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I am wondering if anyone else has this issue?? I had the same type of issue in June and I had to change my modem and all of a sudden withing the last week my upload speed has dropped. I have done everything I can think of reboots,Powercycles,Internet file cleaning, etc,etc. Nothing changed still get the exact same 90% drop. I talked to comcast they say they see my line info and all looks good to them. My download speed is exactly the same as always. I think I need to replace modem again. I am just wondering if anyone else has had an issue withing the last 20 days or so?? Thanks

I will get some test speeds and modem data posted in a bit.

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Not with Comcast, nor do I have this problem,  I take it you've removed any devices between the modem and the test machine to make sure it's not within any device other then the modem. I ask because like you said, the ISP claims they see nothing. And have you the ability to test another machine, or are they the same results ?

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ya sorry I should of said that. I am so used to doing all the standard stuff like removing router,powercycles, cleaning up temp files etc. that I forget to mention I have done those things. Same speed with other brand new computer that was getting fast speeds just like me when we first got it about 3 weeks ago lol. I had this issue in june but it was more limited to upload and they said they seen nothing but I made them send out tech, He still found nothing and tried to blame everything but the cat for the issue. I finally told him I was sure it had to be the modem and I wanted the new one I had asked for, so he installed it and it fixed it till about 3 weeks ago. This time I notice a drop in download too.

I really hate having techs come out though they use (their speedtest site) which usually runs about 2-3 megs faster then here and they say look you are close you are fine. I get them though because I am a member on here and do a test at least once a month so I can show them my last 100 or so tests and my speeds here and how they dropped. I don't think they like that to well I have noticed. I think I know to much for them to blow smoke up my and it upsets them when I call them on their lies.

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I forgot to add this stuff from my modem. I forgot what some of it means so I will post all of it.


 Freq/Power: 573.000 MHz  0 dBmV    

 Signal to Noise Ratio:   37 dB  

 Modulation: QAM256  



 Freq/Power: 37.400 MHz  43 dBmV  

 Channel Type: DOCSIS 1.x (TDMA)  

 Symbol Rate: 2560 kSym/sec  

 Modulation: QAM16  


System Uptime:  8 days 15h:42m:39s

Computers Detected: 1

CM Status: Telephony-AC Power Iso OFF Reg Complete

Time and Date: FRI NOV 27 04:41:16 2009  

CM Hardware Information  

System:  ARRIS DOCSIS 2.0 / PacketCable 1.0 Touchstone Telephony Modem HW_REV: 04

VENDOR: Arris Interactive, L.L.C.

BOOTR: 6.03

SW_REV: 6.1.51I


Product Type: 00000006 010a1be2

Product Release: 00000004

Flash Part: AM29LV320MB

Download Revision: 2

Firmware Revision: 6.1.51I

Serial Number: 89JBNF8AF425994

Battery Charger FW Rev: 07.15

I hope this stuff helps you to maybe see if there is an issue? anything else you may need let me know

Here is my latest test and you can see it is way slower then my sig.


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Are you using a netgear router ? Tell me your at least using something other then the modem.

I am familiar with ISp test tactics, in actuality, they really have to keep it this way, they will test within there network, if this shows ok, then well, chances are, it may not be on there network, although i'm sure there's instances with dns issues, routing, ect that there switches control. There is just too many variables out of anyones control when traversing outside the ISP "closest server range within there network " .  And it will be faster then testing past there servers, it's more like going to the front door, pushing the door bell, and listening to see if you hear it.

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normally yes I use a dell router. its a 2004 or 2005 model but it seems very dependable I have never had any problems with it although my new laptop is 802.11 N capable and it is only a G router so some time here I wlii be upgrading it. but with or without the Modem I get the same results.

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well the "N" afaik is only for range. So why waste your money on something that is really just a market plan, unless of course your in need of it :)

  Have you upgraded to a newer version of the firmware ? There should be something there soon after, usually they all have at least one security / basic fix firmware upgrade.

I'm just trying to find the reason for this, my thoughts are that maybe w/o you knowing , or even begin able to see, the router could be in a botnet.

So when you get the new modem, the router cannot be found because the mac addy has been changed, but it soon send out whatever there may be lurking within a setting, or even more so, somewhere a tiny little file on the machine. Even if you re install windows , and not flash the router firmware at the same time, they will  ( theoretically ) just keep exchanging the file.  See what I mean ? I'm not saying you need to wipe windows, just look for a newer version to the router.

