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My speed test is in the sig.

I have SBC Global

Downstream Speed: Up to 1.5 Mbps

Upstream Speed: Up to 384 Kbps

IP Address: 1 Dynamic

is the deal I should be getting.

The guy on the phone said I should be downloading a 100mb file in about 10 seconds roughly.

I'm NOT getting a 100mb file in 10 seconds, more like...20 minutes.

I'm downloading at 157kB/s

that's about 9.5mb a minute.

Shouldn't I be at ABOUT 1200kB/s which is about 720mb a minute?


SO I realize I am pretty noob to this DL speed.

I hear people who DL at 512kB/s or 768kb/s I've even heard 1mb/s what kind of lines are those? O_O and are those even accurate?

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If you are paying for a 1.5mbps connection then you are right around where you should be. Some tweaking might be able to get you a little bit more download speed.

The guy on the phone lied too you. to be able to download a 100mb file in 10 seconds you would need a 100mbps connection.

A way to find out what the connection is capable of take your advertised download speed in kbps and divide by 8, that would be the maximum theoretical speed you could get.

if you are on 1.5Mbps DL you speed is about average to good

As to DL @ 1200kB/s that would make you on a 10MB line

Use the Conversion table at TMN  


this will show you your speed s fine

kBs and Kbs are totally different  


I'm sure glad i looked slightly foolish in front of you guys, and not the tech that was supposed to come out tomorrow.

Thanks for saving me 60 dollars.

You didnt look foolish at all. You just dont have the experience some of those here do. I am sure there are fields in which we would ask questions you would know the answer to right off. Welcome to testmy.  :grin2: :grin2:

I'm sure glad i looked slightly foolish in front of you guys, and not the tech that was supposed to come out tomorrow.

Thanks for saving me 60 dollars.

You don't look foolish , or anything else other than I think your going to be learning quite a bit more very soon !

There's no such thing as a "noob " because the way technology goes, you could say damn near almost anything, and you might raise eyebrows in the possibility.

dlewis is the man, retain what he says , I don't ever remember this guy giving anything other than the best and exact advice.

Welcome to testmy.net :)


You didnt look foolish at all. You just dont have the experience some of those here do. I am sure there are fields in which we would ask questions you would know the answer to right off. Welcome to testmy.  :grin2: :grin2:

I gotta get faster at the keyboard lol        can't leave out Shug either  :smitten:

i did the same thing when i first got dsl. i got confused between megabits and megabytes. I thought i was getting 1 megabyte DL, instead i was actaully getting 1 megabit. Now i know that i am getting the speeds i should, most of the time.

I think they do that on purpose caise i seen a lot of ppl say that ATT rip them off when they are getting excatly what they pay for sometimes more

You should be able to dl about an 11 MB file in 10 secs

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