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Yea I have been seeing you could do  that for sometime. How she running on your pc fatty. I just never really took the leap myself. I am still playing with Linux. Who knows maybe  that will be my next project.

And if you  wanna hook up ninja with a link I to can run my own hackintosh.

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well if you have an intel just google kalway 10.5.2 if your on a amd google leo4allv4.1

there are outher ones out there just google around

it runs vary nice except trying to get my 9600 gt working its annoying editing and installing kext then creating efi strings

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so i just installed mac osx on my pc and i was wondering what is a good media player for macs?


Wait a minute. You can actually install OSX on a PC?

Yes you can. Just don't expect everything to work, there is only a small amount of drivers for few hardware items. I tried it on my windows notebook and it works but I didn't have wifi, ethernet, or sound, and video only works if you have a card that is currently used. And don't do updates because one day they are going to put a stop to it.

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If you think about this, the only reason they haven't stopped this already, is there is so much apple can learn from what the community is doing, ( collective mind ) , that they can implement some of these idea's into what they have in plan to move into the next generation with an all unix based OS to run on any machine. Smart move to leave this alone from apple for now.

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If you think about this, the only reason they haven't stopped this already, is there is so much apple can learn from what the community is doing, ( collective mind ) , that they can implement some of these idea's into what they have in plan to move into the next generation with an all unix based OS to run on any machine. Smart move to leave this alone from apple for now.

I don't think that is the reason they haven't stopped it yet. I think its because of the lawsuit they have with psystar, and as soon as that is done they will put a stop to all this. You will still be able to use it as long as you don't update to the newest build. And I don't think it would be really hard to put a stop to it. Its easy to tell which one's are fake anyway. I figure they will fix it in snow leopard.

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Bill Gates had the same attitude. Vista would stop the pirates. That Never happed.  Never will. There are tons of drivers out there for the hackintosh. Google the name of your motherboard and mac drivers.

I found all the ones for my set up in under 10 min. I think in the end I will leave the mac alone. Linux and Xp on my computer is enough.

Heck even my Ol lady is really starting to dig Linux, especially the fact you really don't have to worry so much about virus and spyware, and with no registry to Linux not much I can screw up, Hey what happens if I do this..........darn........time to reload Linux.  :haha: 

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Bill Gates had the same attitude. Vista would stop the pirates. That Never happed.  Never will.

Well you can't do it in software. And there really isn't much in vista to stop pirates, that DRM they have works great, so does that windows activation  :haha:

On the mac side of things they could do it with hardware. There is a very limited number of hardware configs and they don't change very much outside of harddrive and ram amount. So if they put something in there computers that they make and is unique to each computer then it would be quite hard for anyone to do this because they would have to emulate a specific peace of hardware, hell they have enough trouble emulating the EFI.

and with no registry to Linux not much I can screw up, Hey what happens if I do this..........darn........time to reload Linux.  :haha: 

That is the way all OSes should be. The registry is the worst thing every put into a OS.

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