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Be patient with me, its been 3 years since I have had a solid connection, and before that it was only 6 meg DSL..

Just activated my 30/6 Comcast, which after a power cycle is averaging 23 down, 4 up. However, here on testmy I am only getting 4-8 down.

I know my connection to testmy.net shouldn't bother me, but it does..

Using a RCA by thomson DCM425, no router currently. Just ran TCP optimizer on my windows 7 installation. Same results using chrome and IE.

No changeable settings with this modem.

Using my onboard chipset, drivers up to date.


Comcasts speedtest, downloading from different websites all give me about 23 down.

Pings are averaging 30ms to most sites, testmy is averaging 60-80.

1 126 ms 17 ms 19 ms ----

2 8 ms 9 ms 8 ms te-4-2-ur02.battlecreek.mi.michigan.comcast.net


3 28 ms 23 ms 95 ms te-0-4-0-2-ar01.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net


4 36 ms 35 ms 47 ms he-4-4-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net


5 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms pos-1-0-0-0-pe01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net


6 24 ms 24 ms 25 ms xe-0-0-0.bbr01.eq01.chi01.networklayer.com [75.1


7 66 ms 58 ms * ae20.bbr01.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com [173.192.


8 75 ms 59 ms 57 ms po31.dsr01.dllstx3.networklayer.com [173.192.18.


9 56 ms 59 ms 56 ms te2-1.dsr01.dllstx2.networklayer.com [70.87.255.


10 62 ms 58 ms 60 ms a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com []

11 56 ms 57 ms 73 ms 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com [


Any tips? I'm pretty happy with 23/4, but who doesn't want to squeeze everything they can from they're connection :)

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Be patient with me, its been 3 years since I have had a solid connection, and before that it was only 6 meg DSL..

Just activated my 30/6 Comcast, which after a power cycle is averaging 23 down, 4 up. However, here on testmy I am only getting 4-8 down.

I know my connection to testmy.net shouldn't bother me, but it does..

Using a RCA by thomson DCM425, no router currently. Just ran TCP optimizer on my windows 7 installation. Same results using chrome and IE.

No changeable settings with this modem.

Using my onboard chipset, drivers up to date.


Comcasts speedtest, downloading from different websites all give me about 23 down.

Pings are averaging 30ms to most sites, testmy is averaging 60-80.

1 126 ms 17 ms 19 ms ----

2 8 ms 9 ms 8 ms te-4-2-ur02.battlecreek.mi.michigan.comcast.net


3 28 ms 23 ms 95 ms te-0-4-0-2-ar01.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net


4 36 ms 35 ms 47 ms he-4-4-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net


5 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms pos-1-0-0-0-pe01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net


6 24 ms 24 ms 25 ms xe-0-0-0.bbr01.eq01.chi01.networklayer.com [75.1


7 66 ms 58 ms * ae20.bbr01.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com [173.192.


8 75 ms 59 ms 57 ms po31.dsr01.dllstx3.networklayer.com [173.192.18.


9 56 ms 59 ms 56 ms te2-1.dsr01.dllstx2.networklayer.com [70.87.255.


10 62 ms 58 ms 60 ms a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com []

11 56 ms 57 ms 73 ms 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com [


Any tips? I'm pretty happy with 23/4, but who doesn't want to squeeze everything they can from they're connection :)

could be as simple as a problem with the route between you and the dallas server try testing from http://dc.testmy.net if your on the east coastish or http://west.testmy.net if your on the westcoastish if you are located in central US the default dallas server should be your server of choice but go ahead and try the others honestly i get near perfect results from all 3 servers even though one is 1500+ miles away from me

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is your network adapter set at half duplex 10Mbps max? go to control panel > network and sharing center > change adapter settings > right click your local area connection and hit properties > configure > advanced > speed or speed and duplex or duplex mode ( make sure its set to at least 100Mbit ) also in tcp optimizer make sure your MTU is set at 1500 thats is very importent

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Comcast doesn't want you to get here because the tests here show you the truth. Comcast has direct peering with TestMy.net's host. If your getting bad results a congested route may be to blame. Also TCP/IP settings like MTU are more apparent with my tests.

They don't want you to test here because TMN shows you the truth. Funny thing is, back prior to 2005 it was standard precedure for their call center reps to send people here to test... read the old forum posts here.. hundreds of people USED to tell us that. I'm in the same datacenter and my main server is at least 20X more powerful. The difference?... now they have an internally hosted test, within their network... that bypasses any major routing. Trust me, you may be able to get better speed downloading from some locations but I host where hundreds of thousands of major sites host.... if you get bad routing here then you have an issue elsewhere. ;-)

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Alright, Comcast rep got back with me. What happened was the deals changed when August rolled around, and he didn't pay attention to the new ones. The deal I was offered was Blast, 30/6 for $29.99 a month. The new deals for August was performance (20/4).

He said he would take care of it, and honor the deal I was offered. Speeds should be updated by Friday.

As for Comcast performance speeds, it has powerboost. Downloading through steam it goes to about 2.6 for a few seconds, and settles at 1.9.

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I dealt with that when I used timewarner, it only worked for relatively small files of a certain size. Took a second or two to calculate ( which means there snooping ) then fell off before the file was close to complete.

Before I left them , things were starting to improve a bit, but the connections were intermittent at best. With the constant hodge podging of there networks due to old equipment.

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Powerboost quotted speeds aren't your real speed but that doesn't mean that it sucks. Powerboost makes a nice difference with smaller downloads... all those seconds that are saved add up. For most people under normal surfing and downloading powerboost is awesome. I'd rather have powerboost than not have it.

