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So are you getting 'dropped packets' when connecting to the tower? via normal surfing. And if your tower is swaying, you can also get dropped packets.

Align your antenna better or maybe you need a stinger or reflector dish to increase signal strength.

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pal do you have more details how to set that thing up. that one with the dish. does that really help?

I don't have anymore details, You'd have to Google it.

What it does is focus the beam more. Some ISP's are starting to deploy them(the big dish) more, to give the people on the edge of reach a better/stronger signal. People do like them.

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What does it mean when the technicians of smartbro says you have low power? They are advising me to add another 10ft pole to my existing 20ft pole. that would be another 680 pesos for them.  :police:

Are there other ways I could increase my power? This could lessen the request timed outs I keep getting.


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So are you getting 'dropped packets' when connecting to the tower? via normal surfing. And if your tower is swaying, you can also get dropped packets.

Align your antenna better or maybe you need a stinger or reflector dish to increase signal strength.

pls give me the link wher you found the picture. sorry me bad english

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What does it mean when the technicians of smartbro says you have low power? They are advising me to add another 10ft pole to my existing 20ft pole. that would be another 680 pesos for them.  :police:

Are there other ways I could increase my power? This could lessen the request timed outs I keep getting.


Low power = maybe low signal strength.  Reflector dish or stinger may be better to use.Stinger for a pole mounted SM.

Raising pole means something is blocking the signal like leafs on the tree's? Or the Fresnel zone is causing a reflection that distorts the signal. If raising the pole would solve the problem. But I doubt they would guarantee the poles cost if it does not improve your signal.

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pls give me the link wher you found the picture. sorry me bad english

The reflector dish has a base of satellite technology. And the dish has had mounts modified to work with the terrestrial wireless system. 

If you had a satellite dish that was half the size that they are now, you'd get a real crappy signal. With the Motorola Canopy SM, the various frequencies have certain ranges that they can be set up at for maximum distance.

The dish is for line of sight use.

I love Google Images.







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