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Happy New Year to all TMN Members

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Guest jeffwalker9999

Happy --- New Year

to one and all


It has been a heck of a year for myself > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


June - I fell and broke right side hip - had to have 3 pins but into it in

Sept - my 34 y/o step child -women- committed suicide and killed her self

Oct - found out my non-hodgens lympthoma (cancer)

was back in my groan and under arms and neck

and had to go back onto chemo 3 times a week

( but is helping somewhat ) ( barf and puke )

Nov - fell again, dearranged my right knee and still messed up

and I had to have 4 pins but into my left hip   

I have not been on TMN like I was for awhile

due to medical, but know somewhat back on my laptop computer

and getting back to my old ways of Sinning In Sin City

( Las Vegas,Nv )


I mis yapping and talking and getting to help out others with pc issues and problems

-- but I am some what back - so watch out !


Again Best wishes to one and all - have a good new year


I am a survivor of both cancer and a stroke

still alive and above the ground

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I have a good feeling this one will be better than the last in many ways. Especially after the elections. In fact if you want anything from your politicians ask now. The do want that seat again.

Mostly I meant better in my life in general though.  :grin2:

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