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Just uploaded my third video on youtube about tips and tricks for windows vista. Check it out.


If you haven't seen my first two, here they are:



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Heres something to try .See if the takeown button will work on these.Can you Takeown these files? Or the files in the System Volume Information folder?







Also on the video 3 it has your gmail address & what is probably your name.

The flip 3D looked interesting but didn't get exactly how to do it.

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  • 3 months later...

MttFrog13 ;The videos are good & helpful.I just wanted to let you know Vista doesn't let anyone takeown a few of its files.

I have worked around both the SVI folder & the files above but not with takeown.

At your own risk & please check these out before you use them.From an administrator command prompt.

The Vista drive for example C:>

This is safe at command prompt type icacls c:  This just gives some information about permissions.

These are for advanced users:


TAKEOWN /F * /A /R /D Y 


icacls * /grant:r Administrators:F /T /C /L

Again WARNING !!!

Please gather more information before using these.I had to call MS & reactivate after using them but I now have administrator permissions for almost everything in my Vista.& I don't use UAC.

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  • 1 year later...

It's a sticky ? seems like Vista is dead and gone, I still think it's win 7 or XP ,sure support

for X p is now buried , but I support computers running win M.e , ( win 9x ) and got a free customer on 98,

and doing OK ( silver surfer), her computer is a Stapes 750 Mhz, she 89 y , she uses email for family across the world

and my Numero Uno customer , and still on 56k dial up , but she can still type faster than me ,

I am kinda thinking is anyone still on Vsta? or is it a clear cut fight betweem XP and 7 ,?

maybe a poll is needed ,?

win 98

win M.e ,( never had a problem with it )


Vista ( makes me think of visit but ain't staying )

Win 7

or are you a mac fan ? ,far to rich in this dog eat dog world ,

BTW I started out with win 3.,1 ,and no I dont want to go back icon_biggrin.gif

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I am kinda thinking is anyone still on Vsta? or is it a clear cut fight betweem XP and 7 ,?

maybe a poll is needed ,?

win 98

win M.e ,( never had a problem with it )


Vista ( makes me think of visit but ain't staying )

Win 7

or are you a mac fan ? ,far to rich in this dog eat dog world ,

BTW I started out with win 3.,1 ,and no I dont want to go back icon_biggrin.gif

I've got a pole for Vista. It's called Linux. It clears that Vista right out of the machine in one clean swipe.

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  • 1 year later...

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