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?? how do i do set the name of pc (netbios)

as it is only showing the ip in the router config

and the windows os pc's allow pc machine names


want the mac pc to show as a name in below >>>

Host Name  IP Address  MAC Address 


jeffwalker9999       00-15-00-38-xx-xx

mshome-d236c004 00-18-e7-27-xx-xx

System Preferences > Sharing > Internet > Computer Name

Guest jeffwalker9999

System Preferences > Sharing > Internet > Computer Name

cannot find the setting to change this

the posts you put are not getting me to the settings

so please help me or tonia to set it

also -----

I screewed up the display settings - how do you reset them to factory settings

( delete user profile and rebuild ?? )

as changing the display settings

are not configuring them as they were before messing with the system


seeking to set a pc name for the machine ( netbios ) to show in the router

Want this >>>>>

want the mac pc to show as a name in below >>>

Host Name    IP Address    MAC Address   

( tonia's  pc as an name - here)      00-1c-b3-c1-xx-xx 

jeffwalker9999        00-15-00-38-xx-xx    ( win xp pc )

mshome-d236c004  00-18-e7-27-xx-xx      ( win 2k pc )

Still need help and css file for this issue


thanks again to all -

jeff w - sin city

ps _ boken hip doing better and general health better

Cancer and Stroke Survivor - ( but still -tore up from floor up - lol )

Ok i think we took a left when should of went right.... :haha:

so if i want to but a Mac which one and where?


out tstillery

Depends on how much you want to spend. A macbook pro is real nice. the Apple store is the best place to get it but other sites sell them too, like newegg.

If you purchase it at newegg you have the advantage of no tax. apple store your going to have tax

Guest jeffwalker9999

this is a mac os10.4.10

display does not look right  chaning res not makeing deniftens  what can i do is it a drive to down load or what ?

this is my computer for school only  and it  is driveing me out of my mind what little of a mind that i have ha ha  ha!!!!!!!

so can some please help me asap thigs are blacked out and the collers are all messed so please get back to me asap

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jeffwalker9999

need help mac os 10.4.10

display is not showing up correctly

(it is working like the driver is not correct )

( Tonia - missed spelled the post and did not state the problem very good )

changing resolution - makes no difference

We reloaded os from dvd - no help ( did not reformat disc- how do you do it? )

2nd issue :::

I (jeff) want to set the mac pc's netbios name

in the trendnet router I have the windows os pc show up as names

and want the same for this mac pc

ex: want the mac pc to show as a name in below >>>

Host Name            IP Address    MAC Address   

( the mac pc )      00-1c-b3-c1-xx-xx 

jeffwalker9999      00-15-00-38-xx-xx 

mshome-d236c004      00-18-e7-27-xx-xx

any help is a thanks

jeff and tonia

We reloaded os from dvd - no help ( did not reformat disc- how do you do it? )

get this fixed first.

When you put in the OS disk and boot from that. Once in the setup, click the blue apple, or file, and look for disk utility. Once in there right click your hard drive, then click erase. if it asks for what you want to format it as use Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

Guest jeffwalker9999

get this fixed first.

When you put in the OS disk and boot from that. Once in the setup, click the blue apple, or file, and look for disk utility. Once in there right click your hard drive, then click erase. if it asks for what you want to format it as use Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

ok got that part done  - did the errase

now how do you format it ??


found out had to press c and boot to get the cd/dvd drive to boot

Guest jeffwalker9999


Tonia and mysellf (Jeff) - Thank You

doing an os reinstall (full) (erase) fixed the video card issues - thanks


We are still seeking to set the mac pc so it shows in the router with a name

so please tell me what to do to fix this issue

as not finding it in network settings


Is it normal for rebootment multiple times after updates downloading  (x15 updates)

keeps wanting to reboot - and now at  8th time



and issue I want info on

:knuppel2:  ps:

doing better - hip and cancer

but still medical issues

Again >>>  thanks

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