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Hey All,,

Trying to deal with my cable company and their  underachieving speeds...I am in the process of trying some new hardware to see if that helps/hinders the problem.

I currently have a Motrola SB4100 hooked up to a Linksys WRT54G modem.

I was thinking of  replacing the SB4100 with either his bigger brother (SB5100) or a Linksys BEFCMU10.

Circuit City is running a special that when price matched with Walmart brings the SB5100 down to $34.99 after rebate...

Just wondering what your opinions were??  or if there was a better one than that out ther??



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either would be fine.. i would go with the 5100 because your ISP is using Motorola to begin with.. so if it works for you they might cover the cost.. Not likely but it is worth a try...  WRT54G you might want to see if there is a newer version of the firmware available.

If you're using Comcast:

Modem            Modem    Max Download

Brand            Model      (Mbps)


Motorola          SB3100      4.9

Motorola          SB4100      4.9

Terayon          ECM615      3.8

Terayon          ECM715      4.4

Thompson (RCA)    DCW615      5.4


i had the rca it restart alot but it was way way faster dunno why like downloading something off windows.com i was gettting 400KBs all the time got the 5100 and then my downloads were like 150KBs to 300KBS  people said bugs on the upload but i think there was a bug with download also

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