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My net is all over the place...


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Speedtest.net is not a reliable test, it is java based for a start and uses multiple sites to pull data from.  Testmy.net only uses a single point for its data and does not use java.


What are you referring to when you say ping? you can't test ping using a speed test here.

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He's probably referring to speed test when you run a speed test on speed test.net it automatically checks ping one thing to keep in mind tho speed test.net typically used a server in your back yard aka the closest major city to you so of course you may not feel any route congestion issues that may be going on also I believe league has their servers for the U.S. On the west coast in la or San jose

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Time of day also matters, I noticed in your speed results you have been hitting 33Mbps high and low as 1Mbps, you're on cable, so I would call about congestion issues.  Trouble with cable is, you share a pipe with everyone for miles, when it gets loaded up, you slow down.

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Yeah it may simply be it's getting loaded up. I just wish I could do something about it. they said they have my modem on a probation period or something where they are monitoring it. For months though it had ran great all of the time now it's crap at certain times.

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As a side note, use a local traffic monitor program, to u=insure nothing else is hogging the bandwidth at the time of testing.


Everyones first reactions is always something to the effect of "my machine is clean - or there is nothing else going on" , I get it and feel the same way. However ther[e] is more going on at this moment than possibly any time in the last ten years, in terms of 'nasties'. So my feelings have nothing to do with it. Use a firewall, preferrably a stand alone appliance between the modem, and the network.

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It's basically 8:30 till 11:30 my net has a huge variance from 1.5 to 32 and makes me lag so bad in games like rubberband all around. Is it possible since they essentially doubled everyones speeds recently that they don't have enough bandwidth now? When I was capped around 15mb it was super steady but now that I am at 30 mb it's garbage during peak times.

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