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I am a student in computer science and have great interest in programming. I know C,  C++, and Java. I just want to ask our programmer members if they think that I need to expand to more programming languages, since I think I will be taking a break this coming semester, and planning to do some self studying at home.

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Well its up to you if you feel the need to further you programming knowledge. But what the heck always good to learn new things. Lets see you can toss in some C#, VB, COBOL, FORTRAN, JavaScript ect ect. What about taking up Database language as well, MySQL, Oricle, Access, SQL Server. SQL Light. I took Oracle 10g and it was kinda cool.

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Don't keep your self locked into just Microsoft/Windows Programing languages. Its good and all, but when it comes to finding a job it can be hard if thats all you know since everyone is expanding multi-platform.

I would go straight for PHP. Since its the most used programing language right now, if you know it in and out you will be able to get a job with no problem. Just about every big website uses PHP.  Know that, javascript, and know MySQL and you should be good.

Also Objective-C is something that would be good to take a quick look at.

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im in the same boat as u

but my school doesn't offer any "web developer languages"

only software

so im learning CSS Java and PHP on my own

which suck cause i am paying 21k a year

oh well or course guide includes one semester of Mysql and acces but i already know a bit of that probably the equbilant of what they will teach us

CSS Is very important

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Ok,i'll be adding in CSS, thanks for your input. My school sucks, CSS and PHP is not in the curriculum.

Same here i think web developer programing is what pays not software programing

also Look into red hat and learn how to use it in and out

that is what most hardcore servers run

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Software programing pays far in excess of web development if you can get in with microsoft, apple, adobe, and a few others. Web dev. is still new on a large scale, most is done with very small companies, and is generally harder to get into and actually make some money.

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I also think that work in web developing is more plentiful.

Good ones yea, But you have too always be aware that at anytime the website could be bought out, or people could just stop using it, and then your out of a job. This won't really happen if you get in with a big web company, but the smaller ones it will.

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Web development is huge in the education field.  Getting a job at a university in web dev might now pay as good, but you have much better benefits, and job security.

Get on the PHP and MySQL bandwagon and you're set.  ColdFusion is used a lot too.

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