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When I do speed test the results come back with this warning!

Warning: mysql_query(): Unable to save result set in /home/testmyn/public_html/results_d.php on line 694

Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/testmyn/public_html/results_d.php on line 695

Warning: Division by zero in /home/testmyn/public_html/results_d.php on line 708

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It knew it to compare against me??

Home / Database / Host Stats / Results

Your host is direcpc.com

Enter a domain ** Example: cox.net, sprint.net, verizon.net, comcast.net

(or uncheck 'Exact Match' box and just type the name ** Example: cox, sprint, verizon, comcast) Host ::  Exact Macth (faster)   

Or choose from one of these more major providers :::

----- CHOOSE A HOST TO COMPARE TO ----- adelphia.net alltel.net ameritech.net aol.com as9105.com attbi.com axelero.hu bellsouth.net bezeqint.net birch.net bredbandsbolaget.se bresnan.net btcentralplus.com buckeye-express.com cablecolor.hn cableone.net cablespeed.com cebridge.net centurytel.net cgocable.net charter-stl.com charter.com chartermi.net charterpipeline.net chartertn.net charterwv.net co.nz co.th co.uk com.au com.mx com.sg comcast.net covad.net cox-internet.com cox.net digitalpath.net direcpc.com direcpceu.com dokom.de dsl-verizon.net dslextreme.com elisa-laajakaista.fi eot.com execulink.com fastfreedom.net frontiernet.net grandenetworks.net gtec.net in-addr.arpa insightBB.com interbusiness.it jaring.my jtibs.net knology.net Level3.net mchsi.com microlnk.com midco.net mindspring.com mits.lv mts.net mydestiny.net myvzw.com nctv.com net.au net.br net.co net.gt net.il net.mx net.my net.sa netcabo.pt netins.net newskies.net ntl.com optonline.net pacbell.net personainc.net pldt.net proxad.net ptd.net qwest.net rcn.com rogers.com rr.com shabakah.net shawcable.net show-net.net sify.net sigecom.net siol.net skylogicnet.it spcsdns.net speakeasy.net sprint-hsd.net starband.net suscom-maine.net suscom.net swbell.net swiftpa.net sympatico.ca t-ipconnect.de tds.net tedata.net telia.com telus.net the-beach.net theplanet.com tiscali.com touchtelindia.net tpnet.pl verizon.net videotron.ca vista-express.com wideopenwest.com wight365.net ygnition.net zianet.com

Or Show Top 10 Hosts - Show Top 10 Members

Overall Diagnosis compared to :attbi.com

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Damn I hate problems like this, shows up perfect for me but not for you... hummmm

under host stats I pull attbi.com and got the same error, all other host pull fine.  This one may take me a while to figure out.

Well, sometimes I don't know what I do to fix a problem... but it's now fixed.  I dropped about 15 days of entries (old entries) about 180,000 scores.  Optimized the database to clear overhead... then made some changed to /etc/my.cnf (the mySQL config file) restarted mySQL and it works fine for me now... lemme know.

database queries on the scores DB are now faster also.....

Thanks for the support.

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Well ..that shows that all the data is there.. :haha:  If the compare and query code is different it could be a typo?? :whaa:

well that script always compares to whatever you query, whether it be your own host or another host... maybe I'm not understanding your question.

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OK..knowing what little I do about programming....(sh*t in sh*t out)...and having dealt only in machine language.....It would seem to me that three sub routines are required for attbi.com.

1 to send the users test results or query to the data base.

2 to pull a query of that data base.

3 to pull that data base and do a compare..

But ...maybe not.

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Everything is great now.  Thanks.

Your connection rating is:   

  [Test Home | Re-Test]

See our forum for speed tips

Your connection is: 4127 Kbps      (about 4.1 Mbps)

You downloaded at: 504 KB/s

Your TRuSPEED: ^info^ 4416 Kbps :: 539 KB/s (7% overhead factored)

Bottom Line: You are running: 74 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 2.03 second(s)

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 37.57 % faster than the average for host (attbi.com)

Results Comparison



    attbi.com (3000 Kbps)

    Typical Cable (1500 - 3000)

    Typical DSL (256 - 1500)

    Satellite (700)

      ISDN (64 - 128)

      Dial Up (28.8 - 56)

Note:Your speed should be within the blue for your connection type. If you score higher... SMILE!


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