locked and possibly face further action. Last warning.
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Personally I would think no more than 500. Depends on if your selling it to a real geek or not. For your average person 500 seems fair. The computer can play current games well. Not to many people worry about the nuts and bolts. For 2 or 3 more they can pretty much get one at wally world with vista. For your average user, this is a pretty nice setup. Unless your hardcore gammer not to many worry about fps of a card. So personally I would say 5 tops and 4 at the least. Just my 2 cents. In fact one of the strong selling points would be it has xp and not that horrid vista most people hate. Unless I messed up and you do have vista. Then oops sorry.

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