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A couple of months back, I was talking to the folks at Puget Systems for the first time, and in our initial discussion, they mentioned a high-end system they were working on. Curious as to what the company meant by a true high-end machine, I asked about the box's innards.

The project was just getting started and it would apparently require lots of customization, so I naturally wanted to know more. It turned out that the system would cost in excess of $16,000.

Given the enthusiasm over our $5,000 System Builder Marathon machine (despite its prohibitively high price tag), we just had to get a complete album of what goes into a box priced at more than three times what we already considered to be the ultimate enthusiast build.

In the pages to come, we'll give you the customer's reason for wanting such a powerhouse, the full list of specs, and plenty of shots of what Puget had to do to get this thing running the way it wanted.

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I spent my new build computer money on my teeth a few weeks ago. So now I have to wait until this one dies or around X-Mas time as my,,,errr,,, I mean, our X-mas present... But keeping my natural front teeth is more important than a box of teeny, tiny wires and bumpy bits.

And if your computer is worth more than your vehicle, you might just be a Uber Geek.  [geek]

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With what I was charged for the work I had done at the Oral Surgeons yesterday, I could have bought a new computer, Hell, maybe even 2!  I was poked with a needle 12 times yesterday between the dental office and then the referral to the surgeons. But I got what I wanted done. I felt like a pincushion afterwards though. :cry:

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With what I was charged for the work I had done at the Oral Surgeons yesterday, I could have bought a new computer, Hell, maybe even 2! I was poked with a needle 12 times yesterday between the dental office and then the referral to the surgeons. But I got what I wanted done. I felt like a pincushion afterwards though. :cry:

I believe the relief after was the goal.  :angel: It usually is for me. Yes, glad you feel better.  :smiley:
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