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ya I get ya. so you think maybe I have something in my router that after a while causes the modem to run slow?? so even when I changed modems the first time it worked until that "invader" got back to the modem?? and that even without the router the modem is now contaminated??

I thought the N was able to go 108 transfer rate or higher where the G is limited to 54??

Either way I have to have a new modem cause I am supposed to be getting the Ultra package which is 20/6 and in order to have that it has to be DOCSIS 3.0 and the one I have is only 2.0.

I did get new firmware for the router awhile back Ill look and see if there is a new one. actually I think I did see one but I needed to LAN the router to install and I forgot till now.

I'll try that and see how it goes. Thanks for trying to help I know how frustrating it can be and how many variables can cause issues sometime technology is a B**** wait till we have power grid issues and people go without electricity for months at a time or longer it be fun then :)

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I dont think the modem is the issue, I think the possibility of there being something either on the machine, or coded into the router. What this may mean, is that "it" as in the "intruder " , is sending data through your connection, for popups, and ads,  (note this ~ even though you may not actually see the popups, and crap like this, means nothing !!!!!!! ) There is, and has been , for some time, legit, and non legit ways to inject ads into the specific users browser based on what they like, where they go, ect.  Nothing new, but they are getting much more intrusive.

I would use the most common small programs, like spybot, ( everyone will tell you something different, but Im gonna say this, there are not problems with this program, it contains little or no ads data sending ect if you chose to use it, then test assured.

Run this in safemode, more then once, make sure you set it up to run on system start one time, this way, anything that may be loaded into memory on start, is caught before it loads.  See what you get.

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ya I used to have spybot and another called adaware I think. I just havent used them because my computer cam with norton IS9 and I upgraded to Internet Security 10 and it had a spyware checker. I will go ahead and download the Other 2 though just to be safe. One really funny thing happened today though my girlfriend moved something in th room where the modem is and it got unplugged, which is usually no issue cause it has batery backup, but we didn't know and it went dead and then I got back home and noticed I had no internet so I went and looked and plugged it back in now I get about 10meg download and 3,3 meg upload on this site. I thought everything seemed faster so I thought I would check. I really only trust this site for speed tests but I also have saved tests to compare against too.

I have some stuff thet popped up on my modem what do you think this may mean looks like alot of errors to me

Date Time Event ID Event Level Description

11/21/2009 21:07 20000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out

12/3/2009 16:21 20000400 3 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, but no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 timeout

12/3/2009 16:21 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:21 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:21 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:21 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:21 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:22 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:22 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:22 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:22 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:22 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:22 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:22 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:22 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:22 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:22 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:22 17000400 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period

12/3/2009 16:22 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing

12/3/2009 16:23 13000401 5 ToD request sent - No Response received; CM-MAC=00-15-cf-01-9a-7a;CMTS-MAC=00-14-f1-eb-5d-7a;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=1.0

I promise I will check back sooner this time. I will also get those programs and run them too.

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AH HA :) I fixed it. I went outside all the way to the street main hub and I disconnected my cable plugged it back in on every single connection 2 which is at the street under their box and the one at the house where it splits to the rooms and the modem line. after that I did a powercycle and i seen it logged on at DOCSIS2.0 and when I tested i was getting 5+ megs upload again. I should of realized that we had a heavy heavy rain storm right before the speed dropped an all of the connections at the street are just a little below ground level. it must of rained 2 inches in 2 hrs it was running over all the gutters shich are perfectly clean and it was running up in the yard over the curbs.

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ya the hub out by the street?? ya I just removed it wiped off the hub and the wire and screwed it back on. it was working good till last night :( back to same speed again but at least now I see DOCSIS2.0 not 1.X. I am getting ready to find out if there is a newer firmware then what I thought I had for it. I do know in order to get my full speeed I will need a DOCSIS3.0 modem. I got a email back from comcast. I am suprised they would upgrade me charge me the extra money and not either send the proper modem home with me or at least send out a tech. they know what modem I have and they know in order to get Ultra speed they have to give me a better modem. I looked and it even says right in their FAQ that. I just had to make sure I was upgraded to Ultra before I complained to much. I have been charged for it even though I can't possibly recieve it lol.

ya know its weird how it did it again. If I cannot find a newer firmware I am going to replace router they are pretty cheap now anyway and the one I have was given to me by a friend so its not like I am out any money plus I would like longer range in case I want to go out in the cold or in the garage.

