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question about differences between how FF and IE read code

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okay, i just recently added commentary to the source of my site, mostly jokes from my favorite comidian- Demetri Martin. so i open it in FireFox and everything is just messed up and all over the place. i check the source and firefox occasionally ignored the --> sign i used to show that i was done writing commentary. then i open it in IE and and everythings fine. whats with that?

to show u what i was talking about, try opening these in both FF and IE

before commentary:


after commentary:


Also I have noticed on several sites, FF has trouble displaying certain items; one example is a simple scrolling box of images within a page, FF can not ( or will not ) produce a scrollbar for this window.

I am still yet to be convinced this browser is all that it is hyped up to be....whatever happened to Netscape 2.5  :( :(

A positive note fo FF: seems much more reliable & nowhere near the lockup/crash problems that plague the pitiful & bloated IE6. And WMP10...a perfect bug-infested crash-o-rama to accompany IE6.

Not giving up on FF yet ~!

-JxL  ;)

okay, well, i fixed it. apparently it was my fault because in the commentary i put jokes from Demetri Martin (my favorite comedian) and at the end of each joke segment of commentary, i put "--Demetri Martin -->" somehow, the "--" before "Demetri Martin" threw it off or whatever... firefox keeps editting my code... sigh... it even took out the "<!" in a couple places, making text show up with "--" in front... friggen FF...

cobra are u using css and position relative or absolute?

i have had loads of trouble with that

since its not a website i was doing for a company and it was just a project for university i decided to put some java script to popup a box saying please go to ie

cheap trick, but it wont get my many marks if i develop it for the 2 browsers

That is a really good question.. My guess is that you are just missing something really easy..  I have seen FF mess up on comments before..  I am not sure if you can do muti line comments and still have firefox display correctly..  Looks sweet though! maybe jokes in the code isnt that nessary..

okay, i just recently added commentary to the source of my site, mostly jokes from my favorite comedian- Demetri Martin. so i open it in FireFox and everything is just messed up and all over the place. i check the source and firefox occasionally ignored the --> sign i used to show that i was done writing commentary. then i open it in IE and and everythings fine. whats with that?

to show u what i was talking about, try opening these in both FF and IE

before commentary:


after commentary:


FireFox is actually the browser that is displaying the correct information, why you see websites around the internet that look funky in FireFox is because there are webmasters out there that aren't coding to compliance... mainly because Internet Explorer made them lazy.  Internet Explorer is the browser who re-formates code, IE cleans up code and displays it the way it thinks it should look... it actually doesn't do a bad job at this at all.  IE most of the time looks cleaner, but it makes webmasters lazy... this isn't an open source approach so you will see that FireFox displays EXACTLY what it sees... though it doesn't go too far into compliance

for instance

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

should actually be

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />

That of course is if you were going to code 100% to compliance.  I don't think any browser is going to make a big deal out of a little misformatted meta tag.

ON TO YOUR PROBLEM......  I am pretty sure that your error lyes in your tables... I will look at them in a bit and post my findings ;-)

I don't know what I did... but I fixed it... I just went through and changed a bunch of stuff that didn't look right and it's now fixed, I don't know exactly which thing I changed that fixed it though...

thanks ca3le. now ive gotta go change this > to this /> for stuff in all my files. what fun. :angry2::haha:

lol, swimmer, to quote the GMC, "It's not more than you need, just more than you're used to." :lol:

i dont think that internet explorer automatically fixing my errors is it, i think its just firefox trying to color code the html code when you view the source.

i also think that when u viewed it the first time and it was messed up, ca3le, i hadnt fixed the comment problem yet. then when u changed stuff, i had already changed the amount of dashes before "Demetri" from one to two, which fixed the main display problem.

also, im not that lazy of a programmer, i just assumed that imageready coded it correctly and didnt want to mess with it. in all the coding i did, i added the /> at the end of code where it was needed. :D

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