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-- Jim Neugent is a coach in

    Childress , Texas

Jim writes:

My name is Jim Neugent. I wrote to ABC (on-line) concerning a program called "THE PRACTICE." In last nights episode, one of  the lawyer's mothers decided she is gay and wanted her son to go to court and help her get a marriage license so she could marry her  'partner.'  I sent the following letter to ABC yesterday and really  did not expect a reply, but I did get one.

My original message was:

ABC is obsessed  with the subject of homosexuality.  I will no longer watch any of your attempts to convince the world that homosexuality is OK.  ' THE PRACTICE' can be a fairly good show, but last night's program was so typical of your agenda. You picked the 'dufus' of the office to be the one who was against the idea of his mother being gay, and made him look like a whiner because he had convictions. This type of mentality calls people like me a "gay basher."     

Read the first chapter of  Romans (that's in the Bible) and see what the apostle Paul had to say about it.... He, God and Jesus were all 'gay bashers'.  What if she'd fallen in love with her cocker spaniel? Is that an alternative life style? (By the way, the Bible speaks against that, too.)

--Jim Neugent

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Here is ABC's reply from the ABC on-line webmaster:

How about getting your nose out of the Bible (which is ONLY a book of stories compiled by MANY different writers hundreds of years ago) and read the declaration of independence (what our nati on is built on), where it says "All Men are Created equal," and try treating them that way for a change!   

Or better yet, try thinking for yourself and stop using an archaic book of stories as your lame crutch for your existence. You are in the minority in this country, and your boycott will not affect us at ABC or our freedom of statement.


                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Neugent's second response ! To ABC:

Thanks for your reply. From your harsh reply, evidently I hit a nerve.  I will share it with all with whom I come in contact.    Hopefully, the Arkansas Democrat Newspaper will include it in one of their columns and I will be praying for you.

- -Jim Neugent

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Note: Wouldn't Satan just love it if people stopped using the Bible

For a crutch? Please resend this to everyone in your mailbox.

Thanks, Jim Neugent

I wonder if the person from ABC considered how many people would  read this e-mail!

This is one we should definitely pass on.

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Me being an atheist and all I completely disagree with this, and I don't believe that is a real response from ABC either  :sad3: as they have lawyers who are paid good money who could compose a 50x better response email.

Also I believe people should be able to marry who they want after all me and you ain't nothing but mammals.

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  They are not condoning same sex marrage. They are simply teaching tollerance. Myself I care less if bob and tom down the street wanna get married. Not my job to judge. Not 100 percent sure but think microsoft offers insurance to same sex couples.

As my favorite quote goes "to his or her their own"  :smiley: . I believe a true man is someone who accepts people for who they are not what the person wants people to be.

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Oh goodness no, peepnklown found out my true identity.  :evil6:So innocent there aren't we?

And being as you are an athiest, I might like to say good luck to you in the end my friend. We should all be allowed our opinions.    :smiley:

Well everyone has their opinion even in countries where they technically are not allowed to have them we should all be allowed to express our opinions  :smiley:

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Well, the "ABC rep" was wrong about one thing.  Christians are certainly not the minority.  The european first settlers on this rock were puritans, therefore this nation was founded by a bunch of prudes lol. 

I myself take a nihilistic aproach to issues such as gay marriage and abortion and things like that.  I simply don't care one way or the other.  I see both sides for what they are, opinions.  Thats the beauty of "free will", (though free will is debateable).

People in the country just need to stop letting every little thing "offend" them.  Thats why we have to live in this ridiculous politically correct facade now.

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Well, the "ABC rep" was wrong about one thing.  Christians are certainly not the minority.  The european first settlers on this rock were puritans, therefore this nation was founded by a bunch of prudes lol. 

I myself take a nihilistic aproach to issues such as gay marriage and abortion and things like that.  I simply don't care one way or the other.  I see both sides for what they are, opinions.  Thats the beauty of "free will", (though free will is debateable).

People in the country just need to stop letting every little thing "offend" them.  Thats why we have to live in this ridiculous politically correct facade now.

Yea my mom always use to ridicule me and look down on me for being an atheist told me she should just make me go to church (I'd say go ahead but it won't change anything).

I think we should just accept people for their differences and go on with our lives, who cares if gay people want to get married? If ABC wants to openly support gay marriage and put it on their shows so be it, it is their TV station after all and no ones forcing people to watch it.

But like I said I highly doubt the "email" above is real as an ABC rep would right a much better response than that, besides the fact I'm sure since the first gay marriage show they launched they've received 100's of hate mail a day about it and they probably have a standard reply for everyone about it.

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