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Yes that was interesting, and if nothing else destructionfever just multi click and it will take you directly to the site.  :grin2:

Thanks Tommie, even when I did that it took me to youtube and I got an error message that said, "The video you have requested is not available. If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process."  :haha: I guess me not seeing it is meant to be.

Thanks Tommie, even when I did that it took me to youtube and I got an error message that said, "The video you have requested is not available. If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process."  :haha: I guess me not seeing it is meant to be.

Sounds like.  :lol: Maybe try a demon deliverance on the computer then.  :twisted:

Geeze it works just fine for me every time. You guy's clear your cache and see wht you get.

I don't know whats been going on w/ youtube lately, but seems there's something. It looks as if they constantly move files as they get more views. But the linking gets fubard. I'm thinking there doing this to keep you going to there site instead of all these links in forums, where not nearly as many people actually goto youtube as other wise would.

Here's a link directly from youtube now, it's different from when I watched it.


got the same problem with most of you. 


here's how to view it...

Please Do Not click the link below.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWVyw h zuHnQ

just copy the whole line above; then PasTe it on a new window or tab; paste only

edit the pasted link; make sure that there are NO Spaces, BEfore pressing the enter key


enjoy what mudmanc4 shared...

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