Thanks for the help and all the advice you have given I really appreciate it. It is nice to talk with someone even if we both agree on issue it makes me feel like I am not going nutzoid. I talk to myself all the time but it confuses my Girlfriend she thinks I am talking to her or someone else is here.

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I never bypassed the router after I did the wire thing but look at this. I am sure my upload is faster than shown cause I noticed it hasitated for a sec I got 30Meg down and 12 meg up from the comcast site wich is alwasy high but that amazed me plus I never seen a 266?? size file download on here before all the higher i ever seen was 12228

so I did the firmware if it is still no good I a shopping for a new router for sure. I guess I can get the speed with a 2.0 I was told I would be better off getting a 3.0 though

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ya thats too bad my router is daming up 50% of my speed. My upload is pretty close it is still 5 megs up but the best I can get on download is 12 so that aint gonna cut it. I gotta go hunting for routers. I have alwasy had good luck with D-link I wonder if they still any good??

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I've had real good service out of Netgear Routers. :wink:

Netgear has come a long way, just make sure if you do get a netgear, you get the latest.  I used to use dlink, and netgear, now I just comb ebay for all those Cisco 2900's that get sunset, you can get a $2000.00 device, for less then 50 bucks, Iv'e paid 10 for them before! But no wireless there. For that, I'll make a new subnet on a linksys (cisco boards) and there we are .
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I remember something about using a Cisco modem or something back in 2001-2002 ish. I had all the info I went inside it and opened it up so I could get faster internet speeds. that was a long time ago I believe it was a DSL one but I may be wrong. I cannot believe it myslef but I have forgotten so much stuff about networking and modding computers and Bios and overclocking. I have probably forgot more that the average 3 people will ever knoiw about computers etc. Unfortunately I went through a hard spot in life where I had no money for computers and had to sell what I had so I was out of computer anything for about 2 years I guess maybe less. But when I got back in everything I knew was obsolete.

I had to basically learn from scratch again and I still havent caught up yet.

A little closer though I am only 1 operating system behind now. I do have Vista 64 plexiglass edition

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I tried a Linksis (If that is spelled right) back in 2001 I had nothing but Issues with it back then. actually the only router that did what I needed and was always reliable was a D-Link I wanna say 605 but I am sure that is not right. I think 605 or 685 was the Cisco modem I had. I know D-Link had great firmware upgrades always installed no issues never dropped a single time I can think of Oh ecxept in 2004-2005 when I think someone at my fiends dropped it or spilled something on it it would get turtle slow, Give it a good Hard Kic errr Powercycle and it would do great for about a week. I went a head and upgraded them but I think I still stayed with D-Link.

I have been out of the game for so long I have no Idea what is good and what isn't anymore. I know Netgear at the time was just pulling out of the crappy equipment catagory I believe Cisco was high end and I think they still are. Linksis was here and there depending on the model and the sense of the person using it.

I have seen some Belkin ones one had a good review and one had the weirdest reviews I have ever seen it was either they loved it and it worked perfect or it was Junk and never worked since they unpacked it. I seen about 30+ of those for 1 router and I believe it was pretty much 50/50 but there was no middle where they liked it a little but had some issues it was best thing since sliced bread or Jink dont get it doesnt power up lol. I thought those reviews were really funny.

I can't seem to find anything under $85.00 that is in stock in store. they are all outa stock or online only or outlet Items. I am going to go with either N or N+ router. I can get 200-300 Mbps transfer use my USB HD as a network drive and connect the 2 AIO printers adn the 2 Normal printers in the network and chose which one I want to print with or scan from etc.

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Cisco took took over linksys in 2003, so anything you get from linksys, will be cisco afaik anyhow. Hands down the most widely used networking  hardware / software in the world. Hell, there's only 20K people, in the world , with ciscos ccna even less above. IOS is written in it's own language. Personally, I don't have anything else in here. Nor will I install anything else, bt I do have to say, netger has come a really long way in reliability. Even though if I do have to deal with a netgear, I'll install dd-wrt on it, if it's old, then it;s gone, or I wont guarantee any security what so ever. There's just to many ticks in there old software, and i mean two years old.

There are no cheap N routers. Some say they get great speeds with them, but I have never seen anything that is worth the extra cost. As far as i am concerned, N, give a range boost, and thats about it.

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Hmm I think I seen a couple g's for under 40 don't remember the brand though. that CCNA is that Certified Cisco network administrator or something that they have that you take a ton of classes and tests?? I remember thinking I wanted to do that but Life happened. I can'tcomplain too much though I have a roof over my head I have internet and computer no matter how slow I think it is. and I don't ever remember being really hungry. So I am ok plus I learned alot of other stuff on the way here. :) do they still have the classes where I think you could pay and get books study and then take the tests?? mightbe something fun to do along with my schooling for my AAS in Manufacturing Technology. plus I would have a edge no other CNC operator or  programmer would have.

What about the sharing of the Printers and networked HD that I can do with the N can I do that with a newer G

you also think the G be ok with 20+ Mbps Internet Connection when the max is 54Mbps?? I probably want to stay away from the 50/10 plan they have with a G router then??that would only give me 4 megs head room.

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Here's my CCNA lab, it consists of a Cisco 2624 router , a Catylist 2924_XL switch , a Cisco 2924_XL / EN switch, dell 705-Nas (I just use that to store my configs for telnet into IOS ) and an HP DL380 G3 x3 server. There's also a dell poweredge 1650 not pictured. I've been workin my way to a couple Cisco IP phones , each time I get something, someone wants it, so i sell it , but when I get my hands on the right phones, then I'll be able to start that phase of my studies. I couldn't pass the CCNA w/o that knowledge.


Yes, you can still take courses, but you have to pay for the tests as well on an appointment basis only. Then you can begin working your way to the higher levels of certification.  You do not want to fail, so i have not taken them, after almost 18 months of working with my own lab, (grew as time went by)I don't feel I'm ready, even if it weren't for the phones.

I think someone else might be an authority on the "N" thing, I don't own one, just set them up, and maintain them for them. As far as the networked printers, I always suggest setting aside a slow older machine, and using it for all your network needs, such as a gateway / firewall ( you could use smoothwall, swimmer turned me onto this 3-4 years ago , and a print server, file server , whatever you want. Just makes life easy , and in one place. I have a machine from 91' that hosts as a file server, think it's runnin around 1.XX GHz with 256 rambus, and as it's purpose, it is lightning fast !

 As far as the connection, hell, thats up to you, but you'll soon find out that it's not always optimal , maybe even better on the lesser package.

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hey that pretty cool. so funny you remind me of myself. I even had the name dr.Frankinputer for a long time because I was the one that if anyone had computer issues I had a part or drive or memory somewhere I could take and transplant it to them. I totally understand not feeling knowledgable enough to test yet. I have 2 desktop towers that are collecting dustI could use one. I recently switched to laptops alot nicer at least for me and its amazing how powerful they are. My tower was beefed up really good when I used it in 2005-2006 now its like outdated+ this laptop has 4X the RAM 50 X the video capabilitys or at least the Vram is and it has 2 processors the same speed as the 1 I had. oh ya and the HD!! I am sure you  understand. I dont need to beat a dead horse err puter. :cheesy:  I think I'll fire up the tower use it to do some folding and whatever else I can get it to do for me. I love this laptop though I have my Guitar Workstation connected to it so I can upload my presets and do multi track recordings etc. I can't even tell its doing anything cause it never uses up more that 1/2 cpu power and maybe 40% ram when I am processing something. The tower though, I made sure I had  the least amount of stuff  running so I wouldn't have any Issues.

OH YA check this out its funny i was playing with the tweak stuff I figured I am changing my router anyway as long as I remember what I change and set it back when I get the new router no harm so check this out

I set TCP window Size to 1027840 global max the same and I set the Defaukt Send Window to 524280 :2funny::shocked:

I don't know why but my speed is way back up there lol. nothing like when I ran direct to modem but I am getting 12-14 Mbps download and 5-7Mbps upload consistantly never below bottom # and not above upper either.  :grin2: Before I played with it is was sometimes 6 Mbps down 0.3 Mbps up sometimes 10 Mbps down 2 Mbps up but mostly 5-6 Mbps down and 0.2-0.6 Mbps up. At least I can be online and do my mail and forums. I wouldn't try gaming or streaming vids or anything I needed concrete connection for .

I just thought that was really wierd. I never even expected it to work let alone work better, those # are way up there I was just taking a # and doubling it then again then again to see what happened I was totally shocked lol

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