Cable providers have always been pretty up front about it too.. it's not like it's a secret or a scam... and sometimes when they have extra available bandwidth it seems to kick in for longer too. It's like nitrous oxide for your Internet connection... it gives a big boost up front and can run out quickly..... but it can still help you win the race. ;-)

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Still the most I get on Testmy.net

Everywhere else i get 31/7 on my 30/6.

Steam is a steady 3.7 down.

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 21 ms 28 ms 29 ms

2 10 ms 28 ms 11 ms te-4-2-ur02.battlecreek.mi.michigan.comcast.net


3 28 ms 23 ms 23 ms te-0-4-0-2-ar01.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net


4 30 ms 59 ms 47 ms he-4-4-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net


5 28 ms 28 ms 86 ms pos-0-13-0-0-pe01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.ne

t []

6 62 ms 24 ms 27 ms xe-0-0-0.bbr01.eq01.chi01.networklayer.com [75.1


7 59 ms 83 ms 77 ms ae20.bbr01.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com [173.192.


8 73 ms 57 ms 137 ms po31.dsr01.dllstx3.networklayer.com [173.192.18.


9 77 ms 56 ms 64 ms te2-1.dsr01.dllstx2.networklayer.com [70.87.255.


10 75 ms 60 ms 101 ms a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com []

11 61 ms 60 ms 56 ms 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com [


Trace complete.

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you know this could be a hard drive issue, with the way this site seems to work i've even seen it pick up issues like that try running a benchmark on your HDD and see what sequential write speeds you can achieve typically a HDD can support speeds quite a bit higher then your internet connection but you never know o.O

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you know this could be a hard drive issue, with the way this site seems to work i've even seen it pick up issues like that try running a benchmark on your HDD and see what sequential write speeds you can achieve typically a HDD can support speeds quite a bit higher then your internet connection but you never know o.O

Very true, TMN has helped me spot things like that on various computers many times over the years. No other speed test seems to do that. ... I may have built it but it surprises me sometimes the issues it's able to passively detect. Something about the combined methods I use, to tell you the absolute truth... I don't know how it does it sometimes. lol. All I know is that it works.

e.g. I had a laptop that was on a 40 or 50 Mbps connection, it was a pretty fast laptop that should have been able to pull close to those speeds but I was stuck at like 12 Mbps. We swapped out the HDD with a SSD and retested... maxed out the connection. Same thing on my girlfriends 2006 Macbook, put in an SSD and the test results improved by 200+% --- you'd think that it was unrelated to the internet connection, but it is. TMN tests in a way that it's able to detect that... as well as many other issues that others simply don't see.

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you know this could be a hard drive issue, with the way this site seems to work i've even seen it pick up issues like that try running a benchmark on your HDD and see what sequential write speeds you can achieve typically a HDD can support speeds quite a bit higher then your internet connection but you never know o.O

I am getting the actual speeds I should be everywhere but Testmy.net.

Laptop also scored very low.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was having the same kind of problem until I changed the compound tcp setting to ctcp. Apparently it increases the TCP send window more aggressively for broadband connections. You must change it from an elevated command prompt (right click on command prompt icon in start menu, choose run as administrator) then type:

netsh interface tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp

Hit enter, close command prompt, and come here and see what if anything changed.

As always use at your own risk and make a restore point prior to attempting to out smart your computer

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Well as soon as I toss a suggestion out, there my speeds start to slow down. There might be something going on with Comcast or maybe a change on my end. The mystery continues..... :lost:

I see that you're mostly testing off the Seattle server, maybe their routing to that area of the country is having an issue. You were getting good speeds the other day but things can change in an instant. Lines can be cut or attacked forcing the provider to route around the issue... resulting in more congestion than normal along the good lines. There really are endless scenarios that can cause routing issues. Try also testing off the main server and DC server. Comparing results between the servers can help nail down that there is a routing issue and not a problem with your personal settings, router or modem. You should be able to have a variation of >~20% between the servers. For instance, if the Seattle server is closest to you and you get 10 Mbps you should still be able to pull at least ~8 Mbps to the main TX server... if it's worse than that your provider may have a routing issue alone the route to the server that you got the lowest scores on. ... in which case you can breath easier knowing that they'll most likely resolve it and it has nothing to do with your setup. :wink:

>~20% is a good place to start but keep in mind that what you're truly looking for is major, noticeable differences... if you're looking at exactly 20% difference there is a chance that's normal for your specific situation. There are a lot of variables in this. The best way to know for sure is to have baseline tests logged from all the servers on a regular basis. Then you can see the variation in comparison to your previous scores. Major deviations from the norm will obviously mean there is an issue. And if you see the deviation on all the servers... well... then you know it's not just routing, it's an issue closer to home. :wink:

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Here's some more food for thought. Did Comcast give you a DOCSIS 3.0 modem? 30Mbps/6Mbps has almost an indefinite requirement for a DOCSIS 3.0 modem especially due to the upstream and downstream requirements. 30Mbps is near the limit of most QAM265 systems per downstream channel. If they gave you a D2 modem, get it swapped for a D3. That should fix the slow speed issues you're seeing. At the lower packages, a DOCSIS 2.0 modem does work fine.

EDIT: Re-read the orignal post. That's a DOCSIS 2.0 modem. Also, from my own experience with the RCA/Thompson DCM425 units, those things are awful. It may just be the way Time Warner configures them or their firmware though! With my own experience, the RCA modem you have chokes at around 10Mbps, and often locks transfers at an unstable 8-12Mbps, and while it can do PowerBoost up to 30Mbps on 10-15Mbps profiles, it really struggles in real life transfers. I'm not quite sure how it performs in bridge mode though!

Edited by Smith6612
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  • 1 month later...


Look up me, 'daytrader', and check my speeds.

Just to let everyone know who might not already know... you can hover over member names and click "Test Results" to quickly pull stats on members you meet in the forums.


This link is also on the members profile.


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