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Well, thanks allot , you have entirely ruined my internet experience without removing all this crap you put into safari, now, instead of being light, and simple, safari is now a clone of FF, and or opera. I'm going back to the previous version, where I can use the net without all the addons that make a clunky , slow, full of features I don't need.

Iv'e use safari 4 since the release, it has crashed several times, on the restart, it doesn't even load all the tabs that were there when it pooped it self.   Phooey, take it.

Thought I would add my disappointment. Safari was the leader for so long, as far as clean safe browsing, nor=w there nothing more then the same old followers, looking for the pretty stuff to clutter up your networking.

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wow and i just read that it was nice, but only kind of slow....i guess im glad i wasnt considering putting it on the mac my buddy has....that sucks, i've always thought safari was awesome....

Yea, it was IMO hands down the king, I seriously am baffled at why they did this. And very disappointed.
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here is what i read about it, from PC advisor

Apple's web browser has been around for six years, and with Safari 4 we find a stable, mature web browser with both excellent speed and standards compliance.

Safari debuted in Mac OS X 10.3, but many people today will be familiar with Safari as the web browser for the iPhone. For the principal two personal computer OSes in the world, we now have Safari 4 for Mac and for Windows, the fastest and most feature-packed iteration yet of this relative newcomer.

But being an Apple app, more features doesn't immediately equal more user complexity. Open Safari 4, and the main window is automatically populated with Top Sites, a wall of thumbnail pages based on your browsing habits. Clicking on any of these brings you directly to your site, making a good visual aid to quick browsing.


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Well wonderful review, if all that crap thats in the other browsers that I can't stand is now in safari, I chucked it, for more reasons then that, it's been slowed down due to all the site retrieval for "the wall of sites constantly updating ".  No, I don't feel the need to start tweaking , and adjusting, and turning on and off all these toys, I want a simple browser that does nothing but give me access to the net, nothing more. I'm not that person that has all those addon. None is what I need. Nothing more then the basics. I feel that I shuld be the one tyo decide what to put in a browser, not standard slew of junk todeal with and wait on.

I'm use to having a page load in less then a second, not wait for safari to talk to all the sites it stores.  Keep the pile.

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Have you tried Opera?

Yea, I'm on it right now, but it's ornery and glitchy. I need a browser that does nothing but what I tell it to. Maybe I'll have to start removing all these little kid things from the browsers.

edit~ guess I should have saidsomething like " I'll have to learn how to remove that bulky pretty stuff that constantly reminds you where you were in case you foget lol"

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  • 2 weeks later...


==> Iv'e use safari 4 since the release, it has crashed several times, on the restart, it doesn't even load all the tabs that were there when it pooped it self.  Phooey, take it.

maybe you can click History :angel: then :grin2: Reopen All Windows from Last Session from Safari 4.

==>  Well wonderful review, if all that crap thats in the other browsers that I can't stand is now in safari, I chucked it, for more reasons then that, it's been slowed down due to all the site retrieval for "the wall of sites constantly updating ".

i think pressing  :wink2: ESC will stop the update and site retrieval of topsites.

==> None is what I need. Nothing more then the basics. I feel that I shuld be the one tyo decide what to put in a browser, not standard slew of junk todeal with and wait on.

how about trying Maxthon http://www.maxthon.com/ or Avant http://www.avantbrowser.com/ ?

btw, safari 4 passed the acid 3 test http://acid3.acidtests.org/ ==> 100/100

hope this will help.

thank you.

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Yea, I'm on a mac, so that shortcut doesn't apply. I get to choose when, and what updates , if i even want to update at all.  But thanks.

I installed it again, but disabled all the crud that makes it like the rest of the cluttered crud out there. And people ask why is my connection slow, well, because there's a window that is refreshing as many as 20 sites constantly, so you can see a tiny little page of it all the time.   :roll:

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maybe im just weird...in fact i know im weird....but i just started using safari 4, i like it alot.  i am very un happy with the new firefox, and seem to like this safari 4 a bit more. as much as it hurts me to bad mouth firefox, the new version is horrible in my opinion. it doesnt load pages right for me, and it keeps locking up on me, im not having any of these problems with safari...so untill they fix FF, im a safari user now.

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maybe it's just personal browser preferences. what you like may not be liked by others, and vice versa.

a lovely lady for me may not be a lovely lady for you!

beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...

:idiot2: yes, it is just personal preference...nothing more, at least on my end...and lovely ladies? they are all lovely and beautiful in my eyes man!
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man, one out of the topic question: what is the "real speed" i can get out of my "up to" internet connection speed?

thanks in advance man.

umm....im not sure im the guy to ask that...but it helps if we know what package you have, what your advertised speeds are and what youre actually getting. run a dual speed test here, and post your results along with what your advertised speeds are. im sure someone here can help you out.

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this is my measly internet connection speed.


:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 310 Kbps about 0.31 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 38 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 93 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 11 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/07/15 - 11:53pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-A0PMF8VHN

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-K4D3CSYRL

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.19.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.2 Safari/530.19.1 [!]



from http://www.ip-adress.com/speedtest/

Our Bandwidth Speed Test is a precisely accurate measurement of your Internet connection UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD speeds. Test your Broadband Speed with our free Bandwdith Speed Test tool.

Last Result:

Download Speed: 328 kbps (41 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 93 kbps (11.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Thursday, July 16, 2009 13:55:15




Speed Meter

Your current bandwidth reading is



i have a 384/128 kbps DSL connection. Asian Region

those are After the Vista Tweaks...

what do you think?

thanks again...


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