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Just finished my 4 hour course.... :|

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Had to take one of thoes judge appointed online " Safe Driver Course "

I sware their the most boring things in the friggin world. But on the "final exam" there were a few perks me and some friends were discussing :)

That Jerk Casey: i dont think so

a n i f e i n d:  21. Motor vehicles must have______which can be heard from a distance of 200 feet.




a n i f e i n d: all of the above :o!!

a n i f e i n d: lmao

That Jerk Casey: lol

That Jerk Casey: too funny

a n i f e i n d:  25. Choose a_______bartender at parties.




a n i f e i n d: well duh... a drunk one

a n i f e i n d: sheesh they think im stoopid?

That Jerk Casey: lolololol

a n i f e i n d: 38. _______kills more people than you probably realize.

    Falling asleep behind the wheel


    Tire Blowout


a n i f e i n d: i think the anwsers clear here

That Jerk Casey: tire blowout or falling asleep behind the weel

That Jerk Casey: microsoft is pretty scary though

a n i f e i n d: :o!  you fail :(

a n i f e i n d: 7. What can we do to improve our course (you can write as much as you want. You are not limited to one line)

: Make the damn thing more entertaining...


bDoGsCr9758: :-

a n i f e i n d: this is the stupid shit i gotta put up with just for driving without headlights and creeping up on people at 90 then scaring them by putting on the blinker and passing them in pitch black =(  bastard judges

bDoGsCr9758: haha

a n i f e i n d: lol im going to hell. i cheated on this whole test..

bDoGsCr9758: how?

a n i f e i n d: i just coppied and pasted the whole 4 pages and did a scan ( control +f ) for the anwsers while goofing off for 4 hours lol

bDoGsCr9758: omg lol

So  cant say it was too bad, certinly not work 30 bucks for the laugh, but itll do ;)

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lol yeah, my license has been suspended since I was 16, lol it got taken 3 months after I had it :? When I do go to get it back I have to take an 8 hour reinstatement course, pay $1000.00 reinstatement fee, and carry an SR-22 bond. Let's just say I've been in a lot of driving trouble lol. I'm 18 now, (19 next month) and I've had 2 DUI's 3 Driving under suspensions, 2 wreckless op's, 2 Failure to control's, No lights, failure to stop, excessive speed, crossing double yellow line, squealing and pealing, umm, I don't even remember all the rest lol. I was very dumb there for a while, glad I wisened up once I had my first child.


lol yeah, my license has been suspended since I was 16, lol it got taken 3 months after I had it :? When I do go to get it back I have to take an 8 hour reinstatement course, pay $1000.00 reinstatement fee, and carry an SR-22 bond. Let's just say I've been in a lot of driving trouble lol. I'm 18 now, (19 next month) and I've had 2 DUI's 3 Driving under suspensions, 2 wreckless op's, 2 Failure to control's, No lights, failure to stop, excessive speed, crossing double yellow line, squealing and pealing, umm, I don't even remember all the rest lol. I was very dumb there for a while, glad I wisened up once I had my first child.


:haha:  i got my "restricted" license when i was 14, got arrested for doing basicaly the same crap as now, and couldnt get my "full" license 'till i turned 18

lol yeah, my license has been suspended since I was 16, lol it got taken 3 months after I had it :? When I do go to get it back I have to take an 8 hour reinstatement course, pay $1000.00 reinstatement fee, and carry an SR-22 bond. Let's just say I've been in a lot of driving trouble lol. I'm 18 now, (19 next month) and I've had 2 DUI's 3 Driving under suspensions, 2 wreckless op's, 2 Failure to control's, No lights, failure to stop, excessive speed, crossing double yellow line, squealing and pealing, umm, I don't even remember all the rest lol. I was very dumb there for a while, glad I wisened up once I had my first child.


Yep... Been there... done that. Won't happen again for sure.

Yep... Been there... done that. Won't happen again for sure.

:s  That i cant guarentee. Actualy i know i cant agree with that. I know ill be getting alot more then "driving classes" next time, but meh.. The things you do when your bored =*(

20 here

cant be asked to get a driving license

i can drive manual and automatic but just not needed in england when u got good transport system infrastructure behind you

not always good but it works for me

cable u missing an icon of a car or something with wheels

:haha:  Well I just got a ticket recently for flying, so I cant say anything ....L0L and I'm an old fart....... but I still do like to put the pedal to the metal .....sometimes....... I think when that stops I'll be ready to get planted.....but it pisses me off all the money they charge for these tickets.....they are the real thieves.....  :-P

8) Microwave

i had ticket going 130mph on the highway (in kansas) with my moms 97 mustang gt when i was 16. "BIG FINE" at 17 me and my boys got caught breaking in cars (i was the driver) and wreckless driving trying to escape. and to make it better we were ALL (4 of us) high (smokin weed and on acid) was in county jail for 1 day

Good old days

now im 24 living in suburb of chicago. and will NEVER do my bad thing

  • 1 year later...

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