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okay my parents decided to be stupid, and not trust me.

..im freakin 18.

......anyway, i was wondering if anybody knows how to get the "lock" off of certain channels for digital cable. No I don't watch porn, nor do i wish to. It's just annoying trying to watch movies and crap. So if anybody could help; this would be greatly appreciated.

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haha are you trying to access channels that you paid for or are you trying to get channels?  If you are trying to get channels then you are out of luck.. If you are trying to reset the password that your parents set to prevent you from view those channels there might be a way around that..

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they decided to set a password because i have friends over often, and they think they'll order bad movies and crap, which they wont cause my room is all wired up and they dont know what does what.

none the less, they set a pin number for certain channels -- showtime, hbo, etc...

surely there has to be a master password right?

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UMMMM have you tried turning off the cable box and unplugging it and then taking out that batteries of the remote?

If that doesn't work which it should you can always go to test mode on the box. You can find out how that is done by calling the cable provider or checking the manufacturers website.

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Yah, but you'll still have to fix it the way it was before you're folks get back. And if you don't know the password they set, you wouldn't be able to. So in that case, you're BUSTED. Aint worth it. Next time they leave you alone they'll have cable shut off.

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eh...thanks for all your help i convinced my mom into giving up the password.

...so lesson learned? set your password yourself so no one else can.

...funny thing was, i was thinking of doing it and was like nahh, not needed. but turns out i should of. anyway, i did now and thats that.

thanks for all the help

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