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Hey my ip was banned from an online game (I did nothing but how can i prove that lol!) and I've done the whole turn off your router for a day the whole start >Run >cmd >ipcongfig /release and waited like 24 hours.  Nothing changes the ip.

I use a wireless router also.

Can someone help me out?


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lol your best bet is the mod Dlewis23...but plenty of other members will be able to help more than i am able...im just the welcome wagon. patience is a virtue...especially on christmas eve night.  :grin2:

trust me. you'll find an answer here though. it may take a day or so because of the holliday but i bet you'll get an answer.  :cool:

I think I got your answer assuming your ISP uses DHCP to assign your public IP address which it sounds like it does based on your post.

First run ipconfig/all and copy down the MAC (physical address) address of your NIC card.

Then take that info and enable MAC cloning inside your router. Use the MAC address of your NIC card inside the settings of MAC cloning.

Then release renew your external interface (WAN) of your router. This should cause your ISP to give you another public IP address.

...we have no proof you didnt do anything either  :evil6: lol just messing with you man.

welcome to the forum. enjoy your stay. come back often and bring your friends. :wink2:

rebooting your router will not change ip but if you leave your modem unplugged for 3 minutes it might. I used to have a step by step guide with pics for doing that but i lost it in a reformat a few months back :( i will try to find it for ya.

No.. see it is a crappy game that uses the FSO software.

the name is terraworld and I just need to get on to tell some people I've known on the game for 5 years about some stuff going on.

I am still ip banned for the website and the game after i did what you told me to do.


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