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It's actually REALLY easy to bypass the waiting time on RapidShare for just using Javascript.

Let's say this is the adress for you download

Go click the link and click Free User Bar. Now in the Address Bar or URL Bar (Where you put the URL/Link) just type:
No you should get prompted with a popup saying 1 or c=1. The time will change to 1 seconds remaining. You can bookmark the page "javascript:alert(c=1)" and just click the link when youre in the download page instead of typing it every download. Not so hard doesn't it? Now you maybe wanna joke with a friend or something, you see your friend going away from his PC and he's waiting for a RapidShare download to start. If you type:

or just a lot of numbers

the waiting time will increase with as many seconds and you typed.



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Im not sure if this is something that should be posted or not. Basically they host files and if you dont pay you have to wait a certain amount of time to download. Your not getting anything you wouldnt have just faster. I dont think this workaround works anymore. It used to. There was a plug in for firefox that would do it for you but they dont work in the US anymore. Up to you momma. Its a techy thing and I dont think it is breaking any laws but what do I know.

if it's for uploading copyrighted files it's illegal...then it doesn't belong here...if it th for open source or freeware then that's different...but this seems like some sort of crack for an already iffy site to be posted here but like u said...what do i know...


I understand the "what's the forum about and its sections".

I wanna be respected and

I don't want people to know my position as a user a "what a disrepectful guy",

and the cause of being a "what a disrespectful guy is because of doing stupid things.

don't be silly...ur respected...just watch the rules...and don't post activities that promote illegal activities...or risky internet behavior... :smiley:

ur fine...just reread the forum rules http://www.testmy.net/t-13204


It can still be useful for fun or pranks. lol.

Oh yea, it is against the rules to post anything illegal though such as workarounds for copyrighted material and such. We just want to make sure no rules are broken. No problems man.  :grin2:

if it's for uploading copyrighted files it's illegal...then it doesn't belong here...if it th for open source or freeware then that's different...but this seems like some sort of crack for an already iffy site to be posted here but like u said...what do i know...

It is just a file hosting service. Nothing illegal there. Anyone can upload anything and it is up to the user to be responsible for what is uploaded. The service is absolutely legal. I dont see how this workaround that was posted could be illegal but again, I dont know. I dont think there is a problem.

:grin2:It is just a file hosting service. Nothing illegal there. Anyone can upload anything and it is up to the user to be responsible for what is uploaded. The service is absolutely legal. I dont see how this workaround that was posted could be illegal but again, I dont know. I dont think there is a problem.

thx shugar...carry on then :smiley::cool2:[nerdly]

:2funny: well shug...thats why i use google to find another download link...i remember when it was all free...thats the last time i used it...i got tired of it. of course now i mainly download games and stuff so i use gamershell.com

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