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Im Going in. Yep its finally time to do the shopping for my Girlfriend. Its only the 21st of December. I wanted to wait a couple of more days, But the midwest is supposed to get nailed with major snow.

So I am going to walmart. Gonna hit it early. No Idea what I am gonna buy. Girlfriend is awake and laughing at me whining like a little Girl.

I hate christmas shopping. I Dont wanna go. I figured I would Whine a bit more before I left. If the store is crowded, I will shed a tear. Will spend hours walking around in a daze trying to figure out what to buy. If you don't see my post in saw 4 days or more, I am now living at walmart, Send your care packages to there. Man I DON"T WANNA GO........I offered cash. She said if I cared I would go buy something. I don't really care, But darn it, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


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I feel your pain...lol  But I would wait and go at like 1:00AM.....most Walmarts are open all night ...and there's a lot less people then....and don't ask me how I know that.... :2funny:

I dont know what walmarts you go to, but this time of year ive seen them busy up to 2 o'clock in the morning. Dont worry ninjageek im in the same boat. I haven't done any shopping yet, only due to working everyday for the fast 3 weeks lol

Talk about waiting till the last minute. I've got an idea for you guys, Next year ask her what she wants in July, then buy it in August that will give you a nice buffer. So then next year we don't have a topic with two bitching men 3 days before Christmas.

I'm so glad I don't have to buy for a Wife/GF this year, it really makes life so much easier.

Talk about waiting till the last minute. I've got an idea for you guys, Next year ask her what she wants in July, then buy it in August that will give you a nice buffer. So then next year we don't have a topic with two bitching men 3 days before Christmas.

I'm so glad I don't have to buy for a Wife/GF this year, it really makes life so much easier.

Im not really bitching. Did you get a divorce?

Im not really bitching. Did you get a divorce?

Yep, And its a longgggggggg story... Not quite finalized yet. Sometime next month it will be, then I'm a free man. :grin2: 

And this will be the first Christmas done my way. And so far its looking pretty good. it's an expensive one so far, but pretty good. My kids got a lot of toys that I have no idea where I'm going to stick.

The first one hurts the worst Dlewis.  :angry4:

Ninja, your being a wuss,  :binkybaby: do like coknuck said if it hurts that bad. I'd go for the online or mid summer too. Then lose it in the house somewhere.  :cool:

And stop in sporting goods first and pick up an assault rifle and ball bat, you'll do ok after that.  :knuppel2:  :ar15